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Inter-/Trans-/Unidisciplinary Methods – Techniques – Structures

von Beata Ptaszyńska (Band-Herausgeber:in) Daria Długosz (Band-Herausgeber:in) Jadwiga Pecko (Band-Herausgeber:in)
©2021 Sammelband 228 Seiten


Cultural historians, literary scholars and linguists have been concerned with the question of how the world can be understood and represented in text. This volume presents new questions, methods and approaches in Humanism by promoting scholarly work of young researchers who participated in the Inter-/Trans-/Unidisciplinary Methods – Techniques – Structures conference in Warsaw, Poland. In their analyses, the authors shed new light on works of literature, foreign cultures and languages of the world by adopting broad perspectives and using various methods. It contains fourteen articles organized into the following parts: Disciplines/Fields, Intermedial/Multimodal, Trans-Latio/Ratio, Methods/ Didactics.


  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Contents
  • List of Contributors
  • Instead of an Introduction, Part 2
  • Disciplines/Fields
  • Analysis of the Performance, Taking into Account the Purpose of its Presentation and Selection of Means of Implementation
  • The Aesthetic Category of the Sublime as a Methodological Tool for the Study of Sanskrit Grand Narratives
  • Conceptualization of Fear in the Novel Written by Włodzimierz Odojewski Zasypie wszystko, zawieje…
  • Intermedial/Multimodal
  • Intermédialité de la danse classique de l’Inde – exemple de la danse bharatanāṭyam
  • Michael Joyce’s afternoon, a story: The Impact of a Hypertext Fiction Classic on Electronic Literature and Postmodern Literary Theory
  • Multimodal Broadcasting Strategies on Websites
  • Text in der intermedialen Struktur eines Computerspiels
  • Trans-Latio/Ratio
  • Zur Modifizierung von Phraseologismen und deren Übersetzung ins Polnische am Beispiel der „Hundejahre“ von Günter Grass
  • Zur (Un-)Übersetzbarkeit anhand von Maria Dąbrowskas Noce i dnie in Übersetzung von Heinrich Koitz
  • Methods → Didactics
  • Die Arbeitgeberanforderungen und das Unterrichten der Fachsprachen in Polen
  • Ein landeskundliches Thema mit Ansatz der interkulturellen Kommunikation
  • Die Förderung der Autonomie von Studentinnen und Studenten philologischer Fachrichtungen
  • Die Ausbildung der Fremdsprachenlehrer im Kontext bilingualer Vorschulerziehung
  • Theoretische Grundlagen der Erforschung von Generationenromanen
  • Series index

List of Contributors

Afrodyta Weselak

University of Warsaw

Ariadna Matyszkiewicz

Jagiellonian University

Alicja Stankiewicz

University of Wrocław

Agnieszka Wójcik

Jagiellonian University

Elżbieta Niewiadoma

University of Warsaw

Elwira Topolnicka

University of Zielona Góra

Sławomir Kowalewski

Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz

Helena Walczak

University of Gdańsk

Monika Kulik

University of Warsaw

Katarzyna Wędrychowicz

Pedagogical University of Krakow

Jadwiga Pecko

University of Warsaw

Sylwia Niewiadomska

University of Warsaw

Patrycja Lipińska

University of Warsaw

Olga Hrecheshnyuk

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Instead of an Introduction, Part 2

Volume 1 begins with not that rhetoric question, if there is a need to talk about methods and techniques of doing and conducting science? And if we are not postmodern, what seems to be right and needed?

There has been an understanding of the world for over 70 years that we still are happy with ‘contemporary’ literature and linguistics disappearing behind and under a numerous fields, topics and methods.

Just to remember: as we think of the about science, its impact on social surroundings and the question of being useful or scientific, there is a disparate answer: we shall do science and try to get the impact, but we shall not try to make any commercial use of what we work on. As Academia, we conduct research. But how is it done? What do young scientists think of the proposed methods and paradigms?

Following a strong belief, that there is a lack of theoretical discussion and critical thinking in and about contemporary theory of science, we decided to organize a conference on these topics. The Conference was organized by the PhD students of the Faculty of Modern Languages at the University of Warsaw.

As the two volumes INTER-/TRANS-/UNIDISCIPLINARY METHODS – TECHNIQUES – STRUCTURES show, there is a strong need among the young scientists to ask questions about doing science. One is certain: the “why” they conduct scientific research is powerful, the “how” can always get stronger. That is why so many young people sent their papers in, and that is why so many came to Warsaw to pose questions and to seek answers.

As the reader can choose between that many different approaches and topics presented in our 2 volumes, it seems right to explain, what the authors wanted to give as the panorama of problems, topics, methods and challenges.

Generally Volume 2 is dedicated to four complex challenges: disciplines/fields, intermediality/multimodality, translation and at last but not least didactics and methods. Of course, there is the paradigm of postmodernity, where it is no longer useful and ‘trendy’ to talk about the world being described in hard shaped discourses, but it just did not seem right, not to try to show the complexity and the difference both in science and research. In this deconstruction of methods and topics, there is a place, where different approaches can be presented by PhD students of European universities. As the conference was ←9 | 10→held in many languages, we decided to organize the papers by topics and not due to the language, the paper was submitted in, not by languages.

Analysis of the Performance, Taking into Account the Purpose of its Presentation and Selection of Means of Implementation by Afrodyta Weselak is the paper that opens the second volume. As we believe that, performativity should generate accurate response, this paper leads us into the reciprocity of the volume. Ariadna Matyszkiewicz’s The Aesthetic Category of the Sublime as a Methodological Tool for the Study of Sanskrit Grand Narratives reopens the question about the use and abuse of an oriental culture. Alicja Stankiewicz in Conceptualization of Fear in the Novel Written by Włodzimierz Odojewski Zasypie wszystko, zawieje… takes us on a journey through theory and literary practice of fear.

In the section Intermedial/Multimodal Agnieszka Wójcik gets us back to oriental challenges of Intermédialité de la danse classique de l’Inde – exemple de la danse bharatanāṭyam and proves that intermediality is a fundamental component of human culture. Elżbieta Niewiadoma explains The Impact of a Hypertext Fiction Classic on Electronic Literature and Postmodern Literary Theory and Elwira Topolnicka elaborates on the metodology of Multimodal Broadcasting Strategies on Websites. While narratology is no longer just a question of literary texts, the theory of literature tries to “colonize” new grounds, as Sławomir Kowalewski shows in his Text in der intermedialen Struktur eines Computerspiels.

The section Trans-Latio/Ratio opens with Helena Walczak complex proof of translation in Zur Modifizierung von Phraseologismen und deren Übersetzung ins Polnische am Beispiel der „Hundejahre“ von Günter Grass and ends with Monika Kulik trying to present the dos and don’ts of translation of Maria Dąbrowskas Noce i dnie.

The last section of this volume: Methods → Didactics, begins with Katarzyna Wędrychowicz Die Arbeitgeberanforderungen und das Unterrichten der Fachsprachen in Polen and the challenge of cooperation between academia and business. Jadwiga Pecko presents the possibility of communication between cultures in Ein landeskundliches Thema mit Ansatz der interkulturellen Kommunikation and Sylwia Niewiadomska wants, as she writes in Die Förderung der Autonomie der Studentinnen und Studenten philologischer Fachrichtungen, the students to become more and more autonomous and self conscious. Olga Hrecheshnyuk rounds up the volume with her work on Theoretische Grundlagen der Erforschung von Generationenromanen and presents the theory of literary studies in practice.

Afrodyta Weselak

Analysis of the Performance, Taking into Account the Purpose of its Presentation and Selection of Means of Implementation

Abstract: Performance, in its mixed attitude to politics, exposes dissent to the subordination of art to political and social norms, and implicitly uses tools that strongly correspond with it. This opposition, rebellion, shock, combined with the process of negating the positive value of politics, emphasizes how much has been lost from human life – freedom of the body and identification with this freedom. However, the performance, initially of a street character, guarding its negative attitude through the selection of place and means of expression, is now presented in museums and art galleries in the most prestigious and commercial way possible. Performance has become an attractive tool for making money.

Keywords: Abramović, performance, sexual violation, psychological borders, politics influence on art

1. Introduction

Praxis in the Athenian democracy, from which politics originated, was a type of human activity not oriented to the satisfaction of living needs.

As Anna Vujanović writes in her text On the politics of contemporary performance: „The disappearance of politics from the visual field means that political activities have become part of other social activities, from economics to culture and art”1.

Hanna Arendt, reminded by her, noted that since the French Revolution, the politics focusing on social relations have moved closer to both the economic sphere and to private interests, which resulted in the loss of praxis.

On the other hand, Holmes, another performance researcher, writes:

„What an installation, performance, concept or mediated picture can do is set a possible or real return on the basis of laws, customs, measures, manners, technical and organizational tools that define, how we must behave and how we should relate to each other at a given time and place. In art, we are looking for a different way of life, a new chance for coexistence”2.

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Performance, in its mixed attitude to politics, exposes dissent to the subordination of art to political and social norms, and implicitly uses tools that strongly correspond with it.

This opposition, rebellion, shock, combined with the process of negating the positive value of politics, emphasizes how much has been lost from human life – freedom of the body and identification with this freedom.

However, the performance, initially of a street character, guarding its negative attitude through the selection of place and means of expression, is now presented in museums and art galleries in the most prestigious and commercial way possible. Performance has become an attractive tool for making money.


ISBN (Hardcover)
2021 (Juli)
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2021. 228 S., 13 s/w Abb., 1 Tab.
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographische Angaben

Beata Ptaszyńska (Band-Herausgeber:in) Daria Długosz (Band-Herausgeber:in) Jadwiga Pecko (Band-Herausgeber:in)


Titel: Inter-/Trans-/Unidisciplinary Methods – Techniques – Structures