History of Schools and Schooling
This series explores the history of schools and schooling in the United States and other countries. The series will examine the historical development of schools and educational processes, with special emphasis on issues of educational policy, curriculum and pedagogy, as well as issues relating to race, class, gender, and ethnicity. Special emphasis will be placed on the lessons to be learned from the past for contemporary educational reform and policy. Although the series will publish books related to education in the broadest societal and cultural context, it especially seeks books on the history of specific schools and on the lives of educational leaders and school founders.
This series explores the history of schools and schooling in the United States and other countries. The series will examine the historical development of schools and educational processes, with special emphasis on issues of educational policy, curriculum and pedagogy, as well as issues relating to race, class, gender, and ethnicity. Special emphasis will be placed on the lessons to be learned from the past for contemporary educational reform and policy. Although the series will publish books related to education in the broadest societal and cultural context, it especially seeks books on the history of specific schools and on the lives of educational leaders and school founders.
This series explores the history of schools and schooling in the United States and other countries. The series will examine the historical development of schools and educational processes, with special emphasis on issues of educational policy, curriculum and pedagogy, as well as issues relating to race, class, gender, and ethnicity. Special emphasis will be placed on the lessons to be learned from the past for contemporary educational reform and policy. Although the series will publish books related to education in the broadest societal and cultural context, it especially seeks books on the history of specific schools and on the lives of educational leaders and school founders.
The Rise of the South in American Thought and Education
The Rockefeller Years (1902-1917) and BeyondVolume 66©2022 Monographs 268 Pages -
William Frantz Public School
A Story of Race, Resistance, Resiliency, and Recovery in New OrleansVolume 65©2020 Monographs 302 Pages -
The Rise of the South in American Thought and Education
The Rockefeller Years (1902-1917) and BeyondVolume 64©2019 Monographs 268 Pages -
Coordinate Colleges for American Women
A Convergence of Interests, 1947-78Volume 63©2019 Textbook 262 Pages -
The Shifting Landscape of the American School District
Race, Class, Geography, and the Perpetual Reform of Local Control, 1935–2015Volume 62©2018 Textbook 244 Pages -
Change in Early Nineteenth-Century Higher Education in New York’s Capital District
Volume 61©2017 Textbook 208 Pages -
Empire and Education in Africa
The Shaping of a Comparative PerspectiveVolume 60©2016 Textbook 340 Pages -
Laboratory of Learning
HBCU Laboratory Schools and Alabama State College Lab High in the Era of Jim CrowVolume 58©2014 Monographs 308 Pages -
Desegregating Teachers
Contesting the Meaning of Equality of Educational Opportunity in the South post <i>Brown</i>Volume 57©2012 Textbook 231 Pages