Privatising Capital
The Commodification of Poland’s Welfare State
Table Of Contents
- Cover
- Title
- Copyright
- About the author(s)/editor(s)
- About the book
- This eBook can be cited
- Table of Contents
- List of Figures and Tables
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction
- The Welfare State and Public Capital
- Communism and the Shock Therapy Reforms
- The Second Transition and European Public Capital
- Labour Deactivation and Public Capital
- The Health Care Field
- The Education Field
- The Pension Field
- Social Opinions and the Politics of Public Capital
- Conclusions
- Bibliography
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Figure 1.1: The Functions of Public Capital
Figure 1.2: Crisis, Debt and Austerity
Figure 3.1: Government Income from Privatisations (bn PLN)
Figure 3.2: Government Income and Expenditure (% GDP)
Figure 3.3: Social Spending (% of total)
Figure 3.4: Public Debt 2002–2012 (% GDP)
Figure 3.5: Local Government Debt (bn Euro)
Figure 4.1: Poverty Rates 2000–2011
Figure 6.1: Number of Students in Higher Education
Figure 6.2: Unemployment Rate According to Educational Attainment 2011–2012
Figure 7.1: Public Debt 1999–2011 With and Without Private Pension Transfers
Figure 7.2: Effective Retirement Age
Table 1.1: Government Finance Figures of Eurozone Countries 1999–2010
Table 3.2: Top statutory income tax rates and standard VAT rates (%)
Table 3.3: Personal Income Tax Rates in Poland (%)
Table 3.4: Corporation Income Tax Rates in Poland (%)
Table 4.1: Employment, Activity and Unemployment Rates by Gender
Table 4.2: Size and Use of Selected Public Services (1990–2010)
Table 4.3: Share of Employment and Salaries for Selected Occupations (%)
Table 5.1: Health System During Communism (in thousands)
Table 5.2: Hospitals in Poland 1990–2011
Table 5.3: Health Care Expenditure 1990–2010
Table 5.4: Percentage of Households Using Different Health Services
Table 5.5: Percentage of households that have resigned from medical treatment due to a lack of funds
Table 5.6: Health Care Professionals in Poland 1990–2011
Table 6.1: Number of Higher Education Institutions 1989/90 to 2010/11
Table 6.2: Number of Schools
Table 6.3: Number of Pre-Schools
Table 6.4: Number of Education Institutions ← 9 | 10 →
Table 6.5: Number of Teachers
Table 6.6: Number of Public and Non-Public Higher Education Institutions
Table 7.1: Poland’s Three Pillar Pension System
Table 7.2: Effect of the 1999 Pension Reform on Public Debt
Table 8.1: Etatism and Neo-Liberalism
Table 8.2: Attitudes towards Privatisation: Do you think the following should be privately or state-owned?
Table 8.3: Regression Analysis of Attitudes Towards Privatisation
Table 8.4: Attitudes towards government intervention in the economy. Do you believe the state should
Table 8.5: Attitudes to government intervention on social issues. Should the government
Table 8.6: Regression analysis of government intervention on economic issues
Table 8.7: Regression analysis of government intervention on social issues
Table 8.8: Social advantages of state companies. Do you think that state or private companies are better regarding
Table 8.9: Economic advantages of state companies. Do you think that state or private companies are better regarding
Table 8.10: Regression Analysis of Economic Advantages of Private / state Companies
Table 8.11: Regression Analysis of Social Advantages of State / private Companies
Table 8.12: The Commercialisation of public services
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I would like to thank Kozminski University for their support in the publication of this book. In particular I am grateful to Professor Witold Morawski for the time he spent reading and commenting on the manuscript. The opinion poll data used in the book is from a research project carried out by a team at Kozminski University into economic attitudes in Poland after the economic crisis. I would like to particularly thank Professor Krzysztof Zagórski for coordinating this project and Katarzyna Piotrowska for assisting in the statistical analysis of the data. I am also indebted to my friend Kevin Hadley who meticulously checked a draft of the book, giving a number of useful comments and suggestions. Finally I would like to give a special mention to my greatest inspiration, my daughter Amelia.
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- Pages
- 202
- Publication Year
- 2015
- 9783653051308
- 9783653976113
- 9783653976120
- ISBN (Hardcover)
- 9783631657324
- 10.3726/978-3-653-05130-8
- Language
- English
- Publication date
- 2015 (April)
- Keywords
- Kommerzialisierung Privatisierung Öffentlicher Sektor Wohlfahrtsstaat
- Published
- Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2015. 202 pp., 33 tables, 12 graphs
- Product Safety
- Peter Lang Group AG