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  • Studies in Central European Culture

    ISSN: 2640-754X

    This book series seeks manuscripts that focus on the critical analysis of the arts and cultures as they reflect, comment, or critique the history, political systems, religions, interethnic connections, economies, and historical and current problems of the multiethnic peoples of Central Europe from the Enlightenment era to the present. Books published in Studies in Central European Culture are explorations of the intellectual history and cultural movements, and their relationships to literature and other cultural representations such the theater, the fine arts, architecture, music, and philosophy. "Central Europe" for this book series is identified as the geographic region of Austria, the Balkans, the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Romania, and the regions of the former Galicia and Bukovina during the Habsburg period, and the former East Germany. Studies in Central European Culture accepts original manuscripts of monographs and anthologies, as well as scholarly translations of literary works.

    2 publications

  • Christianity and Conversion in Scandinavia and the Baltic Region, c. 800-1600

    ISSN: 2694-555X

    Series Editor: Mihai Dragnea (University of South-Eastern Norway) This is a single-blind peer reviewed series which provides an opportunity for scholars to publish high-quality studies on the culture, society and economy of East Central, Eastern and Northern Europe under the influence of Christianity. It welcomes submissions in various formats, including monographs, edited volumes, conference proceedings, and short form publications between 30,000 to 50,000 words (Peter Lang Prompts) on subjects related to: Christian kingship, Christian and pagan identity, cultural encounters, otherness, barbarians, missionary strategy, canon law, canonical aspects of missionary work, forced conversion, clerical involvement in warfare, military orders, Holy War, martyrdom, sacralisation of a landscape, pilgrimage, shrines, saints’ cults, relics of saints, icons, war banners, pagan war rituals, burial practices, diet and fashion, rural area and the concept of town life, intragroup and intergroup relations, linguistic interactions, emotional discourse, narratives gesta episcoporum, saga studies, colonization, settlement, mythology, ethnography, mental geographies, political culture, political relations, dynastic marital alliances, media and communication, trade, exploration, mappae mundi, portolan charts, art history, architecture, numismatics, and all archaeological sub-disciplines. Each volume may contain up to 20 black-and-white images. Editorial Board: Carsten Selch Jensen (University of Copenhagen) Anti Selart (University of Tartu) Jakub Morawiec (University of Silesia) Carole Cusack (University of Sydney) Stanislaw Rosik (University of Wroclaw) Felix Biermann (University of Greifswald) Rob Meens (Utrecht University) David Kalhous (Masaryk University, Brno) Stanislava Kuzmová (Comenius University Bratislava) Peter Ivanič (Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra) Myroslav Voloshchuk (Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk) Attila Bárány (University of Debrecen) Proposals and author/volume editor CV should be sent to mihaidragnea2018@gmail.com

    1 publications

  • Neue Forschungen zur ostmittel- und südosteuropäischen Geschichte / New Researches on East Central and South East European History / Recherches nouvelles sur l'histoire de l'Europe centrale et orientale

    ISSN: 1867-013X

    Im Bereich der Geschichtswissenschaft publiziert die Reihe “Neue Forschungen zur ostmittel- und südosteuropäischen Geschichte“ Monographien und Sammelbände zur Kulturpolitik insbesondere Österreich-Ungarns. Die Forschungsschwerpunkte der Herausgeber der Reihe, Professor Harald Heppner und Ulrike Tischler-Hofer, liegen auf Historiographie, allgemeinen Strukturfragen und Geschichtskultur sowie Kulturpolitik, transnationalen Beziehungen und Interkulturalität.

    17 publications

  • Studies on Language and Culture in Central and Eastern Europe

    ISSN: 1868-2936

    Die Reihe Studies on Language and Culture in Central and Eastern Europe bietet ein Forum für mittel-, ost- und südosteuropabezogene Forschung zu Gegenwartsthemen ebenso wie in historischer Perspektive und bezieht hierbei einen slawistischen Schwerpunkt. Die Monographien, Sammel- und Tagungsbände der Reihe adressieren die Schnittstelle von Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft. Hieraus ergeben sich zahlreiche Profilthemen wie z. B. Sprachkontakt, Gender Studies, Minderheiten- und Grenzforschung.

    49 publications

  • Warsaw Studies in Contemporary History

    Reconsidering the Cold War historiography’s focus on high politics, conflict and confrontation, this series encourages the development of new research that explores ties and similarities transcending the political divide in Europe. It also welcomes new approaches to the history of Central and East European societies under dictatorships: approaches which shed light on individual and collective agency and show high politics as only one of several factors of change. Research in contemporary history still often mentally maps Europe as divided into a West and an East. This overemphasizes barriers between people who often shared similar values and tastes, practices and technologies, between interrelated social phenomena or just neighboring regions. In a similar way, narratives of Central and Eastern Europe often tend to reflect a simplistic vision centered on the conflict between the “regime” and “society”. This overemphasizes the role of crude domination and hinders understanding of the reproduction, evolution and normalization of European communist regimes up to 1989. We seek contributions that employ approaches from history, especially those which integrate insights gained from neighboring disciplines, such as sociology, anthropology, political science, or cultural and gender studies. Discussions of comparative and transnational perspectives are particularly welcome. From Vol. 4 onwards, the series continues as Studies in Contemporary History . Reconsidering the Cold War historiography’s focus on high politics, conflict and confrontation, this series encourages the development of new research that explores ties and similarities transcending the political divide in Europe. It also welcomes new approaches to the history of Central and East European societies under dictatorships: approaches which shed light on individual and collective agency and show high politics as only one of several factors of change. Research in contemporary history still often mentally maps Europe as divided into a West and an East. This overemphasizes barriers between people who often shared similar values and tastes, practices and technologies, between interrelated social phenomena or just neighboring regions. In a similar way, narratives of Central and Eastern Europe often tend to reflect a simplistic vision centered on the conflict between the “regime” and “society”. This overemphasizes the role of crude domination and hinders understanding of the reproduction, evolution and normalization of European communist regimes up to 1989. We seek contributions that employ approaches from history, especially those which integrate insights gained from neighboring disciplines, such as sociology, anthropology, political science, or cultural and gender studies. Discussions of comparative and transnational perspectives are particularly welcome. From Vol. 4 onwards, the series continues as Studies in Contemporary History . Reconsidering the Cold War historiography’s focus on high politics, conflict and confrontation, this series encourages the development of new research that explores ties and similarities transcending the political divide in Europe. It also welcomes new approaches to the history of Central and East European societies under dictatorships: approaches which shed light on individual and collective agency and show high politics as only one of several factors of change. Research in contemporary history still often mentally maps Europe as divided into a West and an East. This overemphasizes barriers between people who often shared similar values and tastes, practices and technologies, between interrelated social phenomena or just neighboring regions. In a similar way, narratives of Central and Eastern Europe often tend to reflect a simplistic vision centered on the conflict between the “regime” and “society”. This overemphasizes the role of crude domination and hinders understanding of the reproduction, evolution and normalization of European communist regimes up to 1989. We seek contributions that employ approaches from history, especially those which integrate insights gained from neighboring disciplines, such as sociology, anthropology, political science, or cultural and gender studies. Discussions of comparative and transnational perspectives are particularly welcome. From Vol. 4 onwards, the series continues as Studies in Contemporary History .

    3 publications

  • Studies in Contemporary History

    Reconsidering the Cold War historiography’s focus on high politics, conflict and confrontation, this series encourages the development of new research that explores ties and similarities transcending the political divide in Europe. It also welcomes new approaches to the history of Central and East European societies under dictatorships: approaches which shed light on individual and collective agency and show high politics as only one of several factors of change. Research in contemporary history still often mentally maps Europe as divided into a West and an East. This overemphasizes barriers between people who often shared similar values and tastes, practices and technologies, between interrelated social phenomena or just neighboring regions. In a similar way, narratives of Central and Eastern Europe often tend to reflect a simplistic vision centered on the conflict between the “regime” and “society”. This overemphasizes the role of crude domination and hinders understanding of the reproduction, evolution and normalization of European communist regimes up to 1989. We seek contributions that employ approaches from history, especially those which integrate insights gained from neighboring disciplines, such as sociology, anthropology, political science, or cultural and gender studies. Discussions of comparative and transnational perspectives are particularly welcome. The series was formerly known as Warsaw Studies in Contemporary History .

    8 publications

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