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  • Framing Film

    The History and Art of Cinema

    Framing Film has committed itself to the acquisition and publication of serious, high-quality film studies on topics of national and international interest. The series editors are open to a full range of scholarly methodologies and analytical approaches in the examination of cinema art and history, including topics on film theory, film and society, gender and race, politics. Cutting-edge studies and diverse points of view are particularly encouraged.

    21 publications

  • Transamerican Film and Literature

    This series publishes scholarly contributions to the growing and ever-changing fields of film and literary studies across the Americas. Written in English or Spanish, the titles in this series include edited volumes, books by single authors, and translations of scholarly monographs. They typically investigate film and literature of the Americas, examining works and trends in relation to form, genre, culture, politics, historiography, and diverse areas of theory. The term "Transamerican" implies transnational perspectives on creative work from all over the Americas, with an emphasis on new assessments of Latin American work, but is not constrained to studies of multiple national cinemas or literatures, and may venture beyond the Americas for comparative purposes. It also encompasses studies of single works or bodies of work from the Americas whose thematics or aesthetics warrant attention from a broad scholarly readership. The mission of the series is to provide a site of dialogue and new collaborations between scholars working on Transamerican film and literary studies throughout the Americas and other continents, emphasizing the region's growing diversity of critical and theoretical perspectives on film and literature. Esta colección estará dedicada a publicar materiales sobre el cine y la literatura que se producen en el continente americano. Los materiales podrán estar escritos en español o en inglés, y podrán ser libros colectivos, trabajos elaborados por un autor individual, traducciones de estudios especializados, así como ediciones o traducciones académicas de textos literarios. En todos los casos serán textos orientados al estudio del cine y/o la literatura en la región continental, en términos de forma, género, cultura, política, historiografía o diversas áreas de la teoría. El término "transamerican" implica una perspectiva transnacional en los estudios sobre trabajos creativos de todo el continente americano, con énfasis en la región latinoamericana, pero no se limita a los estudios sobre los cines o las literaturas nacionales de múltiples países. Por otra parte, admite la exploración, con fines comparativos, de terrenos que rebasan esta región, y puede incorporar estudios sobre las obras individuales o sobre el cúmulo del trabajo de un solo autor cuyas temáticas o características estéticas merecen la atención de una amplia comunidad de lectores especializados. La misión de la serie es ofrecer un espacio para el diálogo entre los investigadores que estudian el cine y la literatura en el continente americano y en otras regiones, así como enfatizar la existencia de una creciente diversidad de perspectivas teóricas y analíticas.

    5 publications

  • United States Studies: Culture, Politics, Media

    The United States Studies: Culture, Politics, Media Series is addressed to scholars and students from various disciplines with a general interest in multi-, trans-, and interdisciplinary study of the United States and whose research is inspired by diverse approaches to the analysis of cultural, social, and political phenomena as seen from the perspective of broadly understood media, i.e., film, television, press media, new media, visual arts and literature. The Editors of the series welcome original, previously unpublished research from individual scholars as well as edited volumes which exploit a well defined cultural, social, or political aspect of the United States.

    6 publications

  • Studies in Modern German and Austrian Literature

    ISSN: 2235-3488

    Studies in Modern German and Austrian Literature is a broadly conceived series that aims to publish significant research and scholarship devoted to German and Austrian literature of all forms and genres from the eighteenth century to the present day. The series promotes the analysis of intersections of literature with thought, society and other art forms, such as film, theatre, autobiography, music, painting, sculpture and performance art. It includes monographs on single authors or works, focused historical periods, and studies of experimentation with form and genre. Wider ranging explorations of literary, cultural or socio-political phenomena in the German-speaking lands or among writers in exile and analyses of national, ethnic and cultural identities in literature are also welcome topics. Proposals are invited for monographs, high-quality doctoral dissertations revised for book publication, focused collections of essays (including selectively edited conference proceedings), annotated editions and bibliographies. Senior figures in the academic profession as well as early career or independent scholars are encouraged to submit proposals. All proposals and manuscripts will be peer reviewed. We publish in both German and English. This series is a successor to Studies in Modern German Literature, edited by Peter D.G. Brown.

    16 publications

  • Caribbean Studies

    Caribbean Studies treats all aspects of Caribbean culture and society, including, but not necessarily limited to, literatures, history, film, music, art, geography, politics, languages, and social sciences. Studies may focus on European, Amerindian, African, or Asian heritages or on a combination of any/all of the above. Linear and chronological approaches, as well as comparative studies are welcome. Places and/or cultures under study may include English-, Spanish-, French-, or Dutch-speaking areas in any time frame or discipline. Manuscripts may be written in English, Spanish, or French, preferably in the language in which the author feels most comfortable. Studies may be on contemporary or previous periods and, if appropriate, can draw comparisons with other global regions.

    27 publications

  • German Studies in America

    ISSN: 0721-3727

    German Studies in America publishes research across the field of German studies in the broadest sense, from literary criticism to cultural studies. The editors welcome scholarly work that takes an innovative approach to German, Swiss, or Austrian history, literature, politics, philosophy, national identity, religion, popular culture, film, music, and/or visual art. We are also eager to consider projects that adopt interdisciplinary and intersectional approaches as well as studies with theoretical approaches including psychoanalysis, gender studies, feminism, Marxism, critical race studies, etc. We publish scholarly monographs, translations and edited volumes of essays in both German and English. This series adheres to the highest academic standards and is peer reviewed.

    67 publications

  • Stage and Screen Studies

    ISSN: 1660-2560

    This series of monographs is concerned with drama and allied entertainment in a wide variety of kinds in the theatre and on film, television and video screens. The emphasis is on the history and interpretation of dramatic entertainment, performance and production in regular and musical theatre, including music hall and variety stages, in para-theatrical activities, like fairground performance and festivals, and in the silent and sound cinema and on television and video. The series engages particularly with the social, political and economic contexts of drama on past and present stages and screens, considering the work of dramatists, performers, directors, designers, technicians and administrators, and will aim to be very wide-ranging in scope, its subjects spanning Classical, Medieval and Renaissance European drama and theatre, Eastern theatre forms, and international modern drama in its various performance kinds. Within this broad remit, the series hopes to publish historical, critical and theoretical studies, annotated anthologies of critical, theoretical and dramatic texts, and collections of interviews and screenplays.

    10 publications

  • Interdisciplinary Studies in Performance

    Historical Narratives. Theater. Public Life

    The series aims at presenting innovative cross-disciplinary and intercultural research in performance practice and theory. Its mission is to expand and enrich performance studies with new research in theatre, film, dance, ritual and art. It also draws on queer and gender studies, anthropology, linguistics, archeaology, ethnography, sociology, history, media and political sciences, and even medicine and biology. The series focuses on promoting groundbreaking methodologies and new directions in studying performative culture by scrutinizing its transformative and transgressive aspects. The series Interdisciplinary Studies in Performance publishes in English and German. Volumes may be monographs as well as thematic collections of papers by scholars from Poland and from abroad.

    34 publications

  • Artes visuales y sociedades hispánicas

    The "Visual Arts and Hispanic Societies" series is devoted to monographic or collective works in Spanish on artistic representations of the cultures of Hispanic countries, in Spain and in the Americas as well as territories or communities on other continents. The concept of ʻvisual artsʼ includes all forms of representation related to the image, whether they refer to academic arts such as photography, painting, theatre and film, or to more recent, popular and/or heterogeneous styles such as graphic novels, television, video games, street art, installations, interventions and other forms of free or ephemeral art, whether or not linked to new technologies. This collection aims to bring together authors writing from different perspectives who are interested in the social function of current or traditional art, in the way in which visual representations seek to convey critical, pragmatic, committed and/or political points of view on the conflicts through which Hispanic societies evolved in the past or are currently being transformed. La colección "Artes visuales y sociedades hispánicas" está dedicada a trabajos monográficos o colectivos en español sobre representaciones artísticas de las culturas de los países hispánicos, tanto en España y América como en algunos territorios o comunidades de otros continentes. El concepto de ʻartes visualesʼ incluye aquí toda forma de representación relacionada con la imagen, ya se refiera a artes académicas como la fotografía, la pintura, el teatro y el cine, o a estilos más recientes, populares y/o heterogéneos como la historieta, la novela gráfica, la televisión, los videojuegos, el street art, las instalaciones y otras modalidades de arte libre o efímero, ligados o no a las nuevas tecnologías. Esta colección pretende asociar a una serie de autores de horizontes diversos interesados por la función social del arte actual o tradicional, por la manera en que las representaciones visuales pretenden transmitir puntos de vista críticos, pragmáticos, comprometidos y/o políticos sobre los conflictos a través de los cuales evolucionaron en el pasado o se transforman actualmente las sociedades hispánicas. La collection "Arts visuels et sociétés hispaniques" est consacrée à des travaux monographiques ou collectifs écrits en espagnol sur les représentations artistiques des cultures des pays hispaniques, aussi bien en Espagne et en Amérique que dans certains territoires ou communautés dʼautres continents. Le concept d'ʻart visuelʼ inclut ici toutes les formes de représentation liées à lʼimage, quʼelles se réfèrent aux arts considérés comme académiques comme la photographie, la peinture, le théâtre et le cinéma, ou à des styles plus récents, populaires et/ou hétérogènes comme la bande dessinée, le roman graphique, la télévision, les jeux vidéo, le street art, les installations et autres formes dʼart libre ou éphémère, liées ou non aux nouvelles technologies. Cette collection vise à associer des auteurs d’horizons variés qui sʼintéressent à la fonction sociale de lʼart actuel ou traditionnel, ainsi qu’à la manière dont les représentations visuelles cherchent à transmettre des points de vue critiques, pragmatiques, engagés et/ou politiques sur les conflits à travers lesquels les sociétés hispaniques ont évolué dans le passé ou sont en train de se transformer.

    3 publications

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