
The Media and Communication Dictionary

A Guide for Students, Educators, and Professionals

by Sharon Kleinman (Author)
©2011 Textbook XIV, 253 Pages


Comprehensive yet concise, this up-to-date and user-friendly dictionary is a must-have reference for students, educators, and professionals in the field of media and communication. From Wikileaks to the telegraph, this dictionary is designed to help readers understand the latest developments in our media-rich environment as well as fundamental and historically significant terms and concepts. The evolving language, theories, and technologies of the field are explained with extraordinary clarity in an engaging format. Detailed cross-references are provided throughout, along with a helpful index.


XIV, 253
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Reference media studies information and communication technology journalism public relations marketing popular culture advertising media communication
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2011. XIV, 253 pp., num. ill.

Biographical notes

Sharon Kleinman (Author)

Sharon Kleinman is Professor of Communications at Quinnipiac University. She is the editor of The Culture of Efficiency: Technology in Everyday Life (Peter Lang, 2009) and Displacing Place: Mobile Communication in the Twenty-first Century (Peter Lang, 2007). She holds a BA in English and American literature from Brandeis University and an M.S. and PhD in communication from Cornell University. She has received numerous academic awards, including the Outstanding Faculty Scholar Award from Quinnipiac University and the Anson Rowe Prize from Cornell University.


Title: The Media and Communication Dictionary