

by Tsvetomira Danova (Author)
©2020 Monographs 540 Pages


John of Damascus is one of the most remarkable figures among the Church Fathers. The reception of his theological and philosophical works among the Orthodox Slavs in the Middle Ages has been comparatively well researched – unlike that of his homiletic works. This book is devoted to four Slavonic translations of three homilies of John of Damascus dedicated to the Mother of God. It offers the first comprehensive, complex study of the translations of John’s First and Third Homilies on the Dormition and his Homily on the Nativity of the Mother of God, preserved in South Slavic hagiographic and homiletic collections. The problems related to the textual tradition and translational peculiarities of these works have a central place in this study. It is supplemented with an edition of the Slavonic translations with parallel Greek text, as well as with a Slavonic-Greek and Greek-Slavonic list of content words.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • Contents
  • Acknowledgements
  • Abbreviations
  • The Life and Works of John of Damascus
  • Reception of John of Damascus’ Works in Mediaeval South Slavic Literatures
  • The Homilies on the Mother of God in Mediaeval South Slavic Literatures: Prefatory Remarks
  • The Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God, and John of Damascus’ Homilies on It
  • I.1. The Third Homily on the Dormition of the Mother of God
  • Sources
  • Textological Analysis
  • Comparison of the Slavonic Text with the Greek Tradition
  • Textual History of the Slavonic Translation
  • Linguistic Peculiarities and Translation Technique of DormIII-sl
  • Lexical Characteristics of DormIII-sl
  • Biblical Quotations in DormIII-sl
  • Summary
  • I.2. The First Homily on the Dormition of the Mother of God
  • Sources
  • Textological Analysis
  • Comparison of the Slavonic Text with the Greek Tradition
  • Textual History of the Slavonic Translation
  • Linguistic Peculiarities and Translation Technique of DormІ-sl
  • Lexical Characteristics of DormІ-sl
  • Biblical Quotations in DormІ-sl
  • Summary
  • The Feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God, and John of Damascus’ Homily on It
  • II.1. Translation A of the Homily on the Nativity of the Mother of God in the South Slavic Manuscript Tradition
  • Sources
  • Textological Analysis
  • Comparison of the Slavonic Text with the Greek Tradition
  • Textual History of the Slavonic Translation
  • Linguistic Peculiarities and Translation Technique of NativA-sl
  • Lexical Characteristics of NativA-sl
  • Biblical Quotations in NativA-sl
  • Summary
  • II.2. Translation B of the Homily on the Nativity of the Mother ofGod in the South Slavic Manuscript Tradition
  • Sources
  • Textological Analysis
  • Comparison of the Slavonic Text with the Greek Tradition
  • Textual History of the Slavonic Translation
  • Linguistic Peculiarities and Translation Technique of NativB-sl
  • Lexical Characteristics of NativB-sl
  • Biblical Quotations in NativB-sl
  • Summary
  • I. Index of Manuscripts as Listed in BHBS
  • II. Index of Biblical Quotations
  • Editorial Principles
  • Third Homily on the Dormition of the Mother of God
  • First Homily on the Dormition of the Mother of God
  • Homily on the Nativity of the Mother of God – Translation A
  • Homily on the Nativity of the Mother of God – Translation B
  • Principles of the List
  • Slavonic-Greek
  • Greek-Slavonic


This book is an expanded and revised version of my PhD dissertation, defended in 2014 at the Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. I am deeply grateful to my supervisor, Prof. Dr. Klimentina Ivanova, for introducing me to the problematics of Palaeoslavistics, for suggesting the subject, for her advice and patience, for providing me with copies of the relevant manuscripts and for all her other help. I would also like to thank the management and my colleagues from the Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre for the opportunity to conduct this study as well as for their assistance and support. I am particularly indebted to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tatyana Ilieva for her consultations on Ancient Greek and on various questions related to the Ancient Greek and Old Bulgarian text, which arose in the process of research and publication of the homilies.

The transformation of my dissertation into the present book, however, would have been impossible without the opportunity provided to me by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for a three-month research stay in Germany as a junior researcher accompanying Prof. Dr. Lora Taseva. This opportunity enabled me not only to work in Berlin’s rich libraries but also to meet and interact with Prof. Dr. Christian Voss of Humboldt University. It was he who suggested that I publish my dissertation in book form and, moreover, proposed its inclusion in the authoritative series Studies on Language and Culture in Central and Eastern Europe (SLCCEE) – an exceptional privilege for a young scholar. I am sincerely and profoundly grateful for his trust, support, patience and understanding.

This book would not have been completed without the encouragement and scholarly assistance of Prof. Dr. Lora Taseva of the Institute of Balkan Studies & Centre of Thracology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Her professional and moral support contributed greatly to the completion of this study in its present form.

I am also indebted to a number of institutions and colleagues for their help and cooperation. For providing me with microfilms or digital copies of the relevant manuscripts I am particularly grateful to the brotherhood of the Zographou Monastery, the Zographou Electronic Research Library at Sofia University, the brotherhood of the Rila Monastery, my colleagues from the Digital Archive ‘Bulgarian Manuscript Book’ of the Faculty of Slavic Studies of Sofia University, the brotherhood of the Hilandar Monastery on Mount ←00 | 8→Athos, the staff of the Hilandar Research Library and the Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies at the Ohio State University, and the Centre for Slavo-Byzantine Studies ‘Prof. Ivan Dujčev’ in Sofia. For assisting me in examining manuscripts de visu I would like to thank my colleagues from the Department of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books of the SS Cyril and Methodius National Library and from the Church-Historical and Archival Institute at the Bulgarian Patriarchate in Sofia, the Department of Manuscripts and Rare Books of the Romanian Academy Library in Bucharest, Dr. Zoran Nedeljković, Director of the Library of the Serbian Patriarchate, and Deacon Vladimir Radovanović, Director of the Museum of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Belgrade. I would also like to thank Prof. Ralph Cleminson, and my colleagues from the Institute for Literature and the Institute for Bulgarian Language at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences as well as from the Department of Cyrillo-Methodian Studies at Sofia University, who helped me with information, advice or discussions in the course of my work.

I also wish to express my gratitude to Katerina Popova for the time and effort she put into translating this text into English.

Finally, I thank my family for their understanding and warm support throughout the writing of this book.


South Slavic Manuscripts

B1 Bucharest, Romanian Academy Library, MS Sl.
B2 Bucharest, Romanian Academy Library, MS Sl.
B3 Bucharest, Romanian Academy Library, MS Sl.
B4 Bucharest, Romanian Academy Library, MS Sl.
B5 Bucharest, Romanian Academy Library, MS Sl.
B6 Bucharest, Romanian Academy Library, MS Sl. 678
Bel1 Belgrade, Svetozar Marković University Library, MS
Bеl2 Belgrade, Svetozar Marković University Library, MS Ћоровић
Bel3 Belgrade, Museum of the Serbian Orthodox Church, MS
Bеl4 Belgrade, Museum of the Serbian Orthodox Church, MS
Bel5 Belgrade, Museum of the Serbian Orthodox Church, MS
Bеl6 Belgrade, National Library of Serbia, MS Рс
Bеl7 Belgrade, Library of the Serbian Patriarchate, MS
C 1 Cetinje Monastery, MS
C2 Cetinje Monastery, MS
D1 Dragomirna Monastery, MS 1789/700
D2 Dragomirna Monastery, MS 1880/791
H 1 Hilandar Monastery, MS
H2 Hilandar Monastery, MS
H3 Hilandar Monastery, MS
H4 Hilandar Monastery, MS
H5 Hilandar Monastery, MS
H6 Hilandar Monastery, MS
H7 Hilandar Monastery, MS 649
Pl Monastery of the Holy Trinity at Pljevlja, MS
R1 Rila Monastery, MS 4/
R2 Rila Monastery, MS 4/8 (61)
R3 Rila Monastery, MS 4/11 (83)
S1 Sofia, Church-Historical and Archival Institute, MS
S2 Sofia, SS Cyril and Methodius National Library, MS
SP1 St. Petersburg, National Library of Russia, MS Гильф.
SP2 St. Petersburg, National Library of Russia, MS Гильф.
SP3 St. Petersburg, National Library of Russia, MS ОЛДП F. 421
SP4 St. Petersburg, National Library of Russia, MS Погод. 873
Vr Metropolitanate of Vratsa, MS 4
Z 1 Zagreb, Archives of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, MS IIIb20
Z2 Zagreb, Archives of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, MS IIIc24
Z3 Zagreb, Croatian History Museum, MS P-72 (Орах. 55)
Zog Zographou Monastery, MS 107

Dictionaries, Reference Books, and Editions

Argir Rečnik na grčko-crkovnoslovenski leksički paraleli (see Аргировски 2003)
BHBS Bibliotheca Hagiographica Balcano-Slavica (see Иванова 2008)
BHG Bibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca (see Halkin 1957)
Bonč Rečnik na cărkovnoslavjanskija ezik (see Бончев 2002–2012)
CPG Clavis Patrum Graecorum (see Geerard 1974–2003)
Dan Rječnik iz književnih starina srpskih (see Даничић 1863–1864)
Djač Polnyj cerkovno-slavjanskij slovar’ (see Дьяченко 2009)
Mikl Lexicon Palaeoslovenico-Graeco-Latinum (see Miklosich 1977)
NA27 Nestle / Aland 27th edition of the Greek New Testament (see Nestle / Aland 1993)
PG Patrologia Graeca (see Migne 1857–1866)
ŘSI Řecko-staroslověnský index (see Bláhová 2008–2014)
SbR Starobălgarski rečnik (see Иванова-Мирчева 1999–2009)
SCsRJ Slovar’ cerkovno-slavjanskogo i russkogo jazyka (see Поленов 1847)
SDrJ Slovar’ drevnerusskogo jazyka (XI–XIV vv.) (see Аванесов / Улуханов / Крысько 1988–2013)
Sept Septuagint (see Rahlfs 1950)
SJS Slovník jazyka staroslověnského (see Kurz / Hauptová 1958– 1997)
Srezn Materialy dlja slovarja drevne-russkogo jazyka po pis’mennym pamjatnikam (see Срезневский 1893–1912)
SRJ Slovar’ russkogo jazyka XI–XVII vv. (see Бархударов 1975– 2015)
SS Staroslavjanskiy slovar’ (po rukopisjam X–XI vv.) (see Цейтлин / Вечеркa / Благовa 1994)

Mediaeval Authors, Works, and Monuments

Areop Pseudo-Dionysios the Areopagite (Goltz / Prochorov 2010–2013)
Cloz Glagolita Clozianus, 11th century (Dostál 1959)
Dial John of Damascus, Dialectica (Weiher 1969)
Dogm John of Damascus, Expositio fidei (Weiher 1987)
Doroth Dorotheos of Gaza, Didaskaliai (Димитров 2010; Димитров 2013)
EphS Ephrem the Syrian, Paraeneses (Bojkovsky / Aitzetmüller 1984–1990)
Euch Euchologium Sinaiticum, 11th century (Nachtigal 1941–1942; Пенкова 2008)
EzFI461 The Book of the Prophet Ezekiel according to MS F.I.461 of the National Library of Russia, St. Petersburg (Тасева / Йовчева 2003; Илиева 2013a)
GrNaz 13 Gregory of Nazianzos, Thirteen Homilies of St. Gregory of Nazianzos (Будилович 1871; 1875)
GrNyss Gregory of Nyssa, De hominis opificio (Sels 2009a, 2009b)
HamChr George Hamartolos, Chronicle (Истрин 1920–1930)
HilF Hilandar Folia, 11th century (Минчева 1978a)
Ilina Il’ina kniga (Крысько 2005; Крысько и др. 2015)
Izb1073 Izbornik of 1073. Florilegium of 1073 (Динеков 1991–2015)
JoKlim John Klimax, Scala Paradisi
KlimHom Kliment of Ohrid, Homilies (Христова 1994)
KosmPr Kosmas the Priest, Homily Against the Bogomils (Попруженко 1936; Давидов 1976)
Men 1096 Menaia for September and October of 1096 (Ягич 1886)
Men 1097 Menaion for November of 1097 (Ягич 1886)
MenDec Menaion for December (Christians 2001)
MenDubr Menaion of Dubrovsky (Mur’janov 1999)
MenPut Menaion of Putjata (Баранов / Марков 2003)
MihHom Mihanović Homiliary, 13th century (Aitzetmüller 1957)
Nebes Nebesa. John the Exarch᾿s translation of John of Damascus’ De fide Orthodoxa (Sadnik 1967–1983)
PandAnt Antiochos, Pandectes (Popovsky 1999)
PsK Erotapokriseis of Pseudo-Kaisarios (Милтенов 2006)
RilF Rila Folia, 11th century (Гошев 1956)
Supr Codex Suprasliensis, 10th century (Заимов / Капалдо 1982– 1983; Meyer 1935)
SynkChr George the Synkellos, Ekloge chronographias (Тотоманова 2008)
SynTrP Nikephoros Kallistos Xanthopoulos, Synaxaria in triodium et pentecostarium (Тасева 2010)
Šest Šestodnev. John the Exarch, Hexaemeron (Aitzetmüller 1958– 1975)

Biblical Manuscripts and Print Editions

Arkh Arkhangelsk Gospel of 1092 (Moscow, Russian State Library, MS 1666; Жуковская / Миронова 1997)
As Codex Assemanianus, 11th century (Rome, Vatican Library, MS Vat. Slav. 3; Vajs / Kurz 1955)
At Athens Gospel, 13th century (Athens, National Library of Greece, MS 1796)
Ban Banica Gospel, 13th century (Sofia, SS Cyril and Methodius National Library, MS 847; Дограмаджиева / Райков 1981)
Bars3 Octateuch, 15th century (Moscow, State Historical Museum, Barsov Collection, MS 3)
Bol Bologna Psalter, 13th century (Bologna University Library, MS 2499; Jagić 1907; Дуйчев 1968)
Chr Apostolos Christinopolitanus, 12th century (Lviv Historical Museum, MS Рук. 39; Kałužniacki 1896)
ČudNT Čudov New Testament of 1355 (lost, phototype ed. 1892; Леонтий 1892)
ČudPs Čudov Psalter, 11th century (Moscow, State History Museum, MS Чуд. 7; Погорелов 1910a)
Dbrš Dobrejšo Gospel, 13th century (Sofia, SS Cyril and Methodius National Library, MS 17; Цонев 1906)
Dobr Dobromir Gospel, 12th century (St. Petersburg, National Library of Russia, MS Q.п.I.55 + Sinai, St. Catherine Monastery, MS Sin. slav. 43 + Paris, National Library of France, Slav. 65; Велчева 1975)
En Enina Apostolos, 10th century (Sofia, SS Cyril and Methodius National Library, MS 1144; Мирчев / Кодов 1965)
FI3 Biblical books, 15th century (St. Petersburg, National Library of Russia, MS F.I.3)
FI461 Biblical books, 14th century (St. Petersburg, National Library of Russia, MS F.I.461)
GB Gennadij Bible of 1499 (Moscow, State History Museum, MS Sin. 915)
Gl Galič Gospel of 1144 (Moscow, State History Museum, MS Sin. 404; Амфилохий 1882–1883)
Gr Grigorovič Paremejnik, 12th–13th century (Moscow, Russian State Library, MS Григ. 2; Брандт 1894; Рибарова / Хауптова 1998)
Iak Metropolite Iakov Gospel (Serres Gospel) of 1354 (London, British Library, Add. Ms. 39626)
IvAl Ivan Aleksandăr Gospel of 1356 (London, British Library, Add. Ms. 39627; Popova / Miklas 2017)
Karp Karpinsky Apostolos, 13th century (Moscow, State History Museum, MS Хлуд. 28; Амфилохий 1885–1888)
Mar Codex Marianus, 11th century (Moscow, Russian State Library, MS Григ. 6; Jagić 1883)
Mat Apostolos of Matica Srpska, 13th century (Novi Sad, Matica Srpska Library, MS PP III 4; Богдановиħ 1981)
Nik Nikolja Gospel, 14th–15th c. (Dublin, Chester Beatty, MS W 147; Даничић 1864)
Nor Norov Psalter, 14th century (Moscow, State History Museum, MS Увар. 285; Чешко и др. 1989)
OB Ostrog Bible of 1581 (Острожская библия 1581. Фототипическое переиздание текста с издания 1581. Москва–Ленинград, 1988)
Ohr Ohrid Apostolos, 13th century (Moscow, Russian State Library, MS Григ. 13/М. 1695; Кульбакин 1907)
Ostr Ostromir Gospel of 1056–1057 (St. Petersburg, National Library of Russia, MS F.p.I.5; Востоков 1843)
Pog Pogodin Psalter, 13th century (St. Petersburg, National Library of Russia, MS Погод. 8; Jagić 1907)
RilЕ Rila Gospel of 1361 (Sofia, SS Cyril and Methodius National Library, MS 31
RM 2/24 Song of Songs, 15th century (Rila Monastery, MS 2/24; Димитрова 2012)
Sav Sava᾿s Book, 11th century (Moscow, Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts, MS 14; Князевская / Коробенко / Дограмаджиева
Sin 1999) Sinai Psalter, 11th century (Sinai, St. Catherine Monastery, MS Sin. slav. 38; Северьянов 1922; Mareš 1997)
SinB Sinai-Byčkov Psalter, 11th century (Sinai, St. Catherine Monastery, MS Sin. slav. 6 + Sin. slav. 6/N + St. Petersburg, National Library of Russia, MS Q.п.I.73; Altbauer / Lunt 1978)
Slepč Slepče Apostolos, 10th century (St. Petersburg, National Library of Russia, MS F.P. I. 101 + 101A + Q.I.1186 + Plovdiv, Ivan Vazov National Library, MS 25; Ильинский 1912)
Strum Strumica Apostolos, 13th century (Prague, National Museum, MS IX E 25; Блахова / Хауптова 1990)
Šiš Šišatovac Apostolos of 1324 (Belgrade, Library of the Serbian Patriarchate, MS 322; Miklosich 1853)
Tărg Tărgovište Gospel of 1512 (Sofia, SS Cyril and Methodius National Library, MS 466 (260), MS 467 (107)
Тărn Tărnovo Gospel of 1273 (Zagreb, Archives of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, MS III a 30)
Tert Тom Terter Gospel of 1322 (Hilendar Monastery, MS 18) Tomič Psalter, 14th century (Moscow, State History Museum, MS Муз. 2752; Джурова 1990)
Zogr Codex Zographensis, 11th century (St. Petersburg, National Library of Russia, MS Глаг. 1; Jagić 1879)
1342 Gospel of 1342 (Sofia, SS Cyril and Methodius National Library, MS 470;

Books of the Bible

Old Testament

Gn Genesis
Ex Exodus
Dt Deuteronomy
Jg Judges
1 Rg 1 Kings (1 Samuel)
Ps Psalms
Prv Proverbs
Eccl Ecclesiastes
Ct Song of Songs
Is Isaiah
Dn Daniel
Zech Zechariah

New Testament


Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2021 (April)
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2020. 540 pp., 24 tables.
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Tsvetomira Danova (Author)

Tsvetomira Danova graduated from St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia with MAs in Theology and Bulgarian Philology. She earned a PhD in Bulgarian Literature in 2014 and has since been Chief Assistant Professor at the Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. She has done a research stay at Humboldt University in Berlin. Her research interests are in the field of mediaeval Slavic literature and, more specifically, in the reception of Byzantine literature and theology among the Balkan Slavs.
