
Intercultural Spaces

Language, Culture, Identity

by Aileen Pearson-Evans (Volume editor) Angela Leahy (Volume editor)
©2007 Monographs XX, 302 Pages


This selection of peer-reviewed essays is taken from the Royal Irish Academy Symposium Intercultural Spaces: Language, Culture, Identity, hosted by Dublin City University in November 2003. It brings together a fascinating range of scholarly interpretations of the ‘intercultural space’ with rich contributions coming from the fields of sociology, politics, language teaching and learning, translation, drama, literature, and history. Individually each essay draws the reader into its own particular ‘intercultural space’ shaped by the norms and parameters of the discipline within which it is being described. As a collection, however, the essays link these usually separate spaces together to forge new and exciting interdisciplinary connections. This collection offers readers from many different disciplines a comprehensive array of interpretations and insights into the phenomenon that is the ‘intercultural space’, and invites them to explore the richness of this concept as it is revealed in Intercultural Spaces: Language, Culture, Identity.


XX, 302
Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
Interkulturalität Cross-cultural adaptation Sprache Kongress Dublin (2003) Arts and Humanities Communication Culture Human Rights Identity Intercultural studies
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2007. XX, 302 pp.

Biographical notes

Aileen Pearson-Evans (Volume editor) Angela Leahy (Volume editor)

The Editor: Aileen Pearson-Evans is Senior Lecturer in Intercultural Studies at Dublin City University. She has worked extensively both at home and abroad as a teacher of foreign languages and culture (French, German, Japanese, EFL). Her experience of living in Japan led to completing a doctorate on the topic of East-West cross-cultural adaptation in 2000 at University of Dublin, Trinity College. She is currently coordinating the EU Leonardo-funded European Intercultural Workplace (EIW) project (2004-2007), comprising a partnership of ten European countries investigating the impact of cultural diversity at work and developing training materials for the European intercultural workplace. Her recent publications include ‘Recording the Journey: Irish Students in Japan’ in Living and Studying Abroad (M. Byram and A. Feng, Eds., 2006). Angela Leahy is Lecturer in the School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies at Dublin City University. She lectures in both German and Intercultural Studies. Her research interests include Deutsch als Fremdsprache, critical discourse analysis, education, and the multicultural society. She received her doctorate from Dublin City University in 2004. Her dissertation examined how linguistic features in educational texts can create powerful cultural images.


Title: Intercultural Spaces