
Interdisciplinarity and Languages

Current Issues in Research, Teaching, Professional Applications and ICT

by Francisca Antonia Suau Jiménez (Volume editor) Barry Pennock Speck (Volume editor)
©2011 Edited Collection XVI, 218 Pages


This volume offers a state-of-the-art view of research into interdisciplinarity, language and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by providing an overview of teaching proposals within a university context. Interdisciplinarity is understood here as how language expresses the discourse and lexis of specialised knowledge in science, technology and the professions. Language helps in the creation of these different fields and constitutes a strategic tool that, if harnessed correctly, will facilitate competitiveness on an international level in order to boost technological, scientific, economic and educational growth. Interdisciplinarity, language and ICTs should be taken into account to address the real needs of industry, commerce and translation in educational institutions and the professions.
The contributions in this volume address themes that are crucial to the demands of modern society: intercultural business communications, one of the most challenging areas of specialised discourse and commerce; ICT and specialised translation, a current issue of the utmost relevance; terminology applied to translation; language acquisition in virtual environments; training interpreters through ICT; exploring the commercial needs of language industries; corpus-based research and ICT applications in specialised dictionaries; university e-learning courses; and the state of research on specialised languages in Latin America.


XVI, 218
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2011 (August)
ICT and specialized translation interdisciplinarity, language and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) real needs of industry, commerce, translation and language in educational institutions and the professions
Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, 2011. XVI, 218 pp., num. ill., tables and graphs

Biographical notes

Francisca Antonia Suau Jiménez (Volume editor) Barry Pennock Speck (Volume editor)

Francisca Suau-Jiménez is Senior Lecturer in English Language and Linguistics at the Universitat de València, Spain, as well as director of the Instituto Interuniversitario de Lenguas Modernas Aplicadas (IULMA) at the same university. Barry Pennock-Speck is Senior Lecturer in English Language and Linguistics in the Instituto Interuniversitario de Lenguas Modernas Aplicadas (IULMA) at the Universitat de València, Spain, and the co-ordinator of ICT and languages at IULMA.


Title: Interdisciplinarity and Languages