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  • Africa in Development

    ISSN: 1662-1212

    Editorial Board Adebayo Adebiyi, University of Lagos, Nigeria Fantu Cheru, Nordic Africa Institute, Sweden Mamadou Diouf, Columbia University, USA Guy Martin, Winston-Salem State University, USA Pamela Mbabazi, Mbarara University, Uganda Carlos Oya, SOAS, London University, UK Tim Shaw, Royal Roads University, Canada Series text While African development remains a preoccupation, policy craftsmen and a multiplicity of domestic and international actors have been engaged in the quest for solutions to the myriad problems associated with poverty and underdevelopment. Academic and scholarly responses have built on the traditional and non-traditional analytical frameworks and promoted a multidimensional discourse on, for example, conflict management, peace and security systems, HIV/AIDS, democratic governance, and the implications of globalization. This series is designed to encourage innovative thinking on a broad range of development issues. Thus its remit extends to all fields of intellectual inquiry with the aim of highlighting the advantages of a synergistic interdisciplinary perspective on the challenges of and opportunities for development in the continent. Of particular interest are studies with a heavy empirical content which also have a bearing on policy debates and those that question theoretical orthodoxies while being grounded on concrete developmental concerns. The series welcomes proposals for collected papers as well as monographs from recent PhDs no less than from established scholars. Book proposals should be sent to the editor at .

    14 publications

  • Development Economics and Policy

    The “Development Economics and Policy“ series publishes interdisciplinary papers on Economics and Business Management. The authors examine the economic impacts of development policies and provide research on topics such as poverty, the economic crisis, or microfinance. These issues are treated with an emphasis on Political Science. The editors have a focus on development theory and economics.

    85 publications

  • Stadtentwicklung. Urban Development

    ISSN: 2366-0708

    Urban development is a key to designing the socio-spatial future of human societies. The book series pursues an interdisciplinary approach towards a wide array of public tasks: from urban design to the supply of local facilities and infrastructure, urban governance and the relationship between state and non-state actors. Urban development is also the arena in which visions about community life and its practical implementation meet. The series focuses on representing overarching topics. While the number of publications on special issues grows exponentially, they often seem to lack contextualization. It is the purpose of this series to close that gap. Besides a specifically German viewpoint, its publications bring international research results into play. The series was earlier published under: Beiträge zur kommunalen und regionalen Planung. Stadtentwicklung ist ein Schlüsselbereich für die Zukunftsgestaltung menschlicher Gesellschaften. Die Buchreihe möchte den Blick aus interdisziplinären Perspektiven auf ein breites Feld öffentlicher Aufgaben richten: vom Städtebau über technische und soziale Infrastrukturen bis zur politischen Steuerung eines Gemeinwesens durch Institutionen und Initiativen. Hier vereinen sich Visionen über das Zusammenleben mit praktischen Fragen seiner Ausgestaltung. Die Sammelbände und Monografien der Reihe sollen jährlich übergreifende Themen in den Mittelpunkt stellen und so zu Überblickswerken werden, die eine Vielzahl von Untersuchungen zu Einzelsachverhalten bündeln. Die Reihe rückt neben den Sichten auf die Stadtentwicklung aus deutscher Forschung auch internationale Erkenntnisse in das Blickfeld. Diese Reihe wurde bisher unter dem Titel Beiträge zur kommunalen und regionalen Planung geführt.

    5 publications

  • Göttinger Studien zur Entwicklungsökonomik / Göttingen Studies in Development Economics

    In der Reihe Göttinger Studien werden neueste entwicklungsökonomische Forschungsergebnisse Göttinger und internationaler Forscher zu den Themen Handel, Armut, und Ungleichheit in Entwicklungsländern publiziert. This series includes new research on development economics from scholars in Göttingen and elsewhere, focusing on the topics of trade, poverty, and inequality in developing countries. Homepage der Herausgeber: Prof. Stephan Klasen, Ph.D.

    30 publications

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