
Michèle Roberts

Myths, Mothers and Memories

by Sarah J. Falcus (Author)
©2007 Monographs 264 Pages


This book provides an accessible and yet thorough analysis of the work of Michèle Roberts, a prolific half-English and half-French writer who can claim both literary and popular appeal. Roberts’s work is examined alongside contemporary feminist theory, particularly the work of Luce Irigaray and feminist philosophers of religion. The book traces the development of Roberts’s work from its origins in the feminist movement of the seventies, through its engagement with the philosophy of religion and its interest in historiography, to the postmodern playfulness of her latest work. At the same time, the book does acknowledge enduring concerns in her oeuvre, particularly the fascination with the mother-daughter relationship and the desire to engage with and rewrite both history and myth. The book offers detailed readings of Roberts’s novels together with a selection of her short stories and poetry.


Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Feminismus Feminist Philosopher Roberts, Michèle Literaturtheorie Myth Playfulness History
Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, 2007. 264 pp.

Biographical notes

Sarah J. Falcus (Author)

The Author: Sarah Falcus has research interests in contemporary fiction, particularly women’s writing and was awarded her Ph.D. from the University of Aberdeen, 2002. She has taught at a variety of UK universities and is now an Associate Lecturer at the Open University in the West Midlands.


Title: Michèle Roberts