
CIUTI-Forum 2013

Facing the World’s New Challenges. The Role of T & I in Providing Integrated Efficient and Sustainable Solutions

by Martin Forstner (Volume editor) Nikolai K. Garbovskiy (Volume editor) Hannelore Lee-Jahnke (Volume editor)
©2014 Conference proceedings XII, 329 Pages


The proceedings of the CIUTI FORUM 2013 outline in five chapters the different perspectives of sustainable language policies, role of translators and interpreters and the challenges they face on the globalized market. Such as new global partnerships between Universities and Organizations and transcultural negociations with a special case study of US-Latinos.
A special section of this book is dedicated to training and research issues, which have to handle the difficult task of preparing students for the globalized and changing market on the one hand, and showing research directions permitting new approaches to highly sustainable training methods and curriculum development. On the other hand, the delicate question is raised whether multilingualism in language training is a drawback for translation didacts.
This book contains contributions in English, French and German.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the Editors
  • About the Book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Welcoming Speeches
  • Welcome Remarks: Yves Flueckiger
  • Facing the World’s New Challenges – The role of T & I in providing integrated, efficient and sustainable solutions: Renate Dockhorn
  • Comprehensive Communication Solutions of the European Union
  • Interpretation as a Policy Issue in the EU: Marco Benedetti
  • The Politics of Translation in the European Union Institutions: Considerations and Questions: Rytis Martikonis
  • Abstract
  • What is political in EU translation?
  • The equal value of all EU official languages
  • The costs and benefits of EU translation
  • Mainstreaming translation in other EU policies
  • Language policy for public consultations and multilingualism on the web
  • What is the nature of EU translation?
  • Translating for the European Parliament: Janet Pitt
  • Abstract
  • The context
  • The tools
  • Editing
  • Le Multilinguisme – un droit démocratique: Juan Carlos Jimenez Marin
  • Le Parlement européen et le Multilinguisme
  • Principes essentiels du «Resource-efficient full Multilingualism»
  • Conclusion
  • The Role of Drivers & Promoters: Economy and Industry-specific Translation Services
  • Crise financière Européenne: une crise de gouvernance: Jean-Pierre Roth
  • Les années 2000, une décennie perdue pour l’Europe
  • Où en est-elle aujourd’hui?
  • Une crise de gouvernance
  • Global Networking as a Means of Effective Cooperation in the 21st Century Networking or building bridges? A chance to go back to the roots of translation: Christine Kamer Diehl
  • Abstract
  • “I turned off my mobile phone five years ago and have enjoyed the peace ever since.”
  • Conclusion
  • The Global Translation Village Impact of Networking and Web Technologies on the Translation Profession: François Massion
  • References
  • L’indispensable passé pour comprendre l’avenir: Geneviève Auroi Jaggi
  • Le musée
  • Le musée mobile
  • La bibliothèque
  • La formation et la recherche
  • De nouveaux rôles pour les traducteurs
  • How to Manage Success or the Challenges of Globalization & Connectivity
  • Negotiation between Academic Training and Translation Industry An Empirical Study on T & I Training in Chinese Institutions: Wen Zhang / Wei Cheng
  • Abstract
  • Research Background
  • The Distribution of MTI Programs in Chinese Mainland
  • Education Objectives and Program Features
  • Enrollment
  • Nature of Teaching
  • Curriculum Design
  • Training Mode
  • Textbooks
  • Teaching staff
  • Internship
  • Employment
  • Facilities for T & I Teaching
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • The Role of the Russian Language today: Global Geopolitical Factors and Regional Trends in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS): Sergey Goncharov
  • The Changing Motivation of Interpreting Learners at the Graduate Level A longitudinal survey on the interpreting learning motivation of GSTI students in BFSU: Wei Lin
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Motivation and Interpreting Learning
  • Surveys
  • Participants
  • The Instrument
  • Procedure
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Türkiye: A Connection Hub between different Cultures and Languages: Ayfer Altay
  • Türkiye is a connection hub
  • Translator Training in Türkiye
  • Department of Translation and Interpreting at Hacettepe University
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Effective Cross Cultural Communication: Shaping the Future
  • The Changing Landscape of Partnership Relations: Creating new Global Partnerships with Universities and Organisations in Uzbekistan: Alex Krouglov
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Steps in Developing ‘Transformational’ Partnerships
  • Objectives of the QAPD project
  • First steps of the project: challenges and achievements
  • Conclusions
  • References
  • Transcultural Negotiations: The Case of US-Latinos: Yvette Sánchez
  • Abstract
  • Bibliography
  • Rethinking Multilingualism: Wolfgang Mackiewicz
  • A new view of societal and individual multilingualism
  • Multilingualism in pre-tertiary education and training
  • Informal and non-formal language learning
  • Languages in and for higher education
  • Language mediation
  • Iceland’s Challenges in a Multilingual Europe: Gauti Kristmannsson
  • Bibliography
  • Made in CIUTI, Made for the Future: Training & Interdisciplinary Research
  • Lust verkürzt den Weg: Shakespeare und die Ausbildung im Dolmetschen: Dörte Andres
  • Bibliografie
  • Der multilinguale Habitus in der Fremdsprachendidaktik – ein Nachteil für die Translatorenausbildung?: Martin Forstner
  • Inhalte der Ausbildung
  • Die Erwartungen des Berufsfeldes
  • Anforderungen an die Studienanfänger
  • Die Auswirkungen der europäischen Multilingualismusprogramme
  • Mehr Europatauglichkeit durch eine Vereinigte Bildung?
  • Die Wende zum kommunikativen Vorrang im Fremdsprachenunterricht
  • Auswirkungen auf die Fremdsprachenerwerbsdidaktik
  • Auswirkungen auf den Fremdsprachenunterricht
  • Ergebnis
  • Bibliographie
  • Facing New Challenges: Updating the Training Curriculum: Marcel Thelen
  • Introduction
  • The basics: competences to be trained/mastered
  • The EMT competences
  • The EN 15038 competences
  • The competences of the Maastricht School of Translation and Interpreting
  • National set of competences for translation for BA training programmes in The Netherlands
  • Discussion
  • Accommodating service provision competence; entrepreneurial competence and inter-personal/social competence in the curriculum. The Maastricht experience
  • Internships / placements
  • In-house simulated translation bureau
  • Guest lectures/workshops by external professionals and experts
  • Active contribution by external professionals and experts to study materials
  • Joint assessments by lecturers and external professionals and experts
  • Contributions by external professionals and experts to the “fundamental” competences
  • Can all this be squeezed into an MA programme?
  • Epilogue
  • References
  • Multilinguisme, traduction et Printemps Arabe: Henri Awaiss
  • Prises de vue: questionnements
  • Mono, bi, multi (lugha, lughatan, lughat)
  • La khalta
  • Passage obligé: la traduction
  • Cadeau de retour: printemps des langues
  • Bibliographie
  • Present and Future Translation and Interpreting Training in Central Asia and Russia: Olga Egorova
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Historical background and present state of things
  • International recognition
  • Belarus
  • Kazakhstan
  • Tajikistan
  • Uzbekistan
  • New technologies to provide for the bright T & I future of Central Asia
  • Bibliographical references
  • Training a New T & I-Generation: Eco-Social Approach in the MSLU Environment: Innara Guseynova
  • References
  • An online Computer-Aided Translator Training Platform and related Research: Jingsong Yu
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Overview of CATTP
  • Course Management System
  • Resources sharing with access control
  • Online Translation Assignment Workbench
  • Online Interpretation Assignment Workbench
  • Corpus-based translation studies and didactics
  • Application of CATTP
  • Discussion
  • Le multilinguisme à l’ONU à l’heure des restrictions budgétaires: Marie-Josée de Saint Robert
  • L’application scrupuleuse des mandats et le respect des procédures
  • Une définition très stricte de ce qui est traduit et de ce qui ne l’est pas
  • L’encadrement des délais
  • La réduction du nombre et du volume de documents à traiter
  • Le renforcement de l’édition des documents avant la traduction
  • La recherche de la diminution du coût unitaire de la traduction
  • Le renforcement de la concertation
  • Bibliographie
  • Auteurs


The main endeavor of the CIUTI FORUM 2013 was to underline in five sections the tasks and changing challenges for translators and interpreters to provide integrated, efficient and sustainable solutions.

After the Welcoming Speeches, Section One Comprehensive Communication Solutions of the European Union drew a broad picture of interpretation as a main policy issue in the European Union in which Marco Benedetti underlined the importance of external relations, including enlargement of cooperations with dif­ferent regions of the world, such as MERCOSUR and ASEAN, but also the Russian Federation.

From the translation side, Rytis Martikonis stressed that transla­tion is being regarded as a basic human right and as a public good and has to be respected as such. Also Juan Carlos Jimenez Marin drew a picture of multilingualism as being a fundamental right for democracy. From the side of the European Parliament, Janet Pitt stressed the high motivation of skilled translators to produce adequate translations for the world every single day.

In Section Two The Role of Drivers & Promoters: Economy and Industry-specific Translation Services Jean-Pierre Roth, former Director-General of the central bank of Switzerland, did show the European Financial crises analyzed as a crisis of governance rather than of pure financial issues.

From the market-side, Christine Kamer Diehl and François Mas­sion showed that global networking is a means of effective coopera­tion and has a strong impact on web technologies and the trans­lation profession as a whole. This picture was rounded up by Geneviève Auroi Jaggi, stressing the importance of our history in order to better understand and cope with the future. ← IX | X →

Section Three How to Manage Success or the Challenges of Globalization & Connectivity dealt with academic training, and translation industry in China (Wen Zhang / Wei Cheng, Wei Lin), Russia (Sergey Goncharov) and Turkey (Ayfer Altay), whereby the latter drew a clear picture of Turkey being the connecting hub between cultures and languages.

Section Four Effective Cross-cultural Communication: Shaping the Future highlighted the changing landscape of partnership relations between universities and organizations in Uzbekistan (Alex Krouglov), transcultural negotiations (Yvette Sanchez), and showed again that there ought to be a rethinking of Multilingualism (Wolf­gang Mackiewicz). Some countries, such as Iceland seem to manage the challenges of the multilingual Europe with great mastery (Gaudi Kristmannsson).

Section Five Made in CIUTI, Made for the Future, Training & Interdisciplinary Research, was mainly dedicated to research, training and didactical issues on cognitive and methodological levels (Dörte Andres, Martin Forstner, Henri Awaiss, Olga Egorova, Innara Guseynova, Jingsong YU and Marie-Josée de Saint Robert), not to forget the need of updating our training curricula (Marcel Thelen).

Again we would like to herewith thank the authors of having allowed us to present to the audience a brought picture covering Europe, Asia and America. Contributions in English, French and German with extensive bibliographies should permit researchers and trainers to get an in-depth knowledge of the different issues addressed.

All this would not have been possible without the generous sponsorship of: the United Nations; the University of Geneva, its Rectorate and the LL-Training department with its director, Geneviève Auroi Jaggi; Bernard Morard, Dean SES, University of Geneva; D.O.G. and its director Dr. François Massion; CLS, Zurich, and its CEO Doris Albisser; William Devine, CEO of Devine Interventions; ASTTI and its President, Nicole Carnal, SDL; the BDÜ, and ← X | XI → its President Andre Lindemann and Vice-President Wolfram Baur, and last, but certainly not least, the government of Geneva.

A very special thank you goes to two persons who have been all the long very supportive – Daniela Dönges, co-organizer, and Alexan­der Drechsel, webmaster of CIUTI. We would also express our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to all those sponsors who did not want to be mentioned and sincerely hope that the outcome of the CIUTI FORUM 2013 and of this book is to their satisfaction.

Martin Forstner Hannelore Lee-Jahnke Nikolay Garbovskiy ← xi | xii → ← xii | 1 →

Welcoming Speeches

← 1 | 2 → ← 2 | 3 →

Welcome Remarks


On behalf of the University of Geneva, I would like first of all to extend a very warm welcome to all participants of the CIUTI Forum, this international conference showing the Role of Translation and Interpretation in Providing Integrated Efficient and Sustainable Solutions.

I would also like to warmly thank the United Nations Office at Geneva and its Director General, Mr. Tokayev, recently nominated Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Geneva, for hosting this conference. This event as all the other initiatives we are developing with UNOG is a key step in the process of the cooperation between UNOG and the University of Geneva in a longstanding and mutually beneficial relationship.

It is a great pleasure and honour for me to talk before this assembly. Our University is very proud to host this important Conference and I really wish to thank you very much for finding the time to come to Geneva to share with us this very special moment in the life of the CIUTI Forum which celebrates this year its tenth anniversary.

The CIUTI Forum, initiated in 2003, by my colleague Hannelore LEE-JAHNKE and Professor Martin FORSTNER from the University of Mainz, has become an important event not only for our university, but also for Geneva. The very fact that it attracts more and more participants from all over the world, is certainly due to the high level quality of the participants, and last but not least to the inborn enthusiasm and rare international network of its initiators.

CIUTI is the world’s oldest and most prestigious international association of university institutes with translation and interpretation programmes. Devoted to excellence in T & I training and research, ← 3 | 4 → being a member of the CIUTI family is both a rewarding status and a continuous challenge in the light of changing market needs and ongoing research.

This conference is an occasion for celebration but also, more importantly perhaps, for reflexion on our mission in the world of the twenty-first century. In this context, I strongly believe that the University of Geneva has an important role to play as a comprehensive university with humanistic values and proven excellence in research in a variety of fields of science, and also as part of a City that has come to occupy a unique place on our planet for international dialogue, negotiations and humanitarian issues.

I am convinced that this meeting provides a unique context for such discussions. Indeed, the CIUTI Forum, as a meeting point for researchers and teachers of so many countries in the World, is a forum we can use to reflect not only the challenges of our Universities, but also of providing assistance to help that the world of today and tomorrow becomes a better place, for ourselves and for our children.

In today’s world, the majority of human activities are related to the accumulation of knowledge. In all sectors of our society, the part played by intellectual capital is consistently growing. This knowledge, its global administration and the means to share it with all the members of the international community are a crucial part of a sustainable economic, social and technological development.

Indeed our University takes pride in the fact that it gives itself and all its researchers who regularly make exciting advances in a variety of scientific fields, the means to share this knowledge with society.

Finally, I would like to thank all participants of this Conference. During the next two days, you will have the opportunity of receiving a more in-depth knowledge of the role of T & I in a changing world and its importance as an instrument that contributes to the creation of a more peaceful, democratic and prosperous world. This high-quality programme covers all large areas of this challenge and the contributions will be delivered by prominent experts ← 4 | 5 → from Universities as well as governmental and non-governmental institutions.

I am sure you will contribute to its success through an active participation in the discussions that follow all the talks given during this conference. I wish you a very fruitful conference and an enjoyable stay in Geneva. I certainly hope that we will be able to welcome some of you again in a close future. ← 5 | 6 → ← 6 | 7 →

Facing the World’s New Challenges – The role of T & I in providing integrated, efficient and sustainable solutions


On behalf of the President of the BDÜ, Germany’s Association of Professional Interpreters and Translators, I am very pleased to have the honour of addressing you and all the participants in the CIUTI Forum here today. My name is Renate Dockhorn – within the BDÜ I am special adviser to the Federal Executive Committee responsible for training and professional development.

Three years ago the BDÜ was invited to become an associated member of CIUTI, and we were very delighted to accept. It has been a most valuable experience for us, as we have many shared interests. Among them also the theme of this year’s CIUTI Forum, which is a highly topical issue in the BDÜ, too.

As a professional association, in which roughly 90 percent of the members are freelance interpreters or translators and over 5 percent are in salaried positions, we are of course directly affected by the new, major challenges facing the profession. Indeed many of these challenges have the potential to threaten our livelihood. Each and every one of our members is called upon to find practicable solutions and responses to these important issues in their day-to-day work. Yet the need to meet ever tighter deadlines, to manage an avalanche of information and to handle the sheer volume of work – all pressures which business and industry places upon its service providers – often leaves precious little room to pause and reflect. Many then look to their association for support in finding workable solutions. Calls grow louder to introduce some kind of protection for our professional status and for the language services ← 7 | 8 → market, despite – or maybe because of – globalisation and an ever more interconnected world.

In a situation like this, we are very fortunate in the BDÜ to have access to the international academic world. And although it, too, is facing the economic challenges of today, the universities can look at the bigger picture in their research and teaching activities, one step removed from the day-to-day problems of the freelance operators, who make up the majority of interpreters and translators, especially in Germany. This bird’s eye perspective brings benefits to our association in two ways. On the one hand, discussion platforms like this, and like the BDÜ congress in September 2012, can focus on the key issues and point out possible solutions. On the other, the many young members – often joining straight after graduation – take an active part in the association’s activities, engaging with the old hands, as it were, and contributing lots of new ideas and suggestions. It is a win-win situation which all find enriching.

In this spirit, I hope we all have lots of interesting and productive discussions in the CIUTI Forum. I look forward to hearing your views, to listening and learning, and to reporting back to my colleagues in the national and regional executive committees and to our membership. ← 8 | 9 →


XII, 329
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2014 (February)
curriculum development multilingualism globalized market
Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2013. 329 pp.
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Martin Forstner (Volume editor) Nikolai K. Garbovskiy (Volume editor) Hannelore Lee-Jahnke (Volume editor)

Martin Forstner is Professor (Dr.phil.habil.) at the Fachbereich Translations-, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz. From 1996 to 2006 he was President of CIUTI, since 2006 he is Secretary General of CIUTI. Nikolay Garbovsky is the founder and director of the Higher School of Translation and Interpretation, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Honorable Professor, laureate of the Lomonosov Prize for pedagogical activity (2004), Vice-President of CIUTI. He graduated from the Military University of Foreign Languages and received his Higher Doctorate Degree in Philology. An interpreter, a translator and a translator trainer, he has also published over 130 articles and 5 books. His main research areas are translation theory, methodology and didactics. He is also editor-in-chief of the «Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 22. Science of Translation». Hannelore Lee-Jahnke is Professor (Dr. phil.) at the University of Geneva. From 2003 to 2006 she was Vice-President of CIUTI and from 2006 to 2012 President of CIUTI. Since 2012 she is Honorary President of CIUTI.


Title: CIUTI-Forum 2013