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  • Studies in Children's Literature

    ISSN: 1531-3964

    "This series will feature the work of leading and emerging scholars in children's literature who situate their study in an international literacy, cultural, and linguistic context, drawing on tools of historical research and theoretical paradigms from various disciplines, but offering new aesthetic frameworks as well as detailes textual analysis for the understanding of a literary phenomenon of enormous scope and power. The purpose of such a series is to expand dialogue among students and scholars of children's literature; questioning critical assumptions, including the notion of children's literature itself; opening new areas of inquiry; and advancing the serious exploration of that which is ostensibly written for the child." "This series will feature the work of leading and emerging scholars in children's literature who situate their study in an international literacy, cultural, and linguistic context, drawing on tools of historical research and theoretical paradigms from various disciplines, but offering new aesthetic frameworks as well as detailes textual analysis for the understanding of a literary phenomenon of enormous scope and power. The purpose of such a series is to expand dialogue among students and scholars of children's literature; questioning critical assumptions, including the notion of children's literature itself; opening new areas of inquiry; and advancing the serious exploration of that which is ostensibly written for the child." "This series will feature the work of leading and emerging scholars in children's literature who situate their study in an international literacy, cultural, and linguistic context, drawing on tools of historical research and theoretical paradigms from various disciplines, but offering new aesthetic frameworks as well as detailes textual analysis for the understanding of a literary phenomenon of enormous scope and power. The purpose of such a series is to expand dialogue among students and scholars of children's literature; questioning critical assumptions, including the notion of children's literature itself; opening new areas of inquiry; and advancing the serious exploration of that which is ostensibly written for the child."

    1 publications

  • Travail et Société / Work and Society

    ISSN: 1376-0955

    The series «Work & Society» analyses the development of employment and social policies, as well as the strategies of the different social actors, both at national and European levels. It puts forward a multi-disciplinary approach – political, sociological, economic, legal and historical – in a bid for dialogue and complementarity. The series is not confined to the social field stricto sensu, but also aims to illustrate the indirect social impacts of economic and monetary policies. It endeavours to clarify social developments, from a comparative and a historical perspective, thus portraying the process of convergence and divergence in the diverse national societal contexts. The manner in which European integration impacts on employment and social policies constitutes the backbone of the analyses. La collection « Travail & Société » analyse les évolutions de la sphère du travail et des politiques sociales à travers l’étude des stratégies menées par les acteurs sociaux, tant sur le plan national qu’européen. Elle propose une approche pluridisciplinaire – politique, sociologique, économique, juridique et historique – dans un souci de dialogue et de complémentarité. La collection ne se limite pas à des études du champ social stricto sensu mais vise également à illustrer les impacts sociaux indirects des politiques économiques et monétaires. Elle s’attache à mettre en perspective les évolutions sociales, tant du point de vue historique que de manière comparative, en illustrant la convergence et la divergence dans les différents parcours nationaux. La dimension européenne, et plus particulièrement l’impact de l’intégration européenne, constitue un axe d’analyse privilégié.

    86 publications

  • Philosophy and Cultural Studies Revisited / Historisch-genetische Studien zur Philosophie und Kulturgeschichte

    The main purposes of this series are philological and philosophical analytical reconstructions, and reinterpretations of philosophical writings. Under the terms "reconstruction" and "reinterpretation" is understood that such approach foregrounds the primary, alive philosophical idea. We assume that a precise philological analysis of source texts with the new analysis of philosophical concepts they are based on, can reveal meanings that have been obscured and distorted by the subsequent translations and interpretations. Without undermining the importance of the philosophical tradition, we ask what the authors have told us in their own language. We start with the strictly hermeneutic methodology: source texts are placed in the historical background, as they are not rigid constructs, but lively voices in a broader dialogue. Our object is to bring out the original meaning of texts. The language of the publication of the series is both English and German.

    13 publications

  • Population, Famille et Société / Population, Family, and Society

    ISSN: 1660-6043

    This series welcomes and encourages the dialogue between demography and family studies to revitalize social history as well as sociology and population studies. An international network of scholars based at the Laboratory of Demography and Family Studies of the University of Geneva has initiated an open-minded series that seeks to reflect the latest developments in research. The collection emphasizes comparative and international perspectives, as well as interdisciplinary approaches drawing from history, economics, statistics, sociology, geography, demography, and cultural anthropology. Innovative methodologies for both qualitative and quantitative analysis which allow authors to reformulate old problems and ask new questions are particular welcome. The series publishes both individual and collective volumes. The first group encompasses case studies or monographs coming from the Swiss or the international scientific world, including the best Ph.D. dissertations. The second group refers to collective volumes organized around a topic emerging from a scientific debate, with contributions from various disciplinary fields and/or geographic horizons. Cette collection a pour ambition d’accueillir et de promouvoir le dialogue entre les démographes et les spécialistes de la famille, dialogue qui renouvelle profondément tant l’histoire sociale que la sociologie contemporaine. Animée par un réseau international qui s’appuie sur le Laboratoire de Démographie et d’Etudes Familiales de l’Université de Genève, la collection est largement ouverte et veut refléter les dynamiques de recherche les plus récentes. Elle privilégie les perspectives comparatives, internationales, ainsi que les approches interdisciplinaires, celles qui mêlent les apports de l’histoire, de l’économie, de la statistique, de la sociologie, de la géographie, de la démographie, de l’anthropologie culturelle, etc. L’innovation méthodologique, dans les domaines du qualitatif aussi bien que du quantitatif, qui permet de refonder les problématiques et d’articuler de nouvelles questions, est particulièrement saluée. La collection accueille aussi bien des contributions individuelles que collectives. Dans le premier groupe se rangent les monographies ou travaux de synthèse issus du milieu scientifique suisse et international, en ce compris les meilleures thèses de doctorat. Le second groupe réunit des recueils d’articles organisés autour d’un thème qui émerge dans le débat scientifique, et qui requiert le croisement de regards venus de multiples horizons disciplinaires et/ou géographiques.

    38 publications

  • Europe plurielle/Multiple Europes

    The series «Multiple Europes» is multiple in two ways: it understands Europe in an interdisciplinary manner with a strong historical perspective, and it understands Europe as being inserted in transnational and global contexts. On both levels, the perspectives on Europe and the very role and understanding of Europe is multiple. The special emphasis of the series thus lies in understanding the pasts of Europe as well as its complex present. The history of Europe and the history of European integration have influenced each other in the past and will continue to do so in the future. There is an inbuilt tension in the relation between European history and the history of European integration. Europe signifies a space and semantics much broader and more complex than the EU. The relations between ideas of Europe, European history, global history and European integration need to be faced more openly. In order to do this, an open dialogue between academic disciplines is just as necessary as critical self-reflection within each discipline. Furthermore, European history was preoccupied with looking at itself and needs to be connected to global relations. La collection « Europe plurielle » tente d’’analyser à la fois la richesse du passé dont l’’Europe est issue et la complexité de son présent à travers une lecture transdisciplinaire, historique et globale – en un mot : plurielle. L’’histoire de l’’Europe et l’’histoire de l’’intégration européenne se sont influencées mutuellement dans le passé et continuent à le faire. Il existe, en effet, une tension inhérente entre elles. Mais le terme « Europe » renvoie à un espace et à un signifié bien plus amples et complexes que celui d’’« Union Européenne ». Par ailleurs, l’’histoire européenne s’’est trop longtemps penchée sur elle-même et doit à présent s’’articuler aux relations internationales en général. Les relations entre l’’idée de l’’Europe, l’’histoire européenne, l’’histoire mondiale et l’’intégration européenne doivent donc être abordées de façon plus large dans un dialogue interdisciplinaire qui intègre également une réflexion critique à l’’intérieur de chaque discipline. Tels sont les objectifs de la collection. The series «Multiple Europes» is multiple in two ways: it understands Europe in an interdisciplinary manner with a strong historical perspective, and it understands Europe as being inserted in transnational and global contexts. On both levels, the perspectives on Europe and the very role and understanding of Europe is multiple. The special emphasis of the series thus lies in understanding the pasts of Europe as well as its complex present. The history of Europe and the history of European integration have influenced each other in the past and will continue to do so in the future. There is an inbuilt tension in the relation between European history and the history of European integration. Europe signifies a space and semantics much broader and more complex than the EU. The relations between ideas of Europe, European history, global history and European integration need to be faced more openly. In order to do this, an open dialogue between academic disciplines is just as necessary as critical self-reflection within each discipline. Furthermore, European history was preoccupied with looking at itself and needs to be connected to global relations.

    51 publications

  • Fem-Mobilities: Feminismos y Movilidades

    Contemporary migrations take place within the framework of varied geographical, social and symbolic mobilities with strong implications in terms of inequality and global stratification. Throughout history, women have always migrated, but their presence has been invisible or shown in a selective, partial and biased way (Morokvasic, 2011), which presents them more as dependents, sufferers and victims, than as protagonists of the migration. After decades of struggle for the development and implantation of feminist and gender studies in academia and the impact of the broad women's movement at a global level, today we are witnessing the consolidation of a "field" of studies, that of "gender and gender. migrations ». Feminist approaches have provided a set of concepts and categories of analysis that have contributed to restoring the agency of women in general, and in particular, the agency of migrant women. The diverse feminist perspectives allow us to understand how migrations politically, historically and contextually produce gender, the factors of production of political, economic and socio-cultural inequalities that affect the lives of migrant women, as well as the variety of their experiences, their positions and their identities. The FEM-MOBILITIES series is a space for the publication of works that focus on these feminist themes, approaches and perspectives on migration and refuge, with the aim of constituting a place for dialogue and debate, but also for constructive controversy around to the main axes of production of inequality and the ways to combat them. Las migraciones contemporáneas tienen lugar en el marco de movilidades geográficas, sociales y simbólicas variadas con fuertes implicaciones en términos de desigualdad y de estratificación global. A lo largo de la historia, las mujeres siempre han migrado, pero su presencia ha sido invisibilizada o mostrada de manera selectiva, parcial y sesgada (Morokvasic, 2011), lo que las presentan más como dependientes, sufrientes y víctimas, que como protagonistas de la migración. Tras décadas de lucha para el desarrollo e implantación de los estudios feministas y de género en la academia y de la incidencia del movimiento amplio de mujeres a nivel global, hoy asistimos a la consolidación de un «campo» de estudios, el de «género y migraciones». Los enfoques feministas han proporcionado un conjunto de conceptos y categorías de análisis que han contribuido a restituir en general la agencia de las mujeres, y en particular, la agencia de las mujeres migrantes. Las diversas perspectivas feministas nos permitan entender cómo las migraciones producen de manera política, histórica y contextual el género, los factores de producción de desigualdades políticas, económicas y socioculturales que inciden en la vida de las mujeres migrantes, así como la variedad de sus experiencias, sus posiciones y sus identidades. La serie FEM-MOBILITIES es un espacio para la publicación de obras que se centren en estos temas, enfoques y perspectivas feministas de las migraciones y el refugio con el objetivo de constituir un lugar de diálogo y de debate, pero también de controversia constructiva en torno a los principales ejes de producción de desigualdad y las formas de combatirlos.

    1 publications

  • German Visual Culture

    German Visual Culture invites research on German art across different periods, geographical locations, and political contexts. Books in the series engage with aesthetic and ideological continuities as well as ruptures and divergences between individual artists, movements, systems of art education, art institutions, and cultures of display. Challenging scholarship that interrogates and updates existing orthodoxies in the field is desirable. A guiding question of the series is the impact of German art on critical and public spheres, both inside and outside the German-speaking world. Reception is thus conceived in the broadest possible terms, including both the ways in which art has been perceived and defined as well as the ways in which modern and contemporary German artists have undertaken visual dialogues with their predecessors or contemporaries. Issues of cultural transfer, critical race theory and related postcolonial analysis, feminism, queer theory, and other interdisciplinary approaches are encouraged, as are studies on production and consumption, especially the art market, pioneering publishing houses, and the ‘little magazines’ of the avant-garde. All proposals for monographs and edited collections in the history of German visual culture will be considered, although English will be the language of all contributions. Submissions are subject to rigorous peer review. The series will be promoted through the series editor’s Research Forum for German Visual Culture (https://www.eca.ed.ac.uk/research/research-forum-german-visual-culture), which he founded at the University of Edinburgh in 2011, and which has involved various symposia and related publications, all connected to an international network of Germanist scholars.

    20 publications

  • Études canadiennes – Canadian Studies

    ISSN: 1781-3867

    This series examines the many facets of Canadian reality from a multidisciplinary perspective. Contributions from both the humanities and the social sciences are invited. The editor welcomes manuscripts whose primary object is «Canada» in the widest possible sense of the term. The series therefore covers a variety of fields such as literature, history, sociology, politics, economics, geography, law, media, museology, etc. as well as comparative studies. One of the most innovative features of this series is its focus on the latest research conducted outside Canada. It therefore illuminates various aspects of the country in a new and significant manner and encourages a constant and innovative dialogue between Canadian scholars and the community of Canadian studies specialists worldwide. La collection « Études canadiennes » analyse les multiples facettes de la réalité canadienne dans une perspective pluridisciplinaire. Elle accueille des travaux sur tous les thèmes de recherche en sciences humaines et sociales qui ont pour objet principal le Canada dans son acception la plus large – études littéraires, historiques, sociologiques, politiques, économiques, géographiques, juridiques, médiatiques, muséologiques, etc. – mais elle met également l’accent sur les travaux comparatistes incluant le Canada. L’une des principales originalités de la collection est d’accueillir le fruit des recherches les plus récentes menées à l’extérieur du Canada. Elle jette ainsi un éclairage significatif et inédit sur les différentes composantes de ce pays, privilégiant le développement d’un dialogue constant et original entre les scientifiques canadiens et la communauté internationale des canadianistes répartis à travers le monde.

    37 publications

  • passagem

    Estudos em Ciências Culturais / Studies in Cultural Sciences / Kulturwissenschaftliche Studien

    passagem offers new insights at the interface of German and Romance Studies, Comparative Literature Studies and History, aiming at a bridge to fields in related scientific areas. New approaches and concepts deriving from Cognitive Sciences are brought into dialogue with classical issues in the study of culture, addressing the analysis of cultural and literary transfer and change. Books are published in English, Portuguese and German. Prior to publication, the quality of the work published in this series is reviewed by both editors of the series as well as by external referees. Die Reihe passagem bietet kulturwissenschaftliche Studien im Grenzbereich der Disziplinen zwischen Germanistik, Romanistik, Komparatistik und Geschichte, aber auch über die Grenzen der Geisteswissenschaften hinaus. Insbesondere Ansätze aus den Kognitionswissenschaften werden für die Kulturwissenschaften fruchtbar gemacht und damit auch ein weites Feld von Transferprozessen zwischen den Kulturen und Literaturen. Die Reihe erscheint in portugiesischer, englischer und deutscher Sprache. Die Qualität der in dieser Reihe erscheinenden Arbeiten wird vor der Publikation durch beide Herausgeber der Reihe sowie externe Gutachter geprüft.

    22 publications

  • Philosophie und Transkulturalität / Philosophie et transculturalité

    Editors’ Homepage: Prof. Dr. Hans Jörg Sandkühler Au centre de la série, publiée par les Chaires UNESCO de Philosophie aux Universités de Tunis I (Fathi Triki) et de Paris (Jacques Poulain) et de la Section allemande «Droits de l´Homme et cultures» de la chaire parisienne (Hans Jörg Sandkühler), figurent les questions de la philosophie pratique qui concernent, d’un côté, le dialogue interculturel et le vivre-ensemble transculturel et, de l’autre, les contributions épistémologiques au développement de la réflexion sur les sciences, la politique et les droits, l’éthique et l’esthétique dans le cadre défini par l’UNESCO. Le travail des notions et des concepts philosophiques, le renouvellement de notre glossaire d'idées et la mise en question de nos visions du monde, nous aident à mieux maîtriser notre monde. Par l’examen attentif des modes de vie, par la fondation d'un nouvel universalisme qui prend au sérieux les différences et les diversités, la philosophie participe à édifier une identité plurielle ouverte à l'homme contem-porain. Page d'accueil d’éditeur : Prof. Dr. Hans Jörg Sandkühler Im Mittelpunkt der von den UNESCO-Lehrstühlen für Philosophie an den Universitäten Tunis (Fathi Triki) und Paris (Jacques Poulain) sowie der Deutschen Abteilung «Menschenrechte und Kulturen» des Pariser Lehrstuhls (Hans Jörg Sandkühler) herausgegebenen Reihe stehen Fragen der Praktischen Philosophie, des transkulturellen Dialogs und des humanen Zusammen-Lebens sowie epistemologische Beiträge zur Reflexion über die Wissenschaften, über Ethik, Politik und Recht und über Ästhetik in dem durch die UNESCO definierten Rahmen. Die philosophische Arbeit des Begriffs, die Erneuerung der Ideen und das Infragestellen der Weltbilder tragen zur besseren Meisterung der Weltprobleme bei. Die Philosophie leistet durch die Analyse der Lebensweisen und durch die Begründung eines neuen Universalismus, der die Differenzen und Unterschiede ernst nimmt, ihren Beitrag zur Stiftung einer pluralen, für das heutige menschliche Leben offenen Identität. Homepage des Herausgebers: Prof. Dr. Hans Jörg Sandkühler

    18 publications

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