
Studies of Chinese Bond Markets

An Empirical Approach

by Anxing Wang (Author)
©2003 Thesis XII, 136 Pages


A new approach is proposed in this book for estimating a term structure of interest and it is applied to estimate a Chinese interest model. A case study of bond market of the USA, Japan and India is given as well. The findings concerning Chinese bond markets are that the market price of interest-rate risk is zero, term structure is downward sloping and shift downward as well; the performances of yields to maturities are influenced by saving rates of interest. The market prices of interest-rate risk for the USA, Japan and India are significantly different from zero, and in fact they are statistically the same. This is an evidence of integration of international financial markets.


XII, 136
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Kapitalmarkt China /Wirtschaft, Volkswirtschaft China Festverzinsliches Wertpapier Ökonometrisches Modell Finanzmarkt
Frankfurt/M., Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2003. XII, 136 pp., num. fig. and tab.

Biographical notes

Anxing Wang (Author)

The Author: Anxing Wang studied mathematics at the Shanghai Jiaotong University. After his master degree in 1988 he worked at the department of Finance and the Institute of Quantitative Economics at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology. In 2002 he achieved his Ph.D at the School of Business at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.


Title: Studies of Chinese Bond Markets