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  • Studies in Twentieth-Century British Literature

    This series invites manuscripts on all genres and authors of twentieth-century British literature. The series seeks to provide fresh critical approaches to the established canon as well as new theoretical constructs which serve to expand the canon, including discourse analysis, narratology, film adaptation of a literary work, and imaging (discovering connections between literary and visual representation of reality). Scholars with cross-disciplinary interests are especially encouraged to submit their work. This series invites manuscripts on all genres and authors of twentieth-century British literature. The series seeks to provide fresh critical approaches to the established canon as well as new theoretical constructs which serve to expand the canon, including discourse analysis, narratology, film adaptation of a literary work, and imaging (discovering connections between literary and visual representation of reality). Scholars with cross-disciplinary interests are especially encouraged to submit their work. This series invites manuscripts on all genres and authors of twentieth-century British literature. The series seeks to provide fresh critical approaches to the established canon as well as new theoretical constructs which serve to expand the canon, including discourse analysis, narratology, film adaptation of a literary work, and imaging (discovering connections between literary and visual representation of reality). Scholars with cross-disciplinary interests are especially encouraged to submit their work.

    11 publications

  • Bible in the Christian Orthodox Tradition

    This series aims at exploring and evaluating the various aspects of biblical traditions as studied, understood, taught, and lived in the Christian communities that spoke and wrote – and some continue speaking and writing – in the Aramaic, Arabic, Armenian, Coptic, Georgian, Romanian, Syriac, and other languages of the Orthodox family of churches. A particular focus of this series is the incorporation of the various methodologies and hermeneutics used for centuries in these Christian communities, into the contemporary critical approaches, in order to shed light on understanding the message of the Bible. Each monograph in the series will engage in critical examination of issues raised by contemporary biblical research. Scholars in the fields of biblical text, manuscripts, canon, hermeneutics, theology, lectionary, Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha will have an enormous opportunity to share their academic findings with a worldwide audience. Manuscripts and dissertations, incorporating a variety of approaches and methodologies to studying the Bible in the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox traditions – including, but not limited to, theological, historiographic, philological and literary – are welcome. This series aims at exploring and evaluating the various aspects of biblical traditions as studied, understood, taught, and lived in the Christian communities that spoke and wrote – and some continue speaking and writing – in the Aramaic, Arabic, Armenian, Coptic, Georgian, Romanian, Syriac, and other languages of the Orthodox family of churches. A particular focus of this series is the incorporation of the various methodologies and hermeneutics used for centuries in these Christian communities, into the contemporary critical approaches, in order to shed light on understanding the message of the Bible. Each monograph in the series will engage in critical examination of issues raised by contemporary biblical research. Scholars in the fields of biblical text, manuscripts, canon, hermeneutics, theology, lectionary, Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha will have an enormous opportunity to share their academic findings with a worldwide audience. Manuscripts and dissertations, incorporating a variety of approaches and methodologies to studying the Bible in the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox traditions – including, but not limited to, theological, historiographic, philological and literary – are welcome. This series aims at exploring and evaluating the various aspects of biblical traditions as studied, understood, taught, and lived in the Christian communities that spoke and wrote – and some continue speaking and writing – in the Aramaic, Arabic, Armenian, Coptic, Georgian, Romanian, Syriac, and other languages of the Orthodox family of churches. A particular focus of this series is the incorporation of the various methodologies and hermeneutics used for centuries in these Christian communities, into the contemporary critical approaches, in order to shed light on understanding the message of the Bible. Each monograph in the series will engage in critical examination of issues raised by contemporary biblical research. Scholars in the fields of biblical text, manuscripts, canon, hermeneutics, theology, lectionary, Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha will have an enormous opportunity to share their academic findings with a worldwide audience. Manuscripts and dissertations, incorporating a variety of approaches and methodologies to studying the Bible in the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox traditions – including, but not limited to, theological, historiographic, philological and literary – are welcome.

    6 publications

  • Studies in Literary Criticism and Theory

    The focus of this series is on studies of all literary genres that elucidate and interpret works of art in the context of criticism and theory. Theory and criticism are held to provide the hermeneutically most rewarding access to specific authors, works, and issues under consideration. Studies of a comparative nature with special reference to issues of literary history, criticism, and postmodern theory are the distinctive features of this monograph series. Emphasis is on subjects that may set trends, generate discussion, expand horizons beyond present perspectives, and/or redefine previously held notions about "major" and "minor" authors and their achievements within or outside the canon. Approaches may center on works, authors, or abstract notions of criticism and/or theory, including issues of a comparative nature concerning world literature. The focus of this series is on studies of all literary genres that elucidate and interpret works of art in the context of criticism and theory. Theory and criticism are held to provide the hermeneutically most rewarding access to specific authors, works, and issues under consideration. Studies of a comparative nature with special reference to issues of literary history, criticism, and postmodern theory are the distinctive features of this monograph series. Emphasis is on subjects that may set trends, generate discussion, expand horizons beyond present perspectives, and/or redefine previously held notions about "major" and "minor" authors and their achievements within or outside the canon. Approaches may center on works, authors, or abstract notions of criticism and/or theory, including issues of a comparative nature concerning world literature. The focus of this series is on studies of all literary genres that elucidate and interpret works of art in the context of criticism and theory. Theory and criticism are held to provide the hermeneutically most rewarding access to specific authors, works, and issues under consideration. Studies of a comparative nature with special reference to issues of literary history, criticism, and postmodern theory are the distinctive features of this monograph series. Emphasis is on subjects that may set trends, generate discussion, expand horizons beyond present perspectives, and/or redefine previously held notions about "major" and "minor" authors and their achievements within or outside the canon. Approaches may center on works, authors, or abstract notions of criticism and/or theory, including issues of a comparative nature concerning world literature.

    21 publications

  • Leeds-Swansea Colloquia on Contemporary German Literature

    The Leeds Colloquia on Contemporary German Literature series is the successor to the Bradford Series of Colloquia on Contemporary German Literature. Like its precursor, the Leeds Series has as its focal point of departure a three-day, biennial colloquium devoted to a particular theme. The colloquia have been supported by a range of cultural institutions over the years including the Goethe Institut, Austrian Cultural Forum and Modern Humanities Research Association, enabling them to act as a forum for dialogue between Germanisten in the German-speaking world and established and aspiring scholars based in the UK, Ireland, the USA and Australia. It is of equal importance that a broad understanding of what constitutes literary writing is fostered. Thus while ‘canonical’ literary figures have always featured, there has been a commitment to new writing which has given rise to the first academic discussions in English of several significant contemporary writers. The organising editors are Professor Julian Preece (University of Wales, Swansea) and Professor Frank Finlay (University of Leeds) who work in tandem with an international Advisory Board. The Leeds Colloquia on Contemporary German Literature series is the successor to the Bradford Series of Colloquia on Contemporary German Literature. Like its precursor, the Leeds Series has as its focal point of departure a three-day, biennial colloquium devoted to a particular theme. The colloquia have been supported by a range of cultural institutions over the years including the Goethe Institut, Austrian Cultural Forum and Modern Humanities Research Association, enabling them to act as a forum for dialogue between Germanisten in the German-speaking world and established and aspiring scholars based in the UK, Ireland, the USA and Australia. It is of equal importance that a broad understanding of what constitutes literary writing is fostered. Thus while ‘canonical’ literary figures have always featured, there has been a commitment to new writing which has given rise to the first academic discussions in English of several significant contemporary writers. The organising editors are Professor Julian Preece (University of Wales, Swansea) and Professor Frank Finlay (University of Leeds) who work in tandem with an international Advisory Board. The Leeds Colloquia on Contemporary German Literature series is the successor to the Bradford Series of Colloquia on Contemporary German Literature. Like its precursor, the Leeds Series has as its focal point of departure a three-day, biennial colloquium devoted to a particular theme. The colloquia have been supported by a range of cultural institutions over the years including the Goethe Institut, Austrian Cultural Forum and Modern Humanities Research Association, enabling them to act as a forum for dialogue between Germanisten in the German-speaking world and established and aspiring scholars based in the UK, Ireland, the USA and Australia. It is of equal importance that a broad understanding of what constitutes literary writing is fostered. Thus while ‘canonical’ literary figures have always featured, there has been a commitment to new writing which has given rise to the first academic discussions in English of several significant contemporary writers. The organising editors are Professor Julian Preece (University of Wales, Swansea) and Professor Frank Finlay (University of Leeds) who work in tandem with an international Advisory Board.

    3 publications

  • History of English Literature

    ‘Franco Marucci’s History of English Literature is unique in its field. There is no other book that combines such erudition and authority in such a compact format. An indispensable work of reference.’ — J. B. Bullen, Visiting Fellow, Kellogg College, Oxford History of English Literature is a comprehensive, eight-volume survey of English literature from the Middle Ages to the early twenty-first century. This reference work provides insightful and often revisionary readings of core texts in the English literary canon. Richly informative analyses are framed by the biographical, historical and intellectual context for each author. Special discount available if you purchase all eight volumes (Discount price: £550, $825.95). Please contact order@peterlang.com with the subject line Marucci. ‘Franco Marucci’s History of English Literature is unique in its field. There is no other book that combines such erudition and authority in such a compact format. An indispensable work of reference.’ — J. B. Bullen, Visiting Fellow, Kellogg College, Oxford History of English Literature is a comprehensive, eight-volume survey of English literature from the Middle Ages to the early twenty-first century. This reference work provides insightful and often revisionary readings of core texts in the English literary canon. Richly informative analyses are framed by the biographical, historical and intellectual context for each author. Special discount available if you purchase all eight volumes (Discount price: £550, $825.95). Please contact order@peterlang.com with the subject line Marucci. ‘Franco Marucci’s History of English Literature is unique in its field. There is no other book that combines such erudition and authority in such a compact format. An indispensable work of reference.’ — J. B. Bullen, Visiting Fellow, Kellogg College, Oxford History of English Literature is a comprehensive, eight-volume survey of English literature from the Middle Ages to the early twenty-first century. This reference work provides insightful and often revisionary readings of core texts in the English literary canon. Richly informative analyses are framed by the biographical, historical and intellectual context for each author. Special discount available if you purchase all eight volumes (Discount price: £550, $825.95). Please contact order@peterlang.com with the subject line Marucci.

    10 publications

  • Studies in Biblical Hebrew

    Studies in Biblical Hebrew is series of monographs designed to promote and publish topical research into the Hebrew of the Old Testament. The series does not assume that Biblical Hebrew is a form of the Aramaic languages (Canaanite) spoken from c. 1200 B.C. to c. 200 B.C., given standardized form only later and then perpetuated as a fixed literary medium. The focus of the series is specifically the corpus of the Old Testament, since the composition and compilation of these writings continue to generate major interest worldwide for reasons historical and academic, as well as religious. The series is devoted to fresh philological, syntactical, and linguistic study of the language of the Hebrew canon, with the subsidiary aim of displaying the contribution of such study to informed and accurate exegesis. Research into the broader evidence of the period, including inscriptional materials, is welcome, provided the results are cast in terms of their particular bearing upon Biblical (classical) Hebrew. Studies in Biblical Hebrew is series of monographs designed to promote and publish topical research into the Hebrew of the Old Testament. The series does not assume that Biblical Hebrew is a form of the Aramaic languages (Canaanite) spoken from c. 1200 B.C. to c. 200 B.C., given standardized form only later and then perpetuated as a fixed literary medium. The focus of the series is specifically the corpus of the Old Testament, since the composition and compilation of these writings continue to generate major interest worldwide for reasons historical and academic, as well as religious. The series is devoted to fresh philological, syntactical, and linguistic study of the language of the Hebrew canon, with the subsidiary aim of displaying the contribution of such study to informed and accurate exegesis. Research into the broader evidence of the period, including inscriptional materials, is welcome, provided the results are cast in terms of their particular bearing upon Biblical (classical) Hebrew. Studies in Biblical Hebrew is series of monographs designed to promote and publish topical research into the Hebrew of the Old Testament. The series does not assume that Biblical Hebrew is a form of the Aramaic languages (Canaanite) spoken from c. 1200 B.C. to c. 200 B.C., given standardized form only later and then perpetuated as a fixed literary medium. The focus of the series is specifically the corpus of the Old Testament, since the composition and compilation of these writings continue to generate major interest worldwide for reasons historical and academic, as well as religious. The series is devoted to fresh philological, syntactical, and linguistic study of the language of the Hebrew canon, with the subsidiary aim of displaying the contribution of such study to informed and accurate exegesis. Research into the broader evidence of the period, including inscriptional materials, is welcome, provided the results are cast in terms of their particular bearing upon Biblical (classical) Hebrew.

    1 publications

  • North American Studies in Nineteenth-Century German Literature and Culture

    ISSN: 2235-3496

    "This series of scholarly works focuses on literature and other cultural artifacts produced during the long nineteenth century in German-speaking lands. The series includes studies in criticism and literary history, as well as analyses of the social and political dimensions of literature and culture. The aim of the series is to offer contributions by North American scholars who have rediscovered once significant authors, genres or modes of production and consumption; reevaluated canonical or other texts and their contexts; or explored other forms of expression, such as journalism, letters or diaries. This scholarship serves to renew our understanding and appreciation of a body of work that was acknowledged as internationally important in the nineteenth century and that still speaks to us today." "This series of scholarly works focuses on literature and other cultural artifacts produced during the long nineteenth century in German-speaking lands. The series includes studies in criticism and literary history, as well as analyses of the social and political dimensions of literature and culture. The aim of the series is to offer contributions by North American scholars who have rediscovered once significant authors, genres or modes of production and consumption; reevaluated canonical or other texts and their contexts; or explored other forms of expression, such as journalism, letters or diaries. This scholarship serves to renew our understanding and appreciation of a body of work that was acknowledged as internationally important in the nineteenth century and that still speaks to us today." "This series of scholarly works focuses on literature and other cultural artifacts produced during the long nineteenth century in German-speaking lands. The series includes studies in criticism and literary history, as well as analyses of the social and political dimensions of literature and culture. The aim of the series is to offer contributions by North American scholars who have rediscovered once significant authors, genres or modes of production and consumption; reevaluated canonical or other texts and their contexts; or explored other forms of expression, such as journalism, letters or diaries. This scholarship serves to renew our understanding and appreciation of a body of work that was acknowledged as internationally important in the nineteenth century and that still speaks to us today."

    40 publications

  • Many Voices

    Ethnic Literatures of the Americas

    The literature of the Americas has a variety of cultural elements present under the general term "American." The canonical English mainstream of North America and the corresponding Spanish/Portuguese mainstream of South America have nevertheless reflected the arrival, assimilation, and marginality of numerous groups. Their experiences are both unique and representative of universal conditions of cultural contact and conflict. In both the United States and Canada, there are works which represent diverse aspects of the Black, Irish, Italian, Hispanic or Latino, Franco, German, Jewish, Portuguese, Greek, Slavic, and Asian communities, among others, as writers give both creative and testimonial form to the realities, both past and present of groups arriving subsequent to the original colonial period. In Latin America, some of these same groups are represented in the fiction written in Spanish and Portuguese. While this series focuses on specific ethnic groups and/or individual representatives, the fictional and poetic texts therein may address a range of issues, among them race relations, language and bilingualism, nationalism, colonialism, gender, class, cultural conflict, identity and maintenance, the context of multiculturalism. Critical approaches may include ethnocriticism, historical analyses, others, as well as structural critiques of these sorts of texts which by the very nature of their multiple focus become the aesthetic model for their content: a sort of border, mixed-blood, metis linguistic mode that in turn requires a double vision of its readers and critics. The literature of the Americas has a variety of cultural elements present under the general term "American." The canonical English mainstream of North America and the corresponding Spanish/Portuguese mainstream of South America have nevertheless reflected the arrival, assimilation, and marginality of numerous groups. Their experiences are both unique and representative of universal conditions of cultural contact and conflict. In both the United States and Canada, there are works which represent diverse aspects of the Black, Irish, Italian, Hispanic or Latino, Franco, German, Jewish, Portuguese, Greek, Slavic, and Asian communities, among others, as writers give both creative and testimonial form to the realities, both past and present of groups arriving subsequent to the original colonial period. In Latin America, some of these same groups are represented in the fiction written in Spanish and Portuguese. While this series focuses on specific ethnic groups and/or individual representatives, the fictional and poetic texts therein may address a range of issues, among them race relations, language and bilingualism, nationalism, colonialism, gender, class, cultural conflict, identity and maintenance, the context of multiculturalism. Critical approaches may include ethnocriticism, historical analyses, others, as well as structural critiques of these sorts of texts which by the very nature of their multiple focus become the aesthetic model for their content: a sort of border, mixed-blood, metis linguistic mode that in turn requires a double vision of its readers and critics. The literature of the Americas has a variety of cultural elements present under the general term "American." The canonical English mainstream of North America and the corresponding Spanish/Portuguese mainstream of South America have nevertheless reflected the arrival, assimilation, and marginality of numerous groups. Their experiences are both unique and representative of universal conditions of cultural contact and conflict. In both the United States and Canada, there are works which represent diverse aspects of the Black, Irish, Italian, Hispanic or Latino, Franco, German, Jewish, Portuguese, Greek, Slavic, and Asian communities, among others, as writers give both creative and testimonial form to the realities, both past and present of groups arriving subsequent to the original colonial period. In Latin America, some of these same groups are represented in the fiction written in Spanish and Portuguese. While this series focuses on specific ethnic groups and/or individual representatives, the fictional and poetic texts therein may address a range of issues, among them race relations, language and bilingualism, nationalism, colonialism, gender, class, cultural conflict, identity and maintenance, the context of multiculturalism. Critical approaches may include ethnocriticism, historical analyses, others, as well as structural critiques of these sorts of texts which by the very nature of their multiple focus become the aesthetic model for their content: a sort of border, mixed-blood, metis linguistic mode that in turn requires a double vision of its readers and critics.

    5 publications

  • Christianity and Conversion in Scandinavia and the Baltic Region, c. 800-1600

    ISSN: 2694-555X

    Series Editor: Mihai Dragnea (University of South-Eastern Norway) This is a single-blind peer reviewed series which provides an opportunity for scholars to publish high-quality studies on the culture, society and economy of East Central, Eastern and Northern Europe under the influence of Christianity. It welcomes submissions in various formats, including monographs, edited volumes, conference proceedings, and short form publications between 30,000 to 50,000 words (Peter Lang Prompts) on subjects related to: Christian kingship, Christian and pagan identity, cultural encounters, otherness, barbarians, missionary strategy, canon law, canonical aspects of missionary work, forced conversion, clerical involvement in warfare, military orders, Holy War, martyrdom, sacralisation of a landscape, pilgrimage, shrines, saints’ cults, relics of saints, icons, war banners, pagan war rituals, burial practices, diet and fashion, rural area and the concept of town life, intragroup and intergroup relations, linguistic interactions, emotional discourse, narratives gesta episcoporum, saga studies, colonization, settlement, mythology, ethnography, mental geographies, political culture, political relations, dynastic marital alliances, media and communication, trade, exploration, mappae mundi, portolan charts, art history, architecture, numismatics, and all archaeological sub-disciplines. Each volume may contain up to 20 black-and-white images. Editorial Board: Carsten Selch Jensen (University of Copenhagen) Anti Selart (University of Tartu) Jakub Morawiec (University of Silesia) Carole Cusack (University of Sydney) Stanislaw Rosik (University of Wroclaw) Felix Biermann (University of Greifswald) Rob Meens (Utrecht University) David Kalhous (Masaryk University, Brno) Stanislava Kuzmová (Comenius University Bratislava) Peter Ivanič (Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra) Myroslav Voloshchuk (Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk) Attila Bárány (University of Debrecen) Proposals and author/volume editor CV should be sent to mihaidragnea2018@gmail.com

    1 publications

  • Women, Gender and Sexuality in German Literature and Culture

    ISSN: 1094-6233

    Women, Gender and Sexuality in German Literature and Culture welcomes proposals for monographs and rigorously edited essay collections focusing on the work of women and LGBTQ+ creators as well as the representation of women, gender and/or sexuality in literature, media and culture. The series contributes to efforts to broaden the German-language canon by publishing pioneering studies of relatively unknown writers, artists and filmmakers and cutting-edge assessments of more established figures. Studies of the history of women and LGBTQ+ subjects in German-speaking cultures, such as the participation of women in German, Austrian, Swiss and exile intellectual life and the struggle for equal rights, as well as historical considerations of gender and sexuality in German-speaking countries, are also encouraged. Editorial Board: Clare Bielby (University of York), Helga Druxes (Williams College), Priscilla Layne (University of North Carolina), Ervin Malakaj (University of British Columbia), Helmut Puff (University of Michigan), Anna Richards (Birkbeck University of London), Carrie Smith (University of Alberta), Tom Smith (University of St Andrews), Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly (University of Oxford), Yasemin Yildiz (University of California, Los Angeles)

    19 publications

  • Transatlantic Studies in British and North American Culture

    ISSN: 2364-2882

    The interdisciplinary series Transatlantic Studies in British and North American Culture brings together literary and cultural studies concerning literatures and cultures of the English-speaking world, particularly those of Great Britain, Ireland, the United States, and Canada. The range of topics to be addressed includes literature, theater, film, and art, considered in various twenty-first-century theoretical perspectives, such as, for example (but not exclusively), New Historicism and canon formation, cognitive narratology, gender and queer studies, performance studies, memory and trauma studies, and New Art History. The editors welcome Ph.D. dissertations and Habilitation projects, as long as they constitute valuable and original contributions to the above fields. We are leaving a broad margin for the innovative and the unpredictable, hoping to attract authors whose approaches will point to new directions of research as regards both thematic areas and methods. Comparative Polish-Anglo-American proposals will be considered, too. Authors are welcome to submit manuscripts of monographs, collected volumes, post-conference volumes as well as dissertations. The series was formerly known as Gdańsk Transatlantic Studies in British and North American Culture.

    39 publications

  • Gdańsk Transatlantic Studies in British and North American Culture

    The interdisciplinary series brings together literary and cultural studies concerning literatures and cultures of the English-speaking world, particularly those of Great Britain, Ireland, the United States, and Canada. The range of topics to be addressed includes literature, theater, film, and art, considered in various twenty-first-century theoretical perspectives, such as, for example (but not exclusively), New Historicism and canon formation, cognitive narratology, gender and queer studies, performance studies, memory and trauma studies, and New Art History. The editors welcome Ph.D. dissertations and Habilitation projects, as long as they constitute valuable and original contributions to the above fields. We are leaving a broad margin for the innovative and the unpredictable, hoping to attract authors whose approaches will point to new directions of research as regards both thematic areas and methods. Comparative Polish-Anglo-American proposals will be considered, too. Authors are welcome to submit manuscripts of monographs, collected volumes, post-conference volumes as well as dissertations. From Vol. 10 onwards, the series continues as Transatlantic Studies in British and North American Culture.

    9 publications

  • Global Literary Modernisms

    ISSN: 2504-1533

    The Global Literary Modernisms series provides a platform for literary scholarship on modernism across genres and geographies. The concept of the global today carries with it new ideas about time and historical development, as well as new theories about national literary traditions and new models of social belonging that extend beyond national borders. Without sacrificing our interest in national traditions, we invite studies that link those traditions to more extensive global and transnational contexts. The series also invites studies that reconsider the temporalities and formal and aesthetic praxes of modernism—not only its historical development, but the peculiar rhythms and pacing of its narratives, its dramatic literatures, its poetry, its song. While respecting the contemporary elasticity of the term, this series understands modernism not simply as a synonym for the ‘modern’ but as a movement that responds to the modern wherever it finds it. We invite English-language submissions on all aspects of literary modernism. Proposals are invited for monographs and edited volumes that engage transnational and postcolonial, canonical and marginal modernisms, and the legacies of modernism. We welcome single- and multiple-author studies from a variety of approaches and frameworks, literary-historical and/or theoretical.

    1 publications

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