
Digital Challenges and Strategies in a Post-Pandemic World

by Riza Öztürk (Volume editor) Ela Sibel Bayrak Meydanoglu (Volume editor) Dilek Zamantılı Nayır (Volume editor) Müge Klein (Volume editor)
©2022 Edited Collection 312 Pages


The Covid-19 pandemic has not only affected the health and life of people around the
world but also many areas such as the economy, the way of doing business, working
life, the education sector, the urban life, and consumer consumption habits. Digital
technologies and solutions also played an important role in the changes brought about
by the pandemic. Digitization has brought its own challenges in this context. Being
aware of this issue, Turkish-German University (TGU) hosted a conference on “Digital
Challenges and Strategies in a Post-Pandemic World” in cooperation with Bielefeld
University of Applied Sciences in Istanbul. The conference offered a platform for academicians
as well as practitioners to discuss the current issues related to new digital
applications, the impact of digitization, digital challenges, and necessary measures, as
well as strategies to overcome these challenges in a post-pandemic world. The academic
papers presented in the conference constitute the chapters of this book.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the editors
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Preface
  • Table of Contents
  • List of Contributors
  • The Impact of Blockchain on the Marketing Mix Elements: A Literature Review (Ela Sibel Bayrak Meydanoğlu, Margareta Teodorescu, Müge Klein)
  • Video on-Demand Platforms: A Preliminary Study on Preferences and Prospective Binge Behaviour (Işıl Ketan, Alexander Dreyer, Dilek Zamantılı Nayır)
  • Digital Marketing Trends during the Covid 19 Outbreak: Entrepreneurship Perspectives and Turkish Sme Cases from the Young Businessmen Association of Turkey (Tugiad) as Evidence from an Emerging Economy (İlke Kocamaz, Bilal Dede)
  • Blockchain Technology as a Solution to the Bullwhip Effect (Elif Ceren Yıldız, Taşkın Dirsehan)
  • Investigating the Effects of Digital Challenges and Strategies in Post-Pandemic Era on Supply Chain Management (Mehmet Ali Taş, Batin Latif Aylak, Damla Durak Uşar)
  • Understanding Artificial Intelligence in Service during the Post Pandemic Period (Ahmet T. Tuğer)
  • Factors Affecting Work-Family Conflict in the Digital Work Environment (Müge Klein, Sevgin Batuk Ünlü, Selin Karaca Varinlioğlu, Merve Ahter Dede)
  • Family-Work Conflict and Job Performance during Remote Working: Does Technostress Mediate This Relationship? (Alev Özer Torgalöz, Pınar Yozgatlı Özbilen, Deniz Mat Artun)
  • Transformation of Home into Workspace for Women during Covid-19 Pandemic: Expression of Work and Non-Work Life Balance on Social Media (Çiğdem Vatansever, Meltem Sezer Özata, Ayça Ünsever)
  • Significance of the Governance of Blockchain Systems (Ulrich Tamm, Rainer Lenz)
  • Digital Challenges in the Governance of Business Networks in the Post-Pandemic Era (Hüseyin Hayri Nuroğlu)
  • Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology: Investigating the Relationship between Bitcoin and Financial Markets (Seyfullah Selimefendigil, Hakan Güzeloğlu, Çiydem Çatak)
  • The Asset Allocation Preferences of Mutual Fund Managers in the Pre-Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Periods (Mehmet Hakan Özdemir, Tolga Tuzcuoğlu, Erencan Yavrucu)
  • Mind the Gap: Why Germany Should Invest More in Its Future (Kersten Kellermann)
  • Digitalizing Family: Digital Parenting during the Covid-19 Pandemic (A. Elif Posos Devrani)
  • Research-Based Learning during a Pandemic – Findings from a Course on Business Informatics Conducting Research on Barriers to Digital Transformation (Sven Packmohr, Henning Brink)
  • Legal Challenges due to the Pandemic Impacts (Axel Benning, Abdulmuttalip Erduran)

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List of Contributors


Prof. Dr., Turkish-German University, meydanoglu@tau.edu.tr


Prof. Dr., Turkish-German University, dilek.nayir@tau.edu.tr


Prof. Dr., Turkish-German University, klein@tau.edu.tr

Riza Öztürk

Prof. Dr., Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, riza.oeztuerk@fh-bielefeld.de

Batin Latif AYLAK

Asst. Prof. Dr., Turkish-German University, batin.latif@tau.edu.tr


Asst. Prof. Dr., Turkish-German University, sevgin.batuk@tau.edu.tr


Prof. Dr., Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, benning@fh-bielefeld.de

Henning BRINK

Osnabrück University, henning.brink@uni-osnabrueck.de

Çiydem ÇATAK

Asst. Prof. Dr., Turkish-German University, catak@tau.edu.tr

Merve Ahter DEDE

Res. Asst., Turkish-German University, merve.dede@tau.edu.tr

Bilal DEDE

Asst. Secretary General, Young Businessmen Association of Turkey (TUGIAD), bilal@tugiad.org


Assoc. Prof. Dr., Marmara University, taskin.dirsehan@marmara.edu.tr←11 | 12→

Alexander DREYER

Dr., dreyer@tau.edu.tr


Asst. Prof. Dr., Turkish-German University, damla.usar@tau.edu.tr

Abdulmuttalip ERDURAN

Res. Asst., Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, aerduran@fh-bielefeld.de


Financial Services Tax Leader, KPMG Turkey, hguzeloglu@tau.edu.tr


Res. Asst., Turkish-German University, selin.karaca@tau.edu.tr


Prof. Dr., Turkish-German University, kellermann@tau.edu.tr


Procurement Change Management Specialist, Mercedes-Benz Turkey, isil.ketan@hotmail.com


Assoc. Prof. Dr., Marmara University, kocamazi@marmara.edu.tr

Rainer LENZ

Dr., Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, rainer.lenz@fh-bielefeld.de


Istanbul Technical University, matartun20@itu.edu.tr

Hüseyin Hayri NUROĞLU

Dr., Turkish-German University, h.nuroglu@tau.edu.tr

Mehmet Hakan ÖZDEMİR

Asst. Prof. Dr., Turkish-German University, hakan.ozdemir@tau.edu.tr


Asst. Prof. Dr., Izmir Democracy University, alev.ozer@idu.edu.tr


Dr., Malmö University, sven.packmohr@mau.se←12 | 13→


Asst. Prof. Dr., Turkish-German University, posos@tau.edu.tr


Res. Asst., Turkish-German University, selimefendigil@tau.edu.tr


TATekirdağ Namık Kemal University, mltmsezer@gmail.com

Ulrich TAMM

Assoc. Prof. Dr., Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, ulrich.tamm@fh-bielefeld.de

Mehmet Ali TAŞ

Res. Asst., Turkish-German University, mehmetali.tas@tau.edu.tr


Prof. Dr., Koblenz University of Applied Sciences, teodorescu@hs-koblenz.de

Ahmet T. TUĞER

Asst. Prof. Dr., Piri Reis University, atuger@pirireis.edu.tr


Dr., Controlling Section Manager, Bosch Turkey, tolga.tuzcuoglu@tau.edu.tr


Istanbul Bilgi University, aycaunsever@yahoo.com


Prof. Dr., Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University, cvatansever@nku.edu.tr


Res. Asst., Turkish-German University, erencan.yavrucu@tau.edu.tr

Elif Ceren YILDIZ

Logistics Responsible, Şişecam Flat Glass Turkey, yildiz.elif.cerenn@gmail.com


Res. Asst., Bogazici University, pinar.yozgatli@boun.edu.tr

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Ela Sibel Bayrak Meydanoğlu, Margareta Teodorescu, Müge Klein

The Impact of Blockchain on the Marketing Mix Elements: A Literature Review

Abstract: Although digital cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, monetary systems and the financial sector are commonly known application areas of blockchain, its impact goes well beyond these areas and it has a potential to revolutionize transactions in various fields such as education, energy, stock markets, insurance, healthcare, public services, as well as communications. Although its application in marketing is still in its infancy, marketing can also be defined as an important potential application area for blockchain. Advantages of using this technology such as cost reduction due to disintermediation, tokenization of tangibles/intangibles, increased efficiency due to smart contracts, secure payment opportunity, authentication of transactions by verifying customer data are some strategic reasons for utilizing this technology also in marketing. The purpose of this conceptual, exploratory study is to discuss the potential impact of the blockchain technology on marketing activities and, in particular, on the traditional marketing mix elements (product, price, place and promotion), based on previous related studies in the relevant literature. Despite the increasing interest in the potential and advantages of blockchain applications in the marketing literature, to our knowledge the impact of this technology on marketing activities and strategies has not yet been considered in terms of marketing mix elements. From a theoretical perspective, the contribution of this study is to fill this gap in the literature. From a practical perspective, its contribution is to show marketing practitioners the role of blockchain technology in determining the strategies regarding the marketing mix elements.

Keywords: Blockchain, marketing, marketing mix elements.


In today’s world, digitalization plays an important role in transforming the way of living and of doing business. In marketing, digitalization also transforms marketing processes and plays a critical role in improving the efficiency of these processes. For instance, big data analytics enable businesses to aggregate large amounts of data, to conduct sophisticated analytics to gain consumer insights, and to make marketing decisions, and e-commerce and online shopping enables companies to buy and sell on a global level. Besides its advantages, digitalization in marketing also brings along some challenges. Problems regarding security, privacy, trust and transparency due to digitalization can be a challenge for customers or other business stakeholders and cause the decrease of the level of ←15 | 16→trust in a brand. Individuals’ personally identifiable information such as buying preferences, buying behaviors, and credit card details can be gained when they engage in an online transaction. The available personal information can then be used or sold for monetary gain without the permission of their owners. Frequently encountered privacy leaks and the lack or insufficiency of privacy regulations for protecting consumers’ rights have a negative impact on consumers’ trust in online transactions and pull them away from such transactions (Rejeb et al., 2020). However, in today’s digitalized world it is impossible both for consumers and businesses to stay away from online transactions. The COVID-19 pandemic showed once again the important role of digitalization, digital transformation and online transactions. Digitalization has gained momentum with the pandemic. In this context, some emerging, potentially disruptive technologies can contribute essentially for solving privacy, trust, security and transparency problems in online transactions. One of these technologies is blockchain. Although digital cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, monetary systems and the financial sector are commonly known application areas of blockchain, its impact goes beyond these areas. Blockchain has the potential to revolutionize transactions in a number of sectors such as education, energy, stock markets, insurance, healthcare, public services, and communications. Along with these, transactions for which blockchain has been adopted and implemented for marketing purposes are not an exception.

Despite the increasing interest in the potential, advantages and impact of blockchain in the marketing field, the body of literature analyzing and investigating possible applications of the technology is still relatively limited. Moreover, the impact of this technology on marketing activities and strategies has not yet been considered in terms of the marketing mix elements. The major purpose of this theoretical study is to address the question centered around the impact of blockchain on marketing activities. In particular, the focus lies on analyzing its impact on the traditional marketing mix elements, based on previous related studies in the relevant literature. In comparison to prior contributions, a more systematic approach has been adopted in the current study in explaining the impact of the technology by considering each of the four traditional marketing mix elements. This paper provides a twofold contribution. From a theoretical perspective, the study aims at filling this gap in the existent body of literature. From a practical perspective, its contribution is to show marketing practitioners the role, key features as well as the impact of the blockchain technology in determining the strategies regarding the marketing mix elements.

The study consists of five sections. Section 2 presents some recent studies in the relevant literature that discuss the advantages, potential and use cases of ←16 | 17→the blockchain technology in marketing. In Section 3, blockchain and its main features are briefly introduced. In Section 4, the impact of the technology on the traditional marketing mix elements is discussed. The last section presents the findings of the study and introduces managerial implications as well as future research areas.

Literature Review

Despite the increasing interest in the relevant literature on the advantages, potential, and use cases of the blockchain technology in different fields and areas, studies regarding its application in marketing as well as its potential and value for marketing are limited in the literature. The table below includes a list of some recent contributions in the field of blockchain applications in marketing.

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Table 1. Some Prior Studies Concerning Blockchain Applications in Marketing



Type of the Study

Purpose of the Study

Menon & Mady (2021)

Blockchain: A Non-Technical Primer for Marketing Academics


To enlighten marketing faculties about blockchain applications in marketing so that they can have a reasonable basis to impart this topic through their courses.

Bezovski et al. (2021)

The Impact and the Potential Disruption of Blockchain Technology on Marketing


To analyze the potential impact of blockchain in marketing. The impact areas are listed as follows: manufacturing of new products and providing new services; ensuring trust and transparency, as well as securing disintermediation; privacy, data ownership, and digital identity; customer relationship management; advertising; supply chain management.

Gleim & Stevens (2021)

Blockchain: a game changer for marketers?


To investigate the impact of blockchain on five marketing areas: use of cryptocurrencies, disruptive potential of digital platforms, marketing in supply chain management, online advertising, and market research.

Kumar et al. (2021)

“Influence of new-age technologies on marketing: A research agenda”


Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2022 (July)
Augmented Reality Business Transformation Controlling Corporate Reputation Digital Marketing Digital Marurity Models Digital Transformation Finance Human Resource Management Social Sustainability
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2022. 312 pp., 27 fig. b/w, 46 tables.

Biographical notes

Riza Öztürk (Volume editor) Ela Sibel Bayrak Meydanoglu (Volume editor) Dilek Zamantılı Nayır (Volume editor) Müge Klein (Volume editor)

Ela Sibel Bayrak Meydanoğlu is a full professor of marketing at Turkish-German University in Istanbul. Her research areas are digital marketing and digital transformation. Dilek Zamantılı Nayır is a management scholar at Turkish German University. She published in the Journal of International Management, the Journal of Knowledge Management, International Business Review. Müge Klein is a professor for management at the Turkish-German University. She received her Ph.D. degree from the Technical University of Karlsruhe. Her current research area is digital transformation. Rıza Öztürk has been a professor for statistic and mathematic at UAS Bielefeld since 2007. Previously, he had held a high-ranking position in one of the largest german telecommunication companies.


Title: Digital Challenges and Strategies in a Post-Pandemic World