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  • Title: ‘Le Temps retrouvé’ Eighty Years After/80 ans après

    ‘Le Temps retrouvé’ Eighty Years After/80 ans après

    Critical Essays / Essais critiques
    by Adam Watt (Volume editor)
    ©2009 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Teaching Spivak—Otherwise

    Teaching Spivak—Otherwise

    A Contribution to the Critique of the Post-Theory Farrago
    by Jerry D. Leonard (Author) 2019
    ©2019 Monographs
  • Title: Modernity and Destining of Technological Being

    Modernity and Destining of Technological Being

    Beyond Heidegger’s Critique of Technology to Responsible and Reflexive Technology
    by Temple Davis Okoro (Author) 2016
  • Title: Plurilinguisme et formation des enseignants / Plurilingualism and Teacher Education

    Plurilinguisme et formation des enseignants / Plurilingualism and Teacher Education

    Une approche critique / A Critical Approach
    by Sabine Ehrhart (Volume editor) Christine Hélot (Volume editor) Adam Le Nevez (Volume editor)
    ©2010 Edited Collection
  • Title: The EU Internal Market in Comparative Perspective

    The EU Internal Market in Comparative Perspective

    Economic, Political and Legal Analyses
    by Jacques Pelkmans (Volume editor) Dominik Hanf (Volume editor) Michele Chang (Volume editor) 2012
    ©2008 Edited Collection
  • Histoire des Échanges, Communications, Postes et Territoires / History of the Exchanges, Communications, Post Offices and Territories

    Échanges et territoires / Exchanges and Territories

    The Postal Service, guardian of a French-styled public service, has become, under the influence of Europe, a universal service, and by its history and by its roots in its environment, presents an opportunity to reflect on the manner in which traditional and contemporary societies have resolved the issues of communication, exchanges and control of territories. Thanks to the Committee for the history of the Post-Office, researchers in the humanities and social sciences have been allowed to reflect on its past and to shed light on the changes in the societies linked within its network. Thus, now active for nearly two decades, the committee has encouraged and promoted research on the Postal Service, its «tools/instruments» of exchanges, its diplomatic agents, its politics, economy, culture and even its land settlements, without forgetting its legislative and legal aspects. This series brings together work – doctorates, acts of symposia, biographies, testimonials – in French and in English, that specifically deal with the Post-Office and, more broadly, of the problems of commerce, communications and the control of territories. It is a platform for critical analyses of a world in perpetual motion. All the publications in this collection are subject to double peer review. Gardienne d’un service public à la française devenu, sous l’influence de l’Europe, un service universel, la Poste, par son histoire et par son ancrage dans son environnement, permet de réfléchir sur la façon dont les sociétés traditionnelles et contemporaines ont résolu les questions de communication, d’échanges et de maîtrise des territoires. Grâce au Comité pour l’Histoire de la Poste, il est donné aux chercheurs en sciences humaines et sociales à réfléchir sur son passé et à éclairer les mutations des sociétés qu’elle relie grâce à son réseau. Ainsi, actif depuis plus de deux décennies, le comité suscite et encourage les recherches sur les Postes, « outils/instruments » d’échanges, et aussi agent de la diplomatie, de la politique, de l’économie, de la culture ou encore de l’aménagement des territoires, sans oublier les aspects législatifs et juridiques. Cette collection rassemble les travaux – doctorats, actes de colloques, biographies, témoignages –, en français et en anglais, traitant spécifiquement de la Poste/des postes et, de façon plus large, des problématiques des échanges, des communications et de la maîtrise des territoires. Elle se veut une plateforme d’analyses critiques d’un monde en perpétuel mouvement. Toutes les publications de cette collection sont soumises à une double évaluation à l’aveugle.

    14 publications

  • Sapheneia

    Beiträge zur klassischen Philologie / Contributions à la philologie classique / Contributions to Classical Philology

    ISSN: 1421-7899

    As indicated by its name, this series is devoted to the interpretation of ancient Greek and Latin texts. It accommodates not only studies of special subjects and individual authors, but also annotated editions as well as commentaries. In the tradition of critical scholarship the collection is uncompromisingly philological without however excluding new approaches and methods of exegesis. Each of the volumes represents independent and original research which contributes to the understanding of ancient texts whether in the form of critical exposition or the investigation of specific problems. It is in this sense that they genuinely further the discipline of classical philology. At the same time the series welcomes studies of the reception and influence of ancient texts including in particular the history of their transmission as well as the historical development of philology in its various aspects. In order to reach as wide a readership as possible, publication is restricted to works written in those languages most commonly in use in classical scholarship. Special importance is attached to clear presentation and a choice of language that can be readily understood. Authors are moreover encouraged to provide translations wherever they would aid comprehension. Ultimately Sapheneia should not only advance classical studies,but also deepen our understanding of the intellectual tradition of the western world. As of volume 24, the series is no longer published by Peter Lang Verlag. Comme l’indique son nom, cette collection est consacrée à l’interprétation de textes anciens, grecs et latins. Elle offre un cadre à des monographies consacrées à un sujet ou à un auteur spécifique, mais aussi à des commentaires ou à des éditions annotées. La tradition de l’analyse critique nous oblige à concevoir son contenu comme une démarche philologique rigoureuse. Ceci ne saurait exclure cependant ni l’exploration de voies nouvelles, ni un élargissement des méthodes d’interprétation des textes. Les volumes de cette collection doivent relever d’une recherche indépendante, tant du point de vue de leur exégèse que de celui de l’approche analytique. En ce sens, elle offre un apport original à la philologie classique. Une grande importance y est donnée à la continuité et à l’actualité de la lecture des textes antiques, particulièrement dans les domaines de l’histoire de la transmission, de l’interprétation ainsi que de l’historique de la discipline philologique. Pour toucher un public aussi large que possible, cette collection comprendra des volumes dans les langues courantes du monde scientifique. Elle fonde son intérêt et sa valeur sur la clarté de la présentation et de la langue. Sapheneia doit enfin permettre, par le traitement de questions scientifiques, d’approfondir notre compréhension de la tradition intellectuelle occidentale. À partir du volume 24, la série n'est plus publiée par Peter Lang Verlag. Die Reihe fördert – ihrem Titel entsprechend – die Interpretation antiker griechischer und lateinischer Texte und bietet Raum nicht nur für Monographien zu speziellen Themen und Autoren, sondern auch für Ausgaben mit erklärenden Anmerkungen oder einem ausführlichen Kommentar. Der Tradition der kritischen Wissenschaft verpflichtet, versteht sich die Reihe als eine streng philologische, ohne sich jedoch neuen Richtungen und erweiterten Methoden der textlichen Auslegung zu verschliessen. Die aufgenommenen Bände tragen aus eigenständiger Forschung zum Verständnis antiker Texte bei, sei es durch deren Exegese, sei es durch problembezogene Untersuchungen. In diesem Sinn bilden sie originale Beiträge zur Klassischen Philologie. Grosse Bedeutung innerhalb der Reihe kommt dem Nachleben antiker Texte zu, und zwar in erster Linie der Überlieferungs- und Interpretationsgeschichte sowie dem historischen Aspekt der philologischen Disziplin. Um eine möglichst grosse Leserschaft zu erfassen, publiziert die Reihe in deutscher, englischer und französischer Sprache. Besonderen Wert legt sie auf klare Präsentation der Forschungsergebnisse sowie auf eine verständliche sprachliche Form. Letztlich soll Sapheneia über die wissenschaftliche Fragestellung hinaus das Verständnis für die geistige Tradition des Abendlandes vertiefen. Ab Band 24 erscheint die Reihe nicht mehr im Peter Lang Verlag.

    22 publications

  • Title: Beauty, Reason, and Power

    Beauty, Reason, and Power

    Music Education in a Pluralist Society
    by William M. Perrine (Author) 2023
    ©2023 Textbook
  • Title: Anna Haag and her Secret Diary of the Second World War

    Anna Haag and her Secret Diary of the Second World War

    A Democratic German Feminist’s Response to the Catastrophe of National Socialism
    by Edward Timms (Author) 2023
    ©2023 Monographs
  • Title: Réhabilitation d’un poète haïtien

    Réhabilitation d’un poète haïtien

    Etzer Vilaire
    by Wedsly Turenne Guerrier (Author) 2018
    ©2018 Monographs
  • Title: Anna Haag and her Secret Diary of the Second World War

    Anna Haag and her Secret Diary of the Second World War

    A Democratic German Feminist’s Response to the Catastrophe of National Socialism
    by Edward Timms (Author) 2016
    ©2016 Monographs
  • Title: Towards a Critical Theory of Surveillance in Informational Capitalism

    Towards a Critical Theory of Surveillance in Informational Capitalism

    by Thomas Allmer (Author) 2012
    ©2012 Others
  • Many Voices

    Ethnic Literatures of the Americas

    The literature of the Americas has a variety of cultural elements present under the general term "American." The canonical English mainstream of North America and the corresponding Spanish/Portuguese mainstream of South America have nevertheless reflected the arrival, assimilation, and marginality of numerous groups. Their experiences are both unique and representative of universal conditions of cultural contact and conflict. In both the United States and Canada, there are works which represent diverse aspects of the Black, Irish, Italian, Hispanic or Latino, Franco, German, Jewish, Portuguese, Greek, Slavic, and Asian communities, among others, as writers give both creative and testimonial form to the realities, both past and present of groups arriving subsequent to the original colonial period. In Latin America, some of these same groups are represented in the fiction written in Spanish and Portuguese. While this series focuses on specific ethnic groups and/or individual representatives, the fictional and poetic texts therein may address a range of issues, among them race relations, language and bilingualism, nationalism, colonialism, gender, class, cultural conflict, identity and maintenance, the context of multiculturalism. Critical approaches may include ethnocriticism, historical analyses, others, as well as structural critiques of these sorts of texts which by the very nature of their multiple focus become the aesthetic model for their content: a sort of border, mixed-blood, metis linguistic mode that in turn requires a double vision of its readers and critics. The literature of the Americas has a variety of cultural elements present under the general term "American." The canonical English mainstream of North America and the corresponding Spanish/Portuguese mainstream of South America have nevertheless reflected the arrival, assimilation, and marginality of numerous groups. Their experiences are both unique and representative of universal conditions of cultural contact and conflict. In both the United States and Canada, there are works which represent diverse aspects of the Black, Irish, Italian, Hispanic or Latino, Franco, German, Jewish, Portuguese, Greek, Slavic, and Asian communities, among others, as writers give both creative and testimonial form to the realities, both past and present of groups arriving subsequent to the original colonial period. In Latin America, some of these same groups are represented in the fiction written in Spanish and Portuguese. While this series focuses on specific ethnic groups and/or individual representatives, the fictional and poetic texts therein may address a range of issues, among them race relations, language and bilingualism, nationalism, colonialism, gender, class, cultural conflict, identity and maintenance, the context of multiculturalism. Critical approaches may include ethnocriticism, historical analyses, others, as well as structural critiques of these sorts of texts which by the very nature of their multiple focus become the aesthetic model for their content: a sort of border, mixed-blood, metis linguistic mode that in turn requires a double vision of its readers and critics. The literature of the Americas has a variety of cultural elements present under the general term "American." The canonical English mainstream of North America and the corresponding Spanish/Portuguese mainstream of South America have nevertheless reflected the arrival, assimilation, and marginality of numerous groups. Their experiences are both unique and representative of universal conditions of cultural contact and conflict. In both the United States and Canada, there are works which represent diverse aspects of the Black, Irish, Italian, Hispanic or Latino, Franco, German, Jewish, Portuguese, Greek, Slavic, and Asian communities, among others, as writers give both creative and testimonial form to the realities, both past and present of groups arriving subsequent to the original colonial period. In Latin America, some of these same groups are represented in the fiction written in Spanish and Portuguese. While this series focuses on specific ethnic groups and/or individual representatives, the fictional and poetic texts therein may address a range of issues, among them race relations, language and bilingualism, nationalism, colonialism, gender, class, cultural conflict, identity and maintenance, the context of multiculturalism. Critical approaches may include ethnocriticism, historical analyses, others, as well as structural critiques of these sorts of texts which by the very nature of their multiple focus become the aesthetic model for their content: a sort of border, mixed-blood, metis linguistic mode that in turn requires a double vision of its readers and critics.

    5 publications

  • Title: Justice in Search of Leaders

    Justice in Search of Leaders

    A Handbook for Equity-Driven School Leadership
    by Gloria Graves Holmes (Author) 2018
    ©2018 Textbook
  • Title: Returning the Gaze

    Returning the Gaze

    The Manichean Drama of Postcolonial Exoticism
    by Asma Agzenay (Author) 2015
    ©2015 Monographs
  • Title: The Political Woman in Print

    The Political Woman in Print

    German Women’s Writing 1845–1919
    by Birgit Mikus (Author) 2014
    ©2014 Monographs
  • Title: Re/membering Place

    Re/membering Place

    by Catherine Delmas (Volume editor) André Dodeman (Volume editor) 2013
    ©2013 Conference proceedings
  • Title: French and francophone women facing war- Les femmes face à la guerre

    French and francophone women facing war- Les femmes face à la guerre

    by Alison Fell (Volume editor)
    ©2009 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Reaching Athens

    Reaching Athens

    Community, Democracy and Other Mythologies in Adaptations of Greek Tragedy
    by Margherita Laera (Author) 2013
    ©2013 Monographs
  • Title: Terrestrial Ecotopias

    Terrestrial Ecotopias

    Multispecies Flourishing in and Beyond the Capitalocene
    by Heather Alberro (Author) 2024
    ©2024 Monographs
  • Title: The Novels of Zsigmond Móricz in the Context of European Realism

    The Novels of Zsigmond Móricz in the Context of European Realism

    A Thematic Approach
    by Virginia L. Lewis (Author) 2023
  • Title: Murderous Mothers

    Murderous Mothers

    Late Twentieth-Century Medea Figures and Feminism
    by Claire E. Scott (Author) 2022
    ©2022 Monographs
  • Title: What’s Race Got To Do With It?

    What’s Race Got To Do With It?

    How Current School Reform Policy Maintains Racial and Economic Inequality, Second Edition
    by Edwin Mayorga (Volume editor) Ujju Aggarwal (Volume editor) Bree Picower (Volume editor) 2020
    ©2020 Textbook
  • Title: Because We Are Poor

    Because We Are Poor

    Irish Theatre in the 1990s
    by Victor Merriman (Volume editor)
    ©2011 Monographs
  • Title: The Resurrection of the «Spectre»

    The Resurrection of the «Spectre»

    A Marxist Analysis of Race, Class and Alienation in the Post-war British Novel
    by Sercan Hamza Bağlama (Author) 2018
    ©2018 Thesis
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