
International Influences and Inspirations in Education

by Konrad Gunesch (Volume editor) Turhan Çetin (Volume editor)
Edited Collection 150 Pages

Available soon


The book you are holding in your hands, dear reader, has brought together noted experts in the field of education, in its generously defined and comprehensive sense of ‘universal teaching and learning, knowledge and appreciation’. As such, it allows us to benefit from their accumulated and kindly shared experience, and from their theoretical and practical, financial and economic, mathematical and managerial, as well as cultural, linguistic and classroom viewpoints.
Please enjoy the lines, chapters and contents of this book, while I look forward to rejoining with you at the next step or intersection of our professional pathways, and across insights of disciplines, inspirations of development, or interactions of practice in our daily work, academic studies, or life endeavors, whether that will happen in person and on locations, or, just as interactively, intellectually along book lines and pages.


ISBN (Softcover)
Teaching Learning Education Finance Management Technology
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2023. 296 pp., 1 fig. col., 40 fig. b/w, 26 tables.

Biographical notes

Konrad Gunesch (Volume editor) Turhan Çetin (Volume editor)

Konrad Gunesch is Head of Research at the London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, and Associate Professor of International Education and Linguistics at the American University in the Emirates in Dubai. He has published over 90 peer-reviewed articles, books and chapters, taught over 50 different subjects on Master’s and Bachelor’s levels, and given over 150 invited international keynote speeches in 16 languages. Turhan Cetin completed his doctorate at Institute of Educational Sciences at Gazi University in 2002. In 2018, he was appointed as a professor at Gazi University. He is currently working at Gazi University, Gazi Faculty of Education, Department of Social Studies Education. He works on social studies education, geography education, migration.


Title: International Influences and Inspirations in Education