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  • Art and Thought / Art et pensée

    Histories of the Avant-Garde / histoires des avant-gardes

    If the past is continually retold in the present, as Walter Benjamin suggests, what can critical perspectives reveal and what do they obscure about the history of our modern time? Art and Thought: Histories of the Avant-Garde revisits and reconceptualises the histories of modernism, avant-gardism and postmodernism. Volumes in the series will each offer a critical perspective developed in response to specific cultural artefacts and their qualities. They will engage with literary, artistic and theoretical works, from the past as well as the present, and explore the interactions between literature, visual art, film and music, including the livre d’artiste. The series showcases work by new as well as established scholars, whether monographs, single- or multi-authored collections of essays, and new editions of salient or neglected primary texts in English or French, including original aesthetic works. Writing on translation as well as in translation is welcome. Walter Benjamin nous rappelle que le passé se dit au présent. Dans quelle mesure la pensée critique permet-elle d’illuminer notre histoire ? La collection Art et pensée : histoires des avant-gardes se propose de penser à nouveaux frais les problématiques liant les esthétiques de la modernité, de l’avant-garde et du postmoderne. Chaque volume répondra aux qualités ponctuelles d'objets esthétiques et culturels considérés par une perspective critique propre. Des œuvres de littérature, d’art et de réflexion y seront abordées, qui souligneront les rapports intimes de l’écriture, du visuel, de la musique, du cinéma. Les livres d’artistes ne seront pas oubliés. La collection présentera, en langue française ou anglaise, le travail critique de chercheurs établis ou en début de carrière. Elle offrira à ses lecteurs des monographies, des collections d’essais, des volumes collectifs, et des éditions nouvelles d’œuvres marquantes ou jusqu’à présent négligées, y compris les œuvres littéraires et esthétiques. Les œuvres en traduction nouvelle tout comme les travaux sur la traduction même seront vivement accueillis.

    6 publications

  • Title: Reading Images, Viewing Texts- Lire les images, voir les textes

    Reading Images, Viewing Texts- Lire les images, voir les textes

    Crossdisciplinary Perspectives- Perspectives pluridisciplinaires
    by Louise Maurer (Volume editor) Roger Hillman (Volume editor)
    ©2006 Edited Collection
  • Title: Repenser les processus créateurs- Rethinking Creative Processes

    Repenser les processus créateurs- Rethinking Creative Processes

    Avec une contribution de / With a contribution by Philippe Djian
    by Françoise Grauby (Volume editor) Michelle Royer (Volume editor)
    ©2001 Conference proceedings
  • Theaomai – Studien zu den performativen Künsten

    ISSN: 1436-1981

    The Old Greek verb theaomai – looking both with the mind’s eye and the actual eye – since the very beginning of European theatre suggests a close relation between theatre and theory. Within the act of perception the spectators, theates, relate the things they hear and see to the site of their memory and psyche. Of all the arts those who reflect the process of perception in the aesthetic form itself are performative arts. This series publishes interdisciplinary studies between theatre- and media studies as well as studies on the visual arts that analyse the social and subjective potential of the aesthetic process of looking, hearing, and reading. Das altgriechische Verb theaomai – «mit dem geistigen wie konkreten Auge schauen» – legt seit den Anfängen des europäischen Theaters eine enge Beziehung von Theater und Theorie nahe. Diese wird vom Zuschauer theates über den Akt seiner Wahrnehmung geknüpft: er verbindet konkretes Hören und Sehen mit dem Schauplatz seines Gedächtnisses und seiner Psyche. Künste, die diesen Prozess des Wahrnehmens in der ästhetischen Form selbst reflektieren, somit Denken und sinnliche Teilnahme des Rezipienten fordern, um die Sinnpotentialitäten des ästhetischen Gegenstands zu realisieren, sind performative Künste. Die Reihe veröffentlicht interdisziplinäre Studien im Übergang von Theater-, Kunst- und Medienwissenschaft, die das gesellschafts- und subjektkritische Potential des Prozesses ästhetischer Zuschauer-, Hörer- oder Leserwahrnehmung untersuchen.

    12 publications

  • Title: Déplacements culturels : migrations et identités - Desplazamientos culturales: migraciones e identidades

    Déplacements culturels : migrations et identités - Desplazamientos culturales: migraciones e identidades

    by Flores Célia Navarro (Volume editor) Mélanie Létocart-Araujo (Volume editor) Dominique Boxus (Volume editor) 2013
    ©2014 Edited Collection
  • Mondes de langue portugaise

    ISSN: 2795-6105

    The "Worlds of Portuguese Language" series encompasses different cultural domains related to the Portuguese language without restrictions of thematic, historical or geographical kind. The underlining notion of language is that of a space of deconstruction, conducive to a broader reflection on spatial and temporal correlations, forms of porosity, mobility and exchange within a broad thematic and disciplinary horizon. To promote interdisciplinarity for a global understanding of cultural phenomena is one of our main concerns. From intercultural and plurilingual heritage, and their embodiment of a certain idea of ​​translation, to visual and performing arts, the series welcomes reflections on the text in its different literary modes (whether lyrical, narrative or dramatic) and on inter-artistic approaches which bring together different semiotic systems. Questions arising from postcolonial and postdictatorial memory will put in perspective major research topics related to the representation of the physical and social body, migration and new approaches to pedagogy and teaching. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mundos de língua portuguesa é uma coleção que tem por vocação abordar os diversos domínios culturais em ligação com a língua portuguesa sem restrição temática, temporal ou geográfica. A língua é aqui concebida como um espaço de desconstrução, propício a uma reflexão alargada sobre as mobilidades espácio-temporais, as porosidades, os intercâmbios e as comunicações num largo horizonte temático e disciplinar. O objetivo é o de valorizar a interdisciplinaridade visando uma compreensão global dos fenómenos culturais. As heranças interculturais e plurilingues, as suas relações com uma ideia da tradução são abordadas assim como as artes visuais e de cena, o texto nos seus diferentes modos (lírico, narrativo, dramático), abrindo para uma abordagem interartística que engloba vários sistemas semióticos. A partir das questões da memória pós-colonial e pós-ditatorial são postas em perspetiva temáticas que desenvolvem as representações do corpo físico e social, as migrações assim como as novas abordagens de pedagogia e de ensino. Mondes de langue portugaise est une collection qui a pour vocation d’aborder les divers domaines culturels en lien avec la langue portugaise sans restriction thématique, temporelle ou géographique. La langue est ici conçue comme espace de déconstruction, propice à une réflexion élargie sur les mobilités spatio-temporelles, les porosités, les échanges et les communications dans un large horizon thématique et disciplinaire. L’objectif est de valoriser l’interdisciplinarité pour une compréhension globale des phénomènes culturels. Les héritages interculturels et plurilingues, leurs rapports avec une idée de traduction sont abordés ainsi que les arts visuels et de la scène, le texte dans ses différents modes (lyrique, narratif, dramatique), en ouvrant sur une approche inter artistique qui comprend plusieurs systèmes sémiotiques. A partir des questions de la mémoire post postcoloniale et post-dictatoriale, sont mises en perspective des thématiques abordant les représentations du corps physique et social, la migration ainsi que les nouvelles approches de pédagogie et d’enseignement. --------------------------------- Mundos de língua portuguesa é uma coleção que tem por vocação abordar os diversos domínios culturais em ligação com a língua portuguesa sem restrição temática, temporal ou geográfica. A língua é aqui concebida como um espaço de desconstrução, propício a uma reflexão alargada sobre as mobilidades espácio-temporais, as porosidades, os intercâmbios e as comunicações num largo horizonte temático e disciplinar. O objetivo é o de valorizar a interdisciplinaridade visando uma compreensão global dos fenómenos culturais. As heranças interculturais e plurilingues, as suas relações com uma ideia da tradução são abordadas assim como as artes visuais e de cena, o texto nos seus diferentes modos (lírico, narrativo, dramático), abrindo para uma abordagem interartística que engloba vários sistemas semióticos. A partir das questões da memória pós-colonial e pós-ditatorial são postas em perspetiva temáticas que desenvolvem as representações do corpo físico e social, as migrações assim como as novas abordagens de pedagogia e de ensino.

    5 publications

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