
Sustainable and Solidary Education

Reflections and Practices

by Monica Tilea (Volume editor) Oana-Adriana Duţă (Volume editor) Alina Stela Reşceanu (Volume editor)
©2017 Edited Collection 414 Pages


This volume of thematic studies offers multifaceted interpretations of education for sustainable and solidary development (ESSD). It is a joint work of academics, teachers and researchers covering the domain of education from the perspective of economy, social sciences, language studies, communication and pedagogy. The authors propose a range of reflections and empirical studies which refer to: various means and methods for an effective teaching/learning process; transversal skills related to ESSD; and the importance of financial resources and quality assurance in education. The unitary and original endeavour of this volume establishes a common meeting point for devising up-to-date methods and practices across disciplines, with a view to supporting sustainable and solidary education.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the editors
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Table of Contents
  • List of figures
  • List of tables
  • Preface
  • Interdisciplinary approaches to education for sustainable and solidary development
  • The Development of Intercultural Curriculum from the Perspective of Education for International Solidarity (Claudiu Marian Bunăiașu)
  • Assessing the Intercultural Competence of Students in the Romanian Higher-Education Environment (Claudiu Marian Bunăiașu / Aida Cornelia Stoian)
  • Optimizing Students’ Psycho-Motor Capacity by Using Dance-Specific Methods (Germina Cosma / Ligia Rusu)
  • Cultural Stereotypes Corrupting Indexical Meaning: How to Fight Prejudice through Education (Oana-Adriana Duță)
  • Modern Perspectives on Education for Sustainable and Solidary Development at Bifröst University. ESSD from the Vantage Point of Teachers and Students – Are They Ready? (Jón Freyr Jóhannsson)
  • The Design, Construction and Development of Educational Curriculums from the Perspective of Sustainable Development (Emil Lazăr)
  • Learning Together in the Local Territory? Learning Territory and Education for Sustainable and Solidary Development: A Guidance Toolkit for Teachers (Marie-Françoise Olivier / Thierry Delavet)
  • Education in the Context of Interculturality and Globality (Porzia Quagliarella)
  • A Study on the Intercultural Competence of a Group of International Students (Cristiana Teodorescu)
  • Social Media in Education: on the Reception of a Viral YouTube Environmental Video (Monica Tilea)
  • Economic perspectives on sustainable and solidary education
  • The Legislative Impact on Labour Market Insertion of Vulnerable Persons from South-West Oltenia (Daniel Cîrciumaru / Silviu Cârstina)
  • Higher Education Funding in Romania. An Applied Analysis (Raluca Drăcea)
  • Correlations between Financial Resources for Education and the Outcomes of the Educational Process in Iceland and Romania (Cristian Valeriu Stanciu)
  • Sustainable Development: An Insight into Funding and Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Romania and Iceland (Anca Tănasie)
  • A Higher Education Perspective on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (Anca Tănasie / Magnús Árni Skjöld Magnússon)
  • Public Internal Auditing and Its Role in Assessing the Risk Management Process in Universities (Cristina-Petrina Trincu-Drăgușin)
  • Language teachingand intercultural communication
  • Ensuring the Access of Roma People to Higher Education: a Case Study at the University of Craiova (Ionela Carmen Banța)
  • Project-Based Learning: a Premise of Education for Sustainable Development (Daniela Dincă)
  • Arguments in Favour of Cooperation in Medical Terminology Research (Iulia Cristina Frînculescu)
  • Memorable Grammar Design in Foreign Language Learning. Comparing Romanian and German Textbooks (Daniela Kohn)
  • Lifelong Learning: Developing Experienced Students᾽ Speaking Skills (Adriana Lăzărescu)
  • Internationalization of Gastronomic Terminology: a Step toward Intercultural Communication (Gabriela Anca Mic)
  • Intercomprehension – A Means of Intercultural Communication (Cecilia Mihaela Popescu)
  • Interdisciplinary Writing for Developing Critical Thinking (Alina Reşceanu)
  • The Effectiveness of Authentic Audiovisual Materials in Teaching and Learning French at University Level (Darko Ristovski)
  • Pedagogical and Intercultural Challenges of the AUF International Master’s Programme Didactique des langues (Cristiana Teodorescu)
  • Authors

Monica Tilea/Oana-Adriana Duţă/Alina Reşceanu (eds.)

Sustainable and
Solidary Education

Reflections and Practices

About the editors

Monica Tilea is Associate Professor at the University of Craiova (Romania). Her current research deals with reception theories, reader-response criticism and image-word relationship. Oana-Adriana Dut¸a˘ and Alina Res¸ceanu are Senior Lecturers in linguistics and language studies at the same university.

About the book

This volume of thematic studies offers multifaceted interpretations of education for sustainable and solidary development (ESSD). It is a joint work of academics, teachers and researchers covering the domain of education from the perspective of economy, social sciences, language studies, communication and pedagogy. The authors propose a range of reflections and empirical studies which refer to: various means and methods for an effective teaching/learning process; transversal skills related to ESSD; and the importance of financial resources and quality assurance in education. The unitary and original endeavour of this volume establishes a common meeting point for devising up-to-date methods and practices across disciplines, with a view to supporting sustainable and solidary education.

This eBook can be cited

This edition of the eBook can be cited. To enable this we have marked the start and end of a page. In cases where a word straddles a page break, the marker is placed inside the word at exactly the same position as in the physical book. This means that occasionally a word might be bifurcated by this marker.

Table of Contents

List of figures

List of tables


Interdisciplinary approaches to education for sustainable and solidary development

Claudiu Marian Bunăiașu

The Development of Intercultural Curriculum from the Perspective of Education for International Solidarity

Claudiu Marian Bunăiașu, Aida Cornelia Stoian

Assessing the Intercultural Competence of Students in the Romanian Higher-Education Environment

Germina Cosma, Ligia Rusu

Optimizing Students’ Psycho-Motor Capacity by Using Dance-Specific Methods

Oana-Adriana Duță

Cultural Stereotypes Corrupting Indexical Meaning: How to Fight Prejudice through Education

Jón Freyr Jóhannsson

Modern Perspectives on Education for Sustainable and Solidary Development at Bifröst University. ESSD from the Vantage Point of Teachers and Students – Are They Ready?

Emil Lazăr

The Design, Construction and Development of Educational Curriculums from the Perspective of Sustainable Development←5 | 6→

Marie-Françoise Olivier, Thierry Delavet

Learning Together in the Local Territory? Learning Territory and Education for Sustainable and Solidary Development: A Guidance Toolkit for Teachers

Porzia Quagliarella

Education in the Context of Interculturality and Globality

Cristiana Teodorescu

A Study on the Intercultural Competence of a Group of International Students

Monica Tilea

Social Media in Education: on the Reception of a Viral YouTube Environmental Video

Economic perspectives on sustainable and solidary education

Daniel Cîrciumaru, Silviu Cârstina

The Legislative Impact on Labour Market Insertion of Vulnerable Persons from South-West Oltenia

Raluca Drăcea

Higher Education Funding in Romania. An Applied Analysis

Cristian Valeriu Stanciu

Correlations between Financial Resources for Education and the Outcomes of the Educational Process in Iceland and Romania

Anca Tănasie

Sustainable Development: An Insight into Funding and Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Romania and Iceland

Anca Tănasie, Magnús Árni Skjöld Magnússon

A Higher Education Perspective on the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Cristina-Petrina Trincu-Drăgușin

Public Internal Auditing and Its Role in Assessing the Risk Management Process in Universities←6 | 7→

Language teaching and intercultural communication

Ionela Carmen Banța

Ensuring the Access of Roma People to Higher Education: a Case Study at the University of Craiova

Daniela Dincă

Project-Based Learning: a Premise of Education for Sustainable Development

Iulia Cristina Frînculescu

Arguments in Favour of Cooperation in Medical Terminology Research

Daniela Kohn

Memorable Grammar Design in Foreign Language Learning. Comparing Romanian and German Textbooks

Adriana Lăzărescu

Lifelong Learning: Developing Experienced Students᾽ Speaking Skills

Gabriela Anca Mic

Internationalization of Gastronomic Terminology: a Step toward Intercultural Communication

Cecilia Mihaela Popescu

Intercomprehension – A Means of Intercultural Communication

Alina Reşceanu

Interdisciplinary Writing for Developing Critical Thinking

Darko Ristovski

The Effectiveness of Authentic Audiovisual Materials in Teaching and Learning French at University Level

Cristiana Teodorescu

Pedagogical and Intercultural Challenges of the AUF International Master’s Programme Didactique des langues


←7 | 8→ ←8 | 9→


Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
Publication date
2017 (April)
Sustainable development International solidarity Intercultural communication Languages studies Transversal skills Education funding
Frankfurt am Main, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2017. 414 pp., 21 b/w ill., 48 coloured ill., 57 b/w tables, 2 coloured tables
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Monica Tilea (Volume editor) Oana-Adriana Duţă (Volume editor) Alina Stela Reşceanu (Volume editor)

Monica Tilea is Associate Professor at the University of Craiova (Romania). Her current research deals with reception theories, reader–response criticism and image–word relationship. Oana-Adriana Duţă and Alina Reşceanu are Senior Lecturers in linguistics and language studies at the same university.


Title: Sustainable and Solidary Education