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  • Studien zum Theater, Film und Fernsehen / Studies in Theatre, Film and Television

    ISSN: 0721-4162

    Die 1982 gegründete Schriftenreihe ist gedacht als ein Forum zur Veröffentlichung von Neuerscheinungen, die Anstöße zur Weiterentwicklung dieser Bereiche geben. Sie ist als ein Unternehmen geplant, das den schillernden Gegenstandsbereich von Theater, Film und Fernsehen durch eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher methodischer Vorgehensweisen und inhaltlicher Akzentsetzungen in seiner ganzen Komplexität deutlich macht. So werden die einzelnen Arbeiten gleichsam als Bausteine fungieren, die in ihrer Gesamtheit den Forschungsgegenstand der Theater-, Film- und Fernsehwissenschaft widerspiegeln sollen.

    40 publications

  • Stage and Screen Studies

    ISSN: 1660-2560

    This series of monographs is concerned with drama and allied entertainment in a wide variety of kinds in the theatre and on film, television and video screens. The emphasis is on the history and interpretation of dramatic entertainment, performance and production in regular and musical theatre, including music hall and variety stages, in para-theatrical activities, like fairground performance and festivals, and in the silent and sound cinema and on television and video. The series engages particularly with the social, political and economic contexts of drama on past and present stages and screens, considering the work of dramatists, performers, directors, designers, technicians and administrators, and will aim to be very wide-ranging in scope, its subjects spanning Classical, Medieval and Renaissance European drama and theatre, Eastern theatre forms, and international modern drama in its various performance kinds. Within this broad remit, the series hopes to publish historical, critical and theoretical studies, annotated anthologies of critical, theoretical and dramatic texts, and collections of interviews and screenplays. This series of monographs is concerned with drama and allied entertainment in a wide variety of kinds in the theatre and on film, television and video screens. The emphasis is on the history and interpretation of dramatic entertainment, performance and production in regular and musical theatre, including music hall and variety stages, in para-theatrical activities, like fairground performance and festivals, and in the silent and sound cinema and on television and video. The series engages particularly with the social, political and economic contexts of drama on past and present stages and screens, considering the work of dramatists, performers, directors, designers, technicians and administrators, and will aim to be very wide-ranging in scope, its subjects spanning Classical, Medieval and Renaissance European drama and theatre, Eastern theatre forms, and international modern drama in its various performance kinds. Within this broad remit, the series hopes to publish historical, critical and theoretical studies, annotated anthologies of critical, theoretical and dramatic texts, and collections of interviews and screenplays. This series of monographs is concerned with drama and allied entertainment in a wide variety of kinds in the theatre and on film, television and video screens. The emphasis is on the history and interpretation of dramatic entertainment, performance and production in regular and musical theatre, including music hall and variety stages, in para-theatrical activities, like fairground performance and festivals, and in the silent and sound cinema and on television and video. The series engages particularly with the social, political and economic contexts of drama on past and present stages and screens, considering the work of dramatists, performers, directors, designers, technicians and administrators, and will aim to be very wide-ranging in scope, its subjects spanning Classical, Medieval and Renaissance European drama and theatre, Eastern theatre forms, and international modern drama in its various performance kinds. Within this broad remit, the series hopes to publish historical, critical and theoretical studies, annotated anthologies of critical, theoretical and dramatic texts, and collections of interviews and screenplays.

    10 publications

  • Europäische Hochschulschriften / European University Studies / Publications Universitaires Européennes

    Reihe 30: Theater-, Film- und Fernsehwissenschaften / Series 30: Theatre, Film and Television / Série 30: Etudes cinématographiques et théâtrales

    The books within this series include a broad range of topics within the category of Theatre, Film and Television. Cette collection présente une riche palette de travaux scientifiques dans le domaine des Etudes cinématographiques et théâtrales. In dieser Reihe erscheinen wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zu einem breiten Themenspektrum im Fachgebiet Theater-, Film und Fernsehwissenschaften.

    87 publications

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