Part I of the present volume contains the fragment of Braswell’s planned study, A Contribution to the History of Pindaric Scholarship. Using the example of Nemean Nine, Braswell traces the history of Pindar interpretation from Antiquity to the end of the 16th century. The source texts for his exegesis appear as an appendix to the study.
Part II contains the completed fragment of A Commentary on Pindar Nemean Ten. Alongside the original text and translation of the first two triads of this ode, this section includes a detailed verse-by-verse commentary and the text and translation of the relevant scholia. The commentary on the first triad is supplemented by an extensive appendix on the Argive legends and monuments reported by Pausanias. In brief introductions, the editor recounts the origins of the manuscripts and their preparation for print.
Table Of Contents
- Cover
- Title
- Copyright
- About the Editor
- About the Book
- This eBook can be Cited
- Table of Contents
- Foreword
- Part I: A Contribution to the History of Pindaric Scholarship The Study and Interpretation of Nemean Nine from Antiquity to the End of the Eighteenth Century
- Preface
- The Study and Interpretation of Nemean Nine
- 1. The Scholia Vetera
- 1.1 Didymos of Alexandria
- 1.2 The Anonymous Scholia
- 1.3 The Ancient Metrical Scholia
- 2. From Alexandria to Byzantium
- 3. Demetrios Triklinios
- 4. From Thessalonike to Venice
- 5. The editio Aldina (1513)
- 6. The editio Romana (1515)
- 7. The praefatio of Stefano Negri (1521)
- 8. Over the Alps
- 9. The editio Basileensis (1526)
- 10. The interpretatio Loniceri (1528)
- 11. The enarrationes Loniceri (1535)
- 12. The editio Brubacchii (1542)
- 13. The Aristologia Pindarica of Michael Neander (1556)
- 14. The editio Moreliana (1558)
- 15. The interpretatio Philippi (1558)
- 16. The editio prima Stephani (1560)
- 17. The interpretatio and commentarius in Nemea Sudorii (1582)
- 18. The commentarii Francisci Porti (1583)
- 19. The editio tertia Stephani (1586)
- 20. The commentarii Aretii (1587)
- *Appendix: Documents for the Study and Interpretation of Nemean Nine
- 1. The Scholia Vetera on Nemean Nine
- 2. The Vita Pindari of the Souda
- 3. The Vita Thomana
- 4. The recensio Tricliniana
- 5. The editio Aldina
- 6. The editio Romana
- 7. The praefatio of Stefano Negri
- 8. The first epistola of Huldrych Zwingli (editio Basileensis)
- 9. The interpretatio Loniceri
- 10. The enarrationes Loniceri
- 11. The Aristologia of Michael Neander
- 12. The interpretatio Philippi
- Bibliography
- Part II: A Commentary on Pindar Nemean Ten with an Appendix: Pausanias on the Argive Legends and Monuments
- Testimonia
- Synopsis of Readings
- Conspectus Siglorum
- Text and Translation of Nemean Ten (vv. 1–36)
- Commentary
- 1–18. Catalogue of Argive Legends
- 19–36. Praise of the Victor and his Ancestors
- Text and Translation of the Scholia Vetera on Nemean Ten (vv. 1–36)
- Appendix: Pausanias on the Argive Legends and Monuments
- Bibliography
- Series Index
When B. K. Braswell died of complications from an emergency operation in September 2013 during a summer visit to the Ozarks (NW Arkansas, USA), he left behind two manuscripts he had been working on in the last days before he was brought to the hospital. We only have fragments of the two books he planned to publish, a history of research on Pindar and a commentary on the Tenth Nemean, but they are extensive, complete sections. Braswell often worked on several projects simultaneously, finishing them according to current scholarly interest in the subject or his own personal inspiration. He thus had prioritized the unfinished study A Contribution to the History of Pindaric Scholarship; it indeed was thematically connected to his previously published monograph on Didymos of Alexandria and his ancient commentary on Pindar (2013). Yet Braswell also valued the methodological variety that the other project, A Commentary on Pindar Nemean Ten, offered him, especially the work on the historical-archaeological evidence for the Argive foundation legend.
It is thanks to Dr. Arlette Neumann-Hartmann that Braswell’s last contributions are now accessible to the community of Pindar scholars. Intimately familiar with the material from her own scholarly work, after critically examining Braswell’s papers, she found that the originality and innovative methodological approach of the two manuscript fragments more than justified their publication. With diligence, she personally oversaw the task of preparing the text for print, which required her to add some supplements to the text and to harmonize formal aspects throughout. I am sincerely grateful to her, also on behalf of the deceased. Dr. Tanja Ruben lent her energetic support to editorial tasks, and our colleague Dr. David Amherdt took the trouble to cast a critical eye over the neo-Latin texts in the source appendix. The extensive proofreading of the manuscript was undertaken with patience and dedication by Céline Leuenberger, Didier Clerc, and Didier Follin, who are assistants to the Chair for Classical Philology. I am happy to give them all my sincere thanks. ← 7 | 8 →
It is my pleasure to thank the “Fonds für Altertumswissenschaft, Zürich” and the “Institut für Antike und Byzanz” of our own university for subsidizing the printing costs. We consider the publication of Two Studies on Pindar in the volumes of “Sapheneia” as a posthumous homage to the cofounder of the series and long-time friend of Classical Philology in Fribourg.
A Contribution to the History of Pindaric Scholarship
The Study and Interpretation of Nemean Nine from Antiquity to the End of the Eighteenth Century ← 9 | 10 → ← 10 | 11 →
Editor’s Note
A history of Pindaric scholarship was a long-term project of Bruce Karl Braswell. As explained in the preface to this study (v. pp. 15f. below), it arose from his Commentary on Pindar Nemean Nine, published in 1998, where a full account of the history of interpretation of Nemean Nine would have been beyond the scope of the book.
Initially, Braswell envisaged publishing the results of his study in two volumes: one volume on the history of Pindaric scholarship from antiquity to the twentieth century and another consisting of a collection of texts, with translation and commentary, that are particularly important for the study and interpretation of Nemean Nine in the history of Pindaric scholarship. In March 1996 he submitted the project to the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) which subsidized it from 1997 to 2000. At that time he had already been working on the subject for three years and had written a draft of chapters 1 to 11 (“The Scholia Vetera” to “The enarrationes Loniceri”). Thanks to the support of the SNSF, he was able to employ Dr. Simonetta Marchitelli to collect the necessary material and to transcribe and translate the Latin texts intended for the second volume.
Several years later, however, Braswell decided to limit his history of Pindaric scholarship to the period from antiquity to the end of the eighteenth century. A sketch of the history of Pindaric scholarship and the interpretation of Nemean Nine since Boeckh already existed, as Braswell explains in his preface (v. pp. 15f. below). The last version of the manuscript we have ends at the beginning of chapter 20 where Braswell discusses Benedictus Aretius’ commentary on Pindar (1587). Apart from chapter 17, which breaks off after a short discussion of Le Sueur’s translation of the first strophe of Nemean Nine, the manuscript appears finished and ready for press. As for the rest of the book, the original table of contents reveals the subjects Braswell intended to discuss:
21.The editio Raphelengi (1590)
22.The editio Aemilii Porti (1598)
23.The editio Pauli Stephani (1599) ← 11 | 12 →
24.The Pindaricum Lexicum of Emilius Portus (1606)
25.The editio Lectii (1614)
26.The editio Erasmi Schmidii (1616)
27.The editio Benedicti (1620)
28.The editio C. Morelii (1623)
29.The editio Oxoniensis of West and Welsted (1697)
30.The Notae in Pindari Ol., Py., Ne., Is. of J. C. de Pauw (1747)
31.Mingarelli (1772)
32.Heyne (1773–1774)
33.Beck (1792–1795)
34.Heyne (1798–1799)
The earliest files we have from Braswell’s project date to November 2000. In a file from June 2007, his manuscript extends to chapter 17. Another file dated to December 2012 contains his history of Pindaric scholarship up to chapter 20. In the first half of 2013, Braswell revised the manuscript and began to compile the bibliography. In July 2013, he saved the file containing his history of Pindaric scholarship for the last time. Working jointly on the basis of this file, Céline Leuenberger, Dr. Tanja Ruben, and I completed the bibliography. After discovering Braswell’s original project application, it seemed reasonable to me to add an appendix containing the texts Braswell intended to publish in the second volume of sources. I established the text of document no. 4, the recensio Tricliniana, by consulting the editions of Mommsen (1864) and Braswell (1998). Regarding the texts of the editio Aldina (no. 5) and the editio Romana (no. 6) I opted for a diplomatic transcription. As for the Latin texts (nos. 7–12) I made a selection based on Braswell’s original project for which I could use Dr. Simonetta Marchitelli’s annotated diplomatic transcriptions. All these texts missing in Braswell’s manuscript are marked by an asterisk (*).
As in Braswell’s previous publications, Greek authors are normally cited according to the abbreviations used in the Greek-English Lexicon of Liddell/Scott/Stuart Jones (Oxford, 1925–1940; Supplement, 1968) and Latin authors according to the index volume of the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (Munich, 21990). In some cases, notably with Pindar, Braswell uses an extended form for greater clarity (for example, Ol. not O. for Olympians and Py. not P. for Pythians). ← 12 | 13 →
Table of Contents
- Pages
- 342
- Publication Year
- 2015
- 9783035108828
- 9783035193282
- 9783035193299
- ISBN (Hardcover)
- 9783034316767
- 10.3726/978-3-0351-0882-8
- Language
- English
- Publication date
- 2015 (August)
- Keywords
- Pythian Four Nemean One Nemean Nine argive legends pausanias
- Published
- Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2015. 342 pp.
- Product Safety
- Peter Lang Group AG