
Personality Differences and Oral Test Performance

by Vivien Berry (Author)
©2007 Thesis X, 250 Pages


The book examines how individual differences in candidates’ levels of extraversion interact with facets which have been shown to affect scores obtained on oral performance tests. Three major studies are presented: the first is concerned with the individual candidate in the model; the second study investigates the role of the rater in the oral test process; the final study is concerned with the degree of interactivity required of pairs of candidates, each of whom also acts as an interlocutor in the performance of an oral test task. Results of the studies confirm that when an appropriate instrument is used to assess personality, and when theoretically sound hypotheses derived from the psychological literature are tested, significant differences can be observed in the responses of introverts and extraverts on particular oral test tasks.


X, 250
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Fremdsprache Sprachtest China Performanz (Psychologie) Paired oral test Extraversion Gender difference Raters' preference Introversion Group oral test Englisch
Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2007. X, 250 pp., num. tables

Biographical notes

Vivien Berry (Author)

The Author: Vivien Berry teaches graduate courses in language testing and evaluation, research methods and research design, and thesis writing at the University of Hong Kong. Before coming to Hong Kong in 1992, she taught in Japan, the Middle East, Europe and the United Kingdom. Her research interests and recent publications are mainly concerned with aspects of language tests, particularly the role of individual candidate differences on language test performance.


Title: Personality Differences and Oral Test Performance