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  • Studies in Philosophy, History of Ideas and Modern Societies

    ISSN: 2191-1878

    Until the publication of volume 21 the title of the series was "Polish Contemporary Philosophy and Philosophical Humanities". The series aspires to present a wide and relevant overview of best Polish works in philosophy and philosophical parts of the major fields of the humanities: political and social sciences, history, religious studies or what is named in Poland "the history of ideas". The subsequent editions of books within this series are either re-editions of the works previously published in non-Polish versions, or new translations from Polish. Some books contain extended works, other ones provide collections of smaller papers. Some of the authors presented in the series are widely acknowledged and regarded to be the "classics" of Polish intellectual life in the second half of the 20th Century, others are recognized as outstanding professors today. The quality and fame of the works and authors presented in the series are the only criteria for inclusion. The series is open to all streams of Polish philosophy: from analytical philosophy, through phenomenology and hermeneutics, to existential or religious philosophies. Also the word "philosophy" should be understood very widely in this case.

    30 publications

  • Studies in Philosophy, Culture and Contemporary Society

    The aim of the series is to present classical philosophical thought and knowledge about problems and processes which take place in contemporary society. Such a perspective stems from the very relationship between philosophy and social sciences, which is both dynamic and reflexive. On the one hand, in its pure form as a ‘theoria,’ philosophical thought – even if sometimes abstracts from the social context – always remains an active observation that, in the long run, has an impact on social processes, and especially on social sciences. On the other hand, there is a reverse process in which social phenomena directly stimulate philosophical thought. As part of the series, we plan to publish monographs and volumes dealing with specific problems or social phenomena. Furthermore, the works of Polish societies, like The Polish Leibnizian Society and The Bachelard Society ‘Mythopaeia’, and others will be published.

    40 publications

  • Ad Fontes

    Schriften zur Philosophie

    ISSN: 1613-947X

    The series aspires to present a wide overview of the best Polish works in philosophy and philosophical parts of the major fields of the humanities: political and social sciences, history, religious studies or what is named in Poland the history of ideas. The editor is particularly interested in Christian Philosophy. As a result, this series focuses on theoretical problems and examines the main issues of contemporary research on history of religions as well as on intercultural dialogue between them.

    6 publications

  • Ius, Lex et Res Publica

    Studies in Law, Philosophy and Political Cultures

    The Ius, Lex et Res Publica. Studies in Law, Philosophy and Political Cultures series explores a wide range of topics, especially within the Polish legal and socio-political framework. This new series of monographs focuses chiefly on topics related to current legal and socio-political tendencies, comparative studies, philosophical, legal, and political theory, psychology and sociology of law, and other subjects that would be of interest to law practitioners and scholars conducting research in the field of social sciences. Intending to promote interdisciplinary and multidimensional scholarship, the Ius, Lex et Res Publica series encourages an innovative approach to classical studies in national-oriented, European, and international matters. In addition, this series will seek to provide a high academic standard in addressing recent and fundamental legal, philosophical and socio-political problems. Single-author publications, collaborative studies, and collections of academic essays are welcomed.

    44 publications

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