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  • Title: Company Strategies and Organisational Evolution in the Automotive Sector: A Worldwide Perspective

    Company Strategies and Organisational Evolution in the Automotive Sector: A Worldwide Perspective

    A Worldwide Perspective
    by Francesco Garibaldo (Volume editor) Andrea Bardi (Volume editor)
    ©2005 Conference proceedings
  • Title: 8e Conférence internationale des éditeurs de Documents diplomatiques – 8th International Conference of Editors of Diplomatic Documents

    8e Conférence internationale des éditeurs de Documents diplomatiques – 8th International Conference of Editors of Diplomatic Documents

    Des États et de l’ONU – About States and UNO
    by Gabriel Robin (Volume editor)
    ©2008 Edited Collection
  • Économie sociale et Économie publique / Social Economy and Public Economy

    ISSN: 2030-3408

    This «Social Economy & Public Economy» series brings together books and monographs with a common focus: the analysis of the economic activities of formal and informal organisations that aim to serve the «public/general interest» or broad «common welfare» of their societies. Diverse initiatives and a wide variety of organisational forms are concerned: public or private nonprofit organisations and services, social services, public utilities, regulatory rules and actions, public enterprises, local community and regional economic development bodies, cooperatives, mutualist enterprises, etc. The series aims to promote a more scientific, and in-depth international and comparative understanding of this type of research that has been rapidly expanding in recent years. The series will reflect about these developments and through its dissemination, it will also support the increasing inter-disciplinarity and multi-disciplinarity of much of this recent research (e.g. economics, sociology, political science, law, policy evaluation and policy analysis, etc.) Editorial responsibility for the series resides with CIRIEC, an international scientific organisation that promotes, supports and disseminates research on the public economy, the social economy, and cooperatives. One of CIRIEC’s key goals and activities is the promotion, support, and expansion of a large international network of researchers who specialise in these issues. This series will allow the publication of work by members of this network as well as providing an outlet for any related research work by other people outside the existing CIRIEC network. La collection « Économie sociale & Économie publique » rassemble des ouvrages proposant, dans une perspective de comparaison internationale, des analyses des organisations et des activités économiques orientées vers l’intérêt général et l’intérêt collectif : services sociaux, services publics, régulation, entreprises publiques, action économique des entités territoriales (régions, autorités locales), coopératives, mutuelles, associations, ... Dans un contexte de « grande transformation », l’activité scientifique dans ce domaine s’y est fortement développée et la collection se veut un nouveau vecteur de diffusion et de valorisation de cette activité dans une approche pluridisciplinaire (économie, sciences sociales, droit, sciences politiques, ...). La collection est placée sous la responsabilité éditoriale du CIRIEC. Organisation internationale à but scientifique, le CIRIEC a pour objet la réalisation et la diffusion de la recherche sur l’économie publique et l’économie sociale et coopérative. Une de ses principales activités est l’animation d’un vaste réseau international de chercheurs dans ces domaines. La collection permet de publier des ouvrages réalisés par les membres de ce réseau, mais est aussi ouverte à des personnes extérieures à ce réseau.

    7 publications

  • Title: Theatre and Architecture – Stage Design – Costume / Théâtre et architecture – Scénographie – Costume

    Theatre and Architecture – Stage Design – Costume / Théâtre et architecture – Scénographie – Costume

    A Bibliographic Guide in Five languages (1970-2000) / Guide bibliographique en cinq langues (1970-2000)
    by Hainaux René (Author) Véronique Lemaire (Author)
    ©2006 Others
  • Title: Professional Education for International Organizations

    Professional Education for International Organizations

    Preparing students for international public service
    by Dietmar Herz (Author) Marc Schattenmann (Author) Susan Lynn Dortants (Author) Stefanie Gallander (Author) Kristin Linke (Author)
    ©2008 Others
  • Title: Recovering Stolen Assets

    Recovering Stolen Assets

    With a preface by Eva Joly
    by Mark Pieth (Volume editor)
    ©2008 Edited Collection
  • Title: The Influence of Transnational Organizations on National Education Systems

    The Influence of Transnational Organizations on National Education Systems

    by Marcelo Parreira do Amaral (Author)
    ©2006 Thesis
  • Title: Restructuring Representation

    Restructuring Representation

    The Merger Process and Trade Union Structural Development in Ten Countries
    by Jeremy Waddington (Volume editor)
    ©2005 Edited Collection
  • Title: The Environmental Challenges for Japan and Germany

    The Environmental Challenges for Japan and Germany

    Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Perspectives
    by György Széll (Volume editor) Ken'ichi Tominaga (Volume editor)
    ©2004 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Ireland: Looking East

    Ireland: Looking East

    by Christophe Gillissen (Volume editor) 2011
    ©2010 Edited Collection
  • Title: EU Anti-Dumping Measures Against Russian Exporters

    EU Anti-Dumping Measures Against Russian Exporters

    In View of Russian Accession to the WTO and the EU Enlargement 2004
    by Olesia Engelbutzeder (Author)
    ©2004 Thesis
  • Title: Participation of Non-State Actors in the Dispute Settlement System of the WTO: Benefit or Burden?
  • Title: Fiscal Federalism in the European Union and Its Countries

    Fiscal Federalism in the European Union and Its Countries

    A Confrontation between Theories and Facts
    by Clément Vaneecloo (Author) Augusta Badriotti (Author) Margherita Fornasini (Author)
    ©2006 Monographs
  • Population, Famille et Société / Population, Family, and Society

    ISSN: 1660-6043

    This series welcomes and encourages the dialogue between demography and family studies to revitalize social history as well as sociology and population studies. An international network of scholars based at the Laboratory of Demography and Family Studies of the University of Geneva has initiated an open-minded series that seeks to reflect the latest developments in research. The collection emphasizes comparative and international perspectives, as well as interdisciplinary approaches drawing from history, economics, statistics, sociology, geography, demography, and cultural anthropology. Innovative methodologies for both qualitative and quantitative analysis which allow authors to reformulate old problems and ask new questions are particular welcome. The series publishes both individual and collective volumes. The first group encompasses case studies or monographs coming from the Swiss or the international scientific world, including the best Ph.D. dissertations. The second group refers to collective volumes organized around a topic emerging from a scientific debate, with contributions from various disciplinary fields and/or geographic horizons. Cette collection a pour ambition d’accueillir et de promouvoir le dialogue entre les démographes et les spécialistes de la famille, dialogue qui renouvelle profondément tant l’histoire sociale que la sociologie contemporaine. Animée par un réseau international qui s’appuie sur le Laboratoire de Démographie et d’Etudes Familiales de l’Université de Genève, la collection est largement ouverte et veut refléter les dynamiques de recherche les plus récentes. Elle privilégie les perspectives comparatives, internationales, ainsi que les approches interdisciplinaires, celles qui mêlent les apports de l’histoire, de l’économie, de la statistique, de la sociologie, de la géographie, de la démographie, de l’anthropologie culturelle, etc. L’innovation méthodologique, dans les domaines du qualitatif aussi bien que du quantitatif, qui permet de refonder les problématiques et d’articuler de nouvelles questions, est particulièrement saluée. La collection accueille aussi bien des contributions individuelles que collectives. Dans le premier groupe se rangent les monographies ou travaux de synthèse issus du milieu scientifique suisse et international, en ce compris les meilleures thèses de doctorat. Le second groupe réunit des recueils d’articles organisés autour d’un thème qui émerge dans le débat scientifique, et qui requiert le croisement de regards venus de multiples horizons disciplinaires et/ou géographiques.

    38 publications

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