Contemporary Studies in Descriptive Linguistics
This series provides an outlet for academic monographs which offer a recent and original contribution to linguistics and which are within the descriptive tradition.
While the monographs demonstrate their debt to contemporary linguistic thought, the series does not impose limitations in terms of methodology or genre, and does not support a particular linguistic school. Rather the series welcomes new and innovative research that contributes to furthering the understanding of the description of language.
The topics of the monographs are scholarly and represent the cutting edge for their particular fields, but are also accessible to researchers outside the specific disciplines.
Contemporary Studies in Descriptive Linguistics is based at the School of English, University of St Andrews.
The Literary and Cultural Stylistics subseries aims to explore the intersection of descriptive linguistics with the disciplines of literature and culture. The techniques of stylistic analysis offer a way of approaching texts both literary and non-literary as well as all forms of cultural communication. The subseries offers a home for this research, where literary criticism meets linguistics and where cultural studies meets communication. It welcomes a wide range of data sets and methodologies, with the intention that every book in the subseries makes a new contribution to the disciplines that support them.
Analytical Comparative Etymological Dictionary of Reduplication in the Major Languages of the Middle East and Iran
Volume 55©2023 Monographs 1070 Pages -
How adjectival can a participle be?
Subsective Gradience in English 2nd ParticiplesVolume 51©2022 Monographs 422 Pages -
Historical Lacunae and Poetic Space
A Creative Approach to Old Norse Poetry and PoeticsVolume 50©2022 Monographs 604 Pages -
Methodological Considerations in Morphological Processing Research
Volume 49©2022 Monographs 258 Pages -
Digital Communication, Linguistic Diversity and Education
Volume 47©2020 Edited Collection 222 Pages