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  • Renaissance and Baroque

    Studies and Texts

    The Renaissance and Baroque: Studies and Texts series deals with various aspects of the European Renaissance and Baroque. Studies on the history, literature, philosophy, and the visual arts of these periods are welcome. The series also will consider translations of important works, especially from Latin into English. These translations should, however, include a substantial introduction and notes. Books in the series will include original monographs as well as revised or reconceived dissertations. The Renaissance and Baroque: Studies and Texts series deals with various aspects of the European Renaissance and Baroque. Studies on the history, literature, philosophy, and the visual arts of these periods are welcome. The series also will consider translations of important works, especially from Latin into English. These translations should, however, include a substantial introduction and notes. Books in the series will include original monographs as well as revised or reconceived dissertations. The Renaissance and Baroque: Studies and Texts series deals with various aspects of the European Renaissance and Baroque. Studies on the history, literature, philosophy, and the visual arts of these periods are welcome. The series also will consider translations of important works, especially from Latin into English. These translations should, however, include a substantial introduction and notes. Books in the series will include original monographs as well as revised or reconceived dissertations.

    26 publications

  • Mittelalter und Renaissance in der Romania

    Mit den Akten der Tagung Aktualität des Mittelalters und der Renaissance in der Romanistik erscheint der erste Band der Schriftenreihe Mittelalter und Renaissance in der Romania (MIRA), die sich zum Ziel setzt, die Ergebnisse der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit im Rahmen des gleichnamigen wissenschaftlichen Netzwerkes zu den Epochen Mittelalter und Renaissance in den romanischsprachigen Ländern zu veröffentlichen. Daneben sollen auch unabhängige Untersuchungen zu dieser Thematik in die Reihe aufgenommen werden, um so möglichst umfassend jenen Leserkreis zu erreichen, der sich für diesen gleichermaßen zeitlich-historisch wie sprachlich-kulturell definierten Gegenstandsbereich interessiert. Neben sprach- und literaturwissenschaftlichen Studien werden kulturwissenschaftlich sowie historisch ausgerichtete Untersuchungen Schwerpunkte der Schriftenreihe bilden, die aber auch weitere Disziplinen wie etwa die Kunstgeschichte, die Philosophie, die historischen Sozialwissenschaften oder die Theologie mit einbeziehen möchte. Die Gründung der Schriftenreihe ist mit der Hoffnung verbunden, zu einer Fokussierung der verschiedensten Forschungsarbeiten auf dem skizzierten Gebiet beizutragen, indem diese über die bestehenden Fachgrenzen hinaus ein Publikationsforum finden, um so den Kontakt von Forschern unterschiedlicher Bereiche bis hin zu einer transdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit anzuregen. Aus unserer Begeisterung für die Thematik und dem Bestreben heraus, diesen historischen Untersuchungsbereich nachhaltig zu stärken, resultiert der Wunsch, dass sich unsere Schriftenreihe durch Lebendigkeit auszeichnen möge. Diese Lebendigkeit wird getragen von der aktiven Beteiligung aller zum Mittelalter und der Renaissance arbeitenden Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen, insbesondere natürlich von ihrer Bereitschaft, die verschiedenen Studien der MIRA-Reihe zur Kenntnis zu nehmen und die Reihe auch selbst als Publikationsforum zu nutzen. Auf diesem Weg hoffen wir, zu einer lebhaften und innovativen Forschung beizutragen, der wir uns alle verpflichtet fühlen.

    19 publications

  • Court Cultures of the Middle Ages and Renaissance

    ISSN: 2296-4118

    Court Cultures of the Middle Ages and Renaissance is a peer-reviewed series focused on the inter- and multi-disciplinary cultural output of medieval and Renaissance court culture on an international scale. The series invites proposals for single- and multi-authored monographs, edited collections and editions of early works relating to the court. Prospective authors are encouraged to submit proposals which highlight the central importance of the court to medieval and Renaissance culture, including projects that explore the life and/or works of writers, artists, historiographers, soldiers, composers, diplomats and courtiers, in the East as well as the West. Other areas of particular interest are courtly ritual (e.g. chivalric code, ceremonies, spectacle) and literary and artistic representations of the court. The series will also explore the role of the court in shaping national, religious and political identities, as well as its function as an interface between different cultures. The series is affiliated with the Trinity Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Trinity College Dublin. Each proposal is vetted by the Editorial Board and Chief Editor and undergoes a comprehensive peer-review process.

    15 publications

  • Renaissance Intellectual History

    ISSN: 1868-0739

    The “Renaissance Intellectual History“ series aims at providing a forum for scholars in both Philosophy and History. Monographs and proceedings published within the series cover a wide range of contributions on the foundations of Renaissance thought. The series’ editors hail from universities all over Europe and are scholars in the fields of history, art, and philosophy.

    1 publications

  • Early American Literature and Culture Through the American Renaissance

    The Early American Literature and Culture series aims at providing a forum for discussions of interdisciplinary approaches to American literary culture in the broadest sense of the term. Scholars examine the formation, encoding, and transformation of value systems in literature and history, by analyzing the forces of the market place, gender politics, conquest and colonization, ethnicity, racialism, and genocide during the period of 1580-1880.

    5 publications

  • Münchener Universitätsschriften

    Texte und Untersuchungen zur Englischen Philologie

    Im Kontext der Anglistik veröffentlicht die Reihe “Münchener Universitätsschriften“ Texte und Untersuchungen zur Englischen Philologie. Die thematischen Schwerpunkte der Monographien und Sammelbände reichen dabei von linguistischen Studien zur Lexikographie, Editionen altenglischer und lateinischer Texte bis hin zu literatur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Analysen der englischen Literatur in Renaissance und Früher Neuzeit. Die Reihe erscheint in deutscher und englischer Sprache. Die Reihe wird ab Band 42 unter dem Titel MUSE: Munich Studies in English fortgesetzt. Im Kontext der Anglistik veröffentlicht die Reihe “Münchener Universitätsschriften“ Texte und Untersuchungen zur Englischen Philologie. Die thematischen Schwerpunkte der Monographien und Sammelbände reichen dabei von linguistischen Studien zur Lexikographie, Editionen altenglischer und lateinischer Texte bis hin zu literatur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Analysen der englischen Literatur in Renaissance und Früher Neuzeit. Die Reihe erscheint in deutscher und englischer Sprache. Die Reihe wird ab Band 42 unter dem Titel MUSE: Munich Studies in English fortgesetzt. Im Kontext der Anglistik veröffentlicht die Reihe “Münchener Universitätsschriften“ Texte und Untersuchungen zur Englischen Philologie. Die thematischen Schwerpunkte der Monographien und Sammelbände reichen dabei von linguistischen Studien zur Lexikographie, Editionen altenglischer und lateinischer Texte bis hin zu literatur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Analysen der englischen Literatur in Renaissance und Früher Neuzeit. Die Reihe erscheint in deutscher und englischer Sprache. Die Reihe wird ab Band 42 unter dem Titel MUSE: Munich Studies in English fortgesetzt.

    20 publications

  • Studies in Modern European History

    The volumes in the Studies in Modern European History series focus upon aspects of the political, social, economic, cultural, and religious history of Europe from the Renaissance to the present, including the political and economic integration of the continent and the resurgence of Europe following the Cold War. Emphasis is placed not only on the states of Western Europe, especially Great Britain, France, Italy, and Germany but also the states of Eastern Europe, following the collapse of Communism. While some of the volumes treat internal developments, others deal with ideological movements such as liberalism, socialism, and communism while still others explore economic and diplomatic activities which transcend the particular countries of the continent. The volumes in the Studies in Modern European History series focus upon aspects of the political, social, economic, cultural, and religious history of Europe from the Renaissance to the present, including the political and economic integration of the continent and the resurgence of Europe following the Cold War. Emphasis is placed not only on the states of Western Europe, especially Great Britain, France, Italy, and Germany but also the states of Eastern Europe, following the collapse of Communism. While some of the volumes treat internal developments, others deal with ideological movements such as liberalism, socialism, and communism while still others explore economic and diplomatic activities which transcend the particular countries of the continent. The volumes in the Studies in Modern European History series focus upon aspects of the political, social, economic, cultural, and religious history of Europe from the Renaissance to the present, including the political and economic integration of the continent and the resurgence of Europe following the Cold War. Emphasis is placed not only on the states of Western Europe, especially Great Britain, France, Italy, and Germany but also the states of Eastern Europe, following the collapse of Communism. While some of the volumes treat internal developments, others deal with ideological movements such as liberalism, socialism, and communism while still others explore economic and diplomatic activities which transcend the particular countries of the continent.

    58 publications

  • Studies in the Humanities

    Literature - Politics - Society

    The Studies in the Humanities series welcomes manuscripts discussing various aspects of the humanities. The series' emphasis is on medieval and Renaissance literatures with a focus on Western civilizations and cultures. Submissions deal-ing with linguistics, history, politics, or sociology within the same time frame and geographical bounds are also encouraged. Manuscripts may be submitted in English, French, or Italian. The Studies in the Humanities series welcomes manuscripts discussing various aspects of the humanities. The series' emphasis is on medieval and Renaissance literatures with a focus on Western civilizations and cultures. Submissions deal-ing with linguistics, history, politics, or sociology within the same time frame and geographical bounds are also encouraged. Manuscripts may be submitted in English, French, or Italian. The Studies in the Humanities series welcomes manuscripts discussing various aspects of the humanities. The series' emphasis is on medieval and Renaissance literatures with a focus on Western civilizations and cultures. Submissions deal-ing with linguistics, history, politics, or sociology within the same time frame and geographical bounds are also encouraged. Manuscripts may be submitted in English, French, or Italian.

    54 publications

  • Stage and Screen Studies

    ISSN: 1660-2560

    This series of monographs is concerned with drama and allied entertainment in a wide variety of kinds in the theatre and on film, television and video screens. The emphasis is on the history and interpretation of dramatic entertainment, performance and production in regular and musical theatre, including music hall and variety stages, in para-theatrical activities, like fairground performance and festivals, and in the silent and sound cinema and on television and video. The series engages particularly with the social, political and economic contexts of drama on past and present stages and screens, considering the work of dramatists, performers, directors, designers, technicians and administrators, and will aim to be very wide-ranging in scope, its subjects spanning Classical, Medieval and Renaissance European drama and theatre, Eastern theatre forms, and international modern drama in its various performance kinds. Within this broad remit, the series hopes to publish historical, critical and theoretical studies, annotated anthologies of critical, theoretical and dramatic texts, and collections of interviews and screenplays. This series of monographs is concerned with drama and allied entertainment in a wide variety of kinds in the theatre and on film, television and video screens. The emphasis is on the history and interpretation of dramatic entertainment, performance and production in regular and musical theatre, including music hall and variety stages, in para-theatrical activities, like fairground performance and festivals, and in the silent and sound cinema and on television and video. The series engages particularly with the social, political and economic contexts of drama on past and present stages and screens, considering the work of dramatists, performers, directors, designers, technicians and administrators, and will aim to be very wide-ranging in scope, its subjects spanning Classical, Medieval and Renaissance European drama and theatre, Eastern theatre forms, and international modern drama in its various performance kinds. Within this broad remit, the series hopes to publish historical, critical and theoretical studies, annotated anthologies of critical, theoretical and dramatic texts, and collections of interviews and screenplays. This series of monographs is concerned with drama and allied entertainment in a wide variety of kinds in the theatre and on film, television and video screens. The emphasis is on the history and interpretation of dramatic entertainment, performance and production in regular and musical theatre, including music hall and variety stages, in para-theatrical activities, like fairground performance and festivals, and in the silent and sound cinema and on television and video. The series engages particularly with the social, political and economic contexts of drama on past and present stages and screens, considering the work of dramatists, performers, directors, designers, technicians and administrators, and will aim to be very wide-ranging in scope, its subjects spanning Classical, Medieval and Renaissance European drama and theatre, Eastern theatre forms, and international modern drama in its various performance kinds. Within this broad remit, the series hopes to publish historical, critical and theoretical studies, annotated anthologies of critical, theoretical and dramatic texts, and collections of interviews and screenplays.

    10 publications

  • Contemporary Critical Concepts and Pre-Enlightenment Literature

    ISSN: 1074-6781

    "Writers who worked before the beginning of rationalist universalism's triumphal period which may be ending now-explored issues of consciousness, ideology, and culture that recent criticism and critical theory, using various specialized vocabularies of concepts, have returned to the center of literäry and social criticism. These early modern figures often anticipated some of our clilemmas; How to manipulate an apparently quite mutable world and, at the same time, preserve belief in an immutable "centered" self? How to reconcile rationalist universalism with personal and cultural stability? Rene Descartes's postulate of man as the master and proprietor of an increasingly built world is fundamentally incompatible with his effort to underwrite man as a stable philosophical subject. Man's technical and linguistic mastery devours his "transcendent subjectivity." Students of literature are now using the ideas of what Larry Riggs calls "post-enlightenment thinkers"-Max Horkheimer, Jacques Lacan, Michael Foucault, Rene Girard, and others-to elucidate the implicit and explicit debates about rationalism that are embedded in literary works. This trend is most usefully seen as a renewal of contact with preoccupations that were quite current in medieval, Renaissance, and seventeenth-century European literature. To date, however, innovative criticism has focused an more recent literature. Some post-structuralists-most notably Jacques Lacan-have tried their hand at interpreting early works. Their ideas are interesting, but their knowledge of the periods in question is often weak. Manuscripts on Elizabethan and Restoration theater, French, Italian, and German writers of the medieval and Renaissance periods, and die seventeenth-century French dramatists and moralists are welcome. "

    3 publications

  • Dieux, Hommes et Religions / Gods, Humans and Religions

    ISSN: 1377-8323

    While most traditional world religions seem to face a fundamental identity and cultural crisis, signs are indicating that there is a universal need for new spiritual demands and revival, new awakenings of religious practices and feelings. What are the facts beyond these movements? Is there a new human religiosity in the making? This series will try to bring together witnesses, thinkers, believers and non-believers, historians, scientists of religion, theologians, psychologists, sociologists, philosophers and general writers, from different cultures and languages, to offer a broader perspective on one of the key issues of our new world civilisation in the making. Tandis que les principales religions traditionnelles du monde semblent confrontées à une crise identitaire et culturelle fondamentale, on voit partout se manifester une renaissance des besoins de spiritualité et de nouvelles pratiques religieuses. Quelles sont les motivations des hommes et des femmes qui soutiennent ces nouvelles tendances ? Assistons-nous à la naissance d’une nouvelle religiosité humaine ? Cette collection a pour but de rassembler les travaux de témoins, penseurs, croyants et incroyants, historiens, spécialistes des religions, théologiens, psychologues, sociologues, philosophes et écrivains, tous issus de différentes cultures et différentes langues, pour offrir une perspective plus large sur l’un des problèmes clés de la civilisation universelle que nous sommes en train de construire.

    29 publications

  • Literarische Studien / Literary Studies

    This publication series is dedicated to a plurality of scholarly works on the theory and history of literature irrespective of their language or methodological approach. This publication series is dedicated to a plurality of scholarly works on the theory and history of literature irrespective of their language or methodological approach. Die Reihe “Literarische Studien“ veröffentlicht Beiträge zum gesamten Feld der Literaturgeschichte der Anglistik. Schwerpunkte der Reihe sind Fragestellungen rund um die europäische Renaissance, besonders zu Werken der englischen Literatur, aber auch zu moderner Theorie und Geschichte der Literatur. Herausgeber ist Professor Heinrich F. Plett. Die Reihe erscheint in deutscher und englischer Sprache.

    6 publications

  • Neo-Latin Studies / Neulateinische Studien

    The Neo-Latin literature is an important factor uniting Europe as a cultural entity. It is impossible to comprehend European culture as a coherent homogenous whole without an enquiry into this literature. European culture perceived as the sum of national literatures emerges to us as incomplete and distorted as a figure reflected in a broken mirror. The series œNeo-Latin Studies shall include books concerning all aspects of Neo-Latin writing. It is our intention to pay a special attention to Central European writing of the 16th, 17th, 18th centuries and more broadly the issues of the Northern Renaissance. Books “ both collections of studies by various authors (such as its forerunner Pietas Humanistica, 2006) and individual monographs “ will be published both in English and German. Editor's Homepage : Prof. Dr. Piotr Urbanski

    2 publications

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