The Creative City
Cultural policies and urban regeneration between conservation and development
The research is characterized by a cross-cutting approach to cultural heritage. It proposes a new model for the design of advanced cultural districts consisting of a benchmark methodology and a "toolbox" of spatial, economic and social indicators that can be used to build the necessary knowledge. Finally, having Sardinia Region (IT) as reference, the book offers a picture of programs and plans to which the methodology and the toolbox can be applied, outlining their potential impacts within cultural and spatial planning.
Table Of Contents
- Cover
- Title
- Copyright
- About the author
- About the book
- This eBook can be cited
- Table of Contents
- List of Figures
- List of Tables
- Acknowledgements
- 1. The Concept of Creativity
- 1.1 A critical review of literature on creativity
- 1.2 The urban dimension of creativity: different schools, different definitions
- 1.3 The link with spatial planning
- 1.4 The link with innovation18
- 1.5 The link with culture, cultural policies and cultural programs
- 2. Strategies for Creativity
- 2.1 Creativity and the historical urban landscape read through the international charters and declarations
- 2.2 UNESCO programming for creativity and culture
- 2.3 European programming for creativity and culture31
- 2.4 Conclusions
- 3. Creativity at the Regional and Urban Scale
- 3.1 The international context
- 3.2 The European context
- 3.3 The Italian context: the national dimension
- 3.3.1 Cultural and creative economy in Italy (1990-2009)
- 3.3.2 The creative capacity of culture in time of austerity (2010-2014)
- 3.4 The Italian context: the regional dimension
- 3.5 Conclusions
- 4. Regional Planning
- 4.1 The origins of the advanced cultural district: the industrial district
- 4.1.1 The classical district: a new economic-commercial approach in industrial organization (1920-1970)
- 4.1.2 The growth of the socio-technical dimension within the economic-commercial approach (1970-1990)
- 4.1.3 Industrial districts in the global market: a socio-cultural approach in industrial organization (1995-2005)
- 4.1.4 Advanced industrial districts: a cognitive approach in industrial organization and technological innovation (2005-2014)
- 4.2 From the industrial district to the advanced cultural district: the Italian contribution to the international debate
- 5. The Advanced Cultural District in Regional Planning
- 5.1 The existent instruments and their effectiveness
- 5.1.1 The economic survey: statistical indicators, analysis of the relationships between companies and production chains
- 5.1.2 The spatial survey: distribution (mapping) and context analysis
- 5.1.3 The sociological survey: the appraisal of competencies and resources
- 5.2 Building an advanced cultural district: methodological and instrumental aspects
- 5.2.1 The procedure
- 5.2.2 The feasibility study
- 5.3 Conclusions
- 6. Creative Spatial Policies for Cultural Heritage and Landscape
- 6.1 Assessment of the strategic positioning
- 6.1.1 Resource analysis
- 6.1.2 Relational analysis
- 6.1.3 Evaluation of the strategic-organisational positioning
- 6.2 The integrated landscape project
- 6.2.1 Definition of the project “Masterplan”
- 6.2.2 Identification of the governance model
- 6.3 Potential applications
- 7. A First Application
- 7.1 The plan as an instrument for the regulation of the relationships between territory, population and economic activities
- 7.2 Planning in Italy9
- 7.3 Landscape planning in Sardinia14
- 7.4 Integrated landscape programs established by the 2006 Regional Landscape Plan of Sardinia Region
- 7.5 A shared methodology for programs dedicated to cultural heritage and landscape in Sardinia
- 7.6 The proposed methodology: potentials, limits and future perspectives in research
- Bibliography
- Cultural Management and Cultural Policy Education
Alessia Usai
The Creative City
Cultural policies and urban regeneration between conservation and development
ENCATC Book Series
Cultural Management and Cultural Policy Education
Vol. 2
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Cover Illustration: The restored medieval village of Tratalias, Sardinia (IT) © Alessia Usai
Translations done by the International English Centre (Cagliari Office) and Traduzioni Web.
This publication has been peer-reviewed.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by print, photocopy, microfilm or any other means, without prior written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved.
© P.I.E. Peter Lang s.a.
éditions scientifiques internationales
Bruxelles, 2016
1 avenue Maurice, B-1050 Bruxelles, Belgique ;
ISSN 2466-7137
ISBN 978-2-8076-0192-5
ePDF 978-2-8076-0193-2
ePUB 978-2-8076-0194-9
MOBI 978-2-8076-0195-6
Bibliographic information published by “Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek”
“Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek” lists this publication in the “Deutsche Nationalbibliografie”; detailed bibliographic data is available in the Internet at
About the author
Alessia Usai holds a PhD in Technology for the Preservation of Architectural and Environmental Heritage and is a Researcher Fellow at the Department of Civil, Environmental Engineering and Architecture (DICAAR), University of Cagliari (IT). Her research is related to cultural heritage, landscape and urban planning.
About the book
ENCATC IS THE LEADING EUROPEAN NETWORK ON CULTURAL MANAGEMENT AND POLICY. It is a membership NGO gathering over 100 higher education institutions and cultural organisations in over 40 countries. ENCATC was created in 1992 to encourage the exchange of knowledge, methodologies, experiences, comparative research and regular assessment of the sector’s training needs in the broad fi eld of cultural management from a European point of view through a wide range of working groups, projects, activities and events. ENCATC holds the status of an NGO in offi cial partnership with UNESCO, of observer to the Steering Committee for Culture of the Council of Europe, and is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.
This book focuses on the relationships between the creative city principles and the planning Alessia Usai approach introduced by the European Landscape Convention in order to identify best practices for the development of innovative cultural policies and new urban regeneration tools.
The research is characterized by a cross-cutting approach to cultural heritage. It proposes a new model for the design of advanced cultural districts consisting of a benchmark methodology and a “toolbox” of spatial, economic and social indicators that can be used to build the necessary knowledge. Finally, having Sardinia Region (IT) as reference, the book offers a picture of programs and plans to which the methodology and the toolbox can be applied, outlining their potential impacts within cultural and spatial planning.
This eBook can be cited
This edition of the eBook can be cited. To enable this we have marked the start and end of a page. In cases where a word straddles a page break, the marker is placed inside the word at exactly the same position as in the physical book. This means that occasionally a word might be bifurcated by this marker.
Table of Contents
1.1 A critical review of literature on creativity
1.2 The urban dimension of creativity: different schools, different definitions
1.3 The link with spatial planning
1.5 The link with culture, cultural policies and cultural programs
2.1 Creativity and the historical urban landscape read through the international charters and declarations
2.2 UNESCO programming for creativity and culture
2.3 European programming for creativity and culture
3. Creativity at the Regional and Urban Scale
3.3 The Italian context: the national dimension
3.3.1 Cultural and creative economy in Italy (1990-2009)
3.3.2 The creative capacity of culture in time of austerity (2010-2014)
3.4 The Italian context: the regional dimension
4.1 The origins of the advanced cultural district: the industrial district
4.1.1 The classical district: a new economic-commercial approach in industrial organization (1920-1970)←7 | 8→
4.1.2 The growth of the socio-technical dimension within the economic-commercial approach (1970-1990)
4.1.3 Industrial districts in the global market: a socio-cultural approach in industrial organization (1995-2005)
- Pages
- 204
- Publication Year
- 2016
- 9782807601932
- 9782807601949
- 9782807601956
- ISBN (Softcover)
- 9782807601925
- 10.3726/978-2-8076-0193-2
- Language
- English
- Publication date
- 2016 (November)
- Published
- Bruxelles, Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2016. 204 pp.