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- Law, Economics & Management (11701)
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Medien und Demokratie – was der Journalismus heute leistet
©2013 Conference proceedings -
Media Literacy, Media Education and Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe
©2024 Edited Collection -
Social Responsibility as Academic Learning Course at the University
©2021 Monographs -
Facing ICT Challenges in the Era of Social Media
©2014 Conference proceedings -
Pandemics and the Media
©2015 Textbook -
BBC and Television Genres in Jeopardy
©2015 Monographs -
Slovak Mass Media in the 21st Century: Current Challenges
©2019 Monographs -
Current Issues in the Slovak Mass Media
©2019 Monographs -
Presentation of Democracy Culture and News in Turkish Media
Issues of Scientific Responsibility and Democracy©2021 Thesis -
Sprache in der Smartphone-Werbung
Eine Untersuchung der Homepage-Werbetexte bei Apple iPhone, Samsung Galaxy Nexus, Sony Xperia und Nokia Lumia©2013 Thesis