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  • Kulturelle Identitäten. Studien zur Entwicklung der europäischen Kulturen der Neuzeit / Cultural Identities. Studies in Early Modern and Modern European Cultures

    Die Geschichte der europäischen Neuzeit wird geprägt von der Herausbildung von Nationalstaaten, die kontinuierlich unter Bildung jeweils wechselnder Allianzen in militärische, konfessionelle, kulturelle und wirtschaftliche Konkurrenz um die Vorherrschaft in Europa und außerhalb dessen in Konkurrenz treten. Diese Buchreihe bietet ein Forum für Studien, die kulturelle Ausdrucksformen und Institutionen von Nationalstaaten einerseits kontrastiv untersuchen, um diese aus ihren historischen und gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen besser verstehen zu können. Ziel der Reihe ist es, durch Sammelbände und Monographien Beträge zu einer schärfer profilierten neuzeitlichen Kulturgeschichte zu versammeln und dadurch zum einen den nationalkulturellen Entwicklungen gerecht zu werden und zum anderen den europäischen Dialog zwischen den Nationalkulturen darzustellen, der die Vielfalt und Dynamik der neuzeitlichen europäischen Kultur herausgebracht hat. Homepage der Herausgeberin: Prof. Dr. Sonja Fielitz

    7 publications

  • Studies in Early Modern European Culture / Studi sulla cultura europea della prima età moderna

    The scholarly series Studies in Early Modern European Culture aims at publishing scholarly works in the areas of Venetian studies, early modern and modern history, and cultural studies. The publications in the series originate from research work conducted at the CIES (Center for Italian and European Studies), the Boston University research centre located in Padova, Italy. The series includes monographs in English and Italian which reflect the interdisciplinary activities of the CIES. In exceptional cases, the series will accept also works produced by scholars not working at, or affiliated with, CIES. La collana Studi sulla cultura europea della prima età moderna comprende monografie, raccolte di saggi ed edizioni di testi nell’area degli studi veneziani e veneti, di storia delle idee della prima età moderna, e nell’area, sempre relativa alla prima età moderna, degli studi culturali. Le pubblicazioni della collana nascono dalle attività di ricerca condotte al CIES (Center for Italian and European Studies) della Boston University, sede di Padova. La collana pubblica testi in italiano e inglese, che riflettono le ricerche interdisciplinari condotte al CIES. In casi eccezionali la collana accoglierà anche testi di studiosi non affiliati con il CIES. The scholarly series Studies in Early Modern European Culture aims at publishing scholarly works in the areas of Venetian studies, early modern and modern history, and cultural studies. The publications in the series originate from research work conducted at the CIES (Center for Italian and European Studies), the Boston University research centre located in Padova, Italy. The series includes monographs in English and Italian which reflect the interdisciplinary activities of the CIES. In exceptional cases, the series will accept also works produced by scholars not working at, or affiliated with, CIES. La collana Studi sulla cultura europea della prima età moderna comprende monografie, raccolte di saggi ed edizioni di testi nell’area degli studi veneziani e veneti, di storia delle idee della prima età moderna, e nell’area, sempre relativa alla prima età moderna, degli studi culturali. Le pubblicazioni della collana nascono dalle attività di ricerca condotte al CIES (Center for Italian and European Studies) della Boston University, sede di Padova. La collana pubblica testi in italiano e inglese, che riflettono le ricerche interdisciplinari condotte al CIES. In casi eccezionali la collana accoglierà anche testi di studiosi non affiliati con il CIES. The scholarly series Studies in Early Modern European Culture aims at publishing scholarly works in the areas of Venetian studies, early modern and modern history, and cultural studies. The publications in the series originate from research work conducted at the CIES (Center for Italian and European Studies), the Boston University research centre located in Padova, Italy. The series includes monographs in English and Italian which reflect the interdisciplinary activities of the CIES. In exceptional cases, the series will accept also works produced by scholars not working at, or affiliated with, CIES. La collana Studi sulla cultura europea della prima età moderna comprende monografie, raccolte di saggi ed edizioni di testi nell’area degli studi veneziani e veneti, di storia delle idee della prima età moderna, e nell’area, sempre relativa alla prima età moderna, degli studi culturali. Le pubblicazioni della collana nascono dalle attività di ricerca condotte al CIES (Center for Italian and European Studies) della Boston University, sede di Padova. La collana pubblica testi in italiano e inglese, che riflettono le ricerche interdisciplinari condotte al CIES. In casi eccezionali la collana accoglierà anche testi di studiosi non affiliati con il CIES.

    8 publications

  • Medieval to Early Modern Culture / Kultureller Wandel vom Mittelalter zur Frühen Neuzeit

    Die Reihe Medieval to Early Modern Culture / Kultureller Wandel vom Mittelalter zur Frühen Neuzeit beschäftigt sich mit der weiteren Erforschung der janusköpfigen ‚Sattelzeit‘ des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts, die aus einer Vielzahl inhaltlicher wie fachlicher Perspektiven und fächerübergreifend in den Blick genommen wird (so z. B. unter den Begriffen Innovation vs. Tradition, Normative Zentrierung, Personen(selbst-)darstellung, moderne Verwaltungskulturen, Entfaltung der Medien der Symbolik, der Bildung und ihrer Institutionen, der Konstruktion der eigenen Vergangenheit wie ihrer Gegenwart und Zukunft). Getragen wird die Reihe von Wissenschaftlern der Universitäten Groningen, Münster und Saarbrücken sowie von Gastwissenschaftlern, die einem breiten Spektrum geisteswissenschaftlicher Fächer angehören.

    18 publications

  • Medieval and Early Modern French Studies

    ISSN: 1661-8653

    Striking and stimulating contributions continue to be made to French studies and cultural studies of the medieval and early modern periods. This series aims to publish work of the highest quality in these areas. The series will include monographs and collaborative or collected works from both established and younger scholars, and will encompass a wide range of disciplines and theoretical approaches. Contributions will be welcomed in French or English.

    22 publications

  • Middle and Early Modern English Texts

    ISSN: 2235-0136

    This series is conceived to facilitate the edition of unpublished scientific treatises written in Late Middle English (late 13th century to the very early 16th century) as well as the publication of monographs dealing with their transmission, palaeographical and dialectal features, and/or their lexical, syntactic and pragmatic characteristics. The second aspect of the series seeks to favour studies specializing in linguistic variation or any of the multi-faceted aspects of the Middle English language even from a diachronic perspective. The Late Middle English Texts series is directed towards a wide scholarly readership that includes Textual Edition, Textual Criticism and Transmission – especially on electronic and digital formats both as standalone and online –, Ecdotics, History of Science, History of the English Language and Linguistics, Late Medieval Studies, History of Cultural Artifacts and Librarianship. The chronological scope we contemplate will range approximately from the mid 1200's to the early 1500's, and will include both manuscripts, incunabula and early prints that have come down to us in English, with the occasional excursion into analogues in other languages. Editions will include codicological and language studies that will enhance the relevance of the text within the cultural transmission European framework. The series includes both scholarly and academic editions and monograph studies with a specialised and comprehensive focus. Thematic and teaching textual anthologies will also be considered for the series. We do not aim primarily at publishing collected papers from conferences, symposia, meetings and other scholarly reunions, unless the occasion had a very relevant topic and was strongly coherent and specialised in its discussions. Each publication is subject to a rigorous blind double peer-review system that involves at least five readers from five different institutions (Universities or Research Institutes).

    5 publications

  • Medieval and Early Modern Mysticism

    ISSN: 1056-7917

    "This series requests submissions of original manuscripts in the fields of Christian, Jewish, and Islamic mysticism from the 9th to 17th centuries. The editor is particularly interested in studies devoted to the literary, historical, philosophical, and theological aspects of mysticism; comparative studies between religious traditions are welcome. In addition, mystical texts and annotated or critical editions of mystical works will also be considered."

    1 publications

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