54 results
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  • Title: Chutes et écartèlements : l’œuvre de Pierre Mertens

    Chutes et écartèlements : l’œuvre de Pierre Mertens

    Actes du colloque à Cersy-la-Salle, 2 au 9 juillet 2009
    by Anne Begenat-Neuschäfer (Volume editor) 2013
    ©2013 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Literatura catalana del segle XX i de l’actualitat

    Literatura catalana del segle XX i de l’actualitat

    by Eberhard Geisler (Volume editor) 2012
    ©2012 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Vozes femininas de África

    Vozes femininas de África

    Poesia e Prosa
    by Anne Begenat-Neuschäfer (Volume editor) Flavio Quintale (Volume editor) 2014
    ©2014 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Poesia do terceiro espaço

    Poesia do terceiro espaço

    Lírica lusófona contemporânea
    by Verena Dolle (Volume editor) Anne Begenat-Neuschäfer (Volume editor) 2014
    ©2014 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Rifondare la letteratura nazionale per un pubblico europeo

    Rifondare la letteratura nazionale per un pubblico europeo

    Da un’idea di Giuseppe Mazzini
    by Alexandra Vranceanu (Volume editor) Angelo Pagliardini (Volume editor) 2015
    ©2015 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Traducción y autotraducción en las literaturas ibéricas

    Traducción y autotraducción en las literaturas ibéricas

    by Enric Gallén (Volume editor) Francisco Lafarga (Volume editor) Luis Pegenaute (Volume editor) 2011
    ©2011 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Interacciones entre las literaturas ibéricas

    Interacciones entre las literaturas ibéricas

    by Francisco Lafarga (Volume editor) Luis Pegenaute (Volume editor) Enric Gallén (Volume editor) 2011
    ©2011 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Relaciones entre las literaturas ibéricas y las literaturas extranjeras

    Relaciones entre las literaturas ibéricas y las literaturas extranjeras

    by Luis Pegenaute (Volume editor) Enric Gallén (Volume editor) Francisco Lafarga (Volume editor) 2011
    ©2011 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Réception et Créativité

    Réception et Créativité

    Le cas de Stendhal dans la littérature japonaise moderne et contemporaine- Volume 1
    by Julie Brock (Volume editor) 2011
    ©2011 Conference proceedings
  • Title: La memoria novelada

    La memoria novelada

    Hibridación de géneros y metaficción en la novela española sobre la guerra civil y el franquismo (2000-2010)
    by Prof Dr Hans Lauge Hansen (Volume editor) Juan Carlos Cruz Suarez (Volume editor) 2012
    ©2012 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Possessions


    Essays in French Literature, Cinema and Theory
    by Julia Horn (Volume editor) Lynsey Russell-Watts (Volume editor)
    ©2003 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Littératures mineures en langue majeure

    Littératures mineures en langue majeure

    Québec / Wallonie-Bruxelles- Colloque international, Liège, 9-11 octobre 2001
    by Jean-Pierre Bertrand (Volume editor) Lise Gauvin (Volume editor)
    ©2003 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Exposure


    Revealing Bodies, Unveiling Representations
    by Kathryn Banks (Volume editor) Joseph Harris (Volume editor)
    ©2004 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Le mâle en France 1715-1830

    Le mâle en France 1715-1830

    Représentations de la masculinité
    by Katherine Astbury (Volume editor) Marie-Emmanuelle Plagnol-Diéval (Volume editor)
    ©2004 Conference proceedings
  • Title: L’écriture du massacre en littérature entre histoire et mythe

    L’écriture du massacre en littérature entre histoire et mythe

    Des mondes antiques à l’aube du XXIe siècle
    by Gérard Nauroy (Volume editor)
    ©2004 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Intermedialidad e hispanística

    Intermedialidad e hispanística

    Con una introducción de Hans-Ulrich Gumbrecht
    by Angelica Rieger (Volume editor)
    ©2003 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Medium und Gedächtnis

    Medium und Gedächtnis

    Von der Überbietung der Grenze(n)
    by Franziska Sick (Volume editor) Beate Ochsner (Volume editor)
    ©2005 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Space


    New Dimensions in French Studies
    by Emma Gilby (Volume editor) Katja Haustein (Volume editor)
    ©2005 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Uncertain Relations

    Uncertain Relations

    Some Configurations of the ‘Third Space’ in Francophone Writings of the Americas and of Europe
    by Rachel Killick (Volume editor)
    ©2006 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Love and Sexuality

    Love and Sexuality

    New Approaches in French Studies
    by Sarah Donachie (Volume editor) Kim Harrison (Volume editor)
    ©2005 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Depicting Desire

    Depicting Desire

    Gender, Sexuality and the Family in Nineteenth Century Europe: Literary and Artistic Perspectives
    by Rachael Langford (Volume editor)
    ©2005 Conference proceedings
  • Title: La conversion. Expérience spirituelle, expression littéraire

    La conversion. Expérience spirituelle, expression littéraire

    Actes du colloque de Metz (5-7 juin 2003)
    by Nicolas Brucker (Volume editor)
    ©2005 Conference proceedings
  • Title: The Modern Essay in French

    The Modern Essay in French

    Movement, Instability, Performance
    by Charles Forsdick (Volume editor) Andrew Stafford (Volume editor)
    ©2006 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Currencies


    Fiscal Fortunes and Cultural Capital in Nineteenth-Century France
    by Sarah Capitanio (Volume editor) Lisa Downing (Volume editor) Paul Rowe (Volume editor) Nicholas White (Volume editor)
    ©2005 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Laughter and Power

    Laughter and Power

    by John Parkin (Volume editor) John Philllips (Volume editor)
    ©2006 Conference proceedings
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