
International and Comparative Social History

Since the second half of the 1980s attention for international comparative
aspects of social and labour history has been a central element in the
research and publication policy of the Amsterdam-based International Institute
of Social History (IISH). The new series INTERNATIONAL AND
COMPARATIVE SOCIAL HISTORY, published by Peter Lang AG, is
designed as an outlet for this IISH-policy The series will contain collections
of essays and monographs.

Since the second half of the 1980s attention for international comparative
aspects of social and labour history has been a central element in the
research and publication policy of the Amsterdam-based International Institute
of Social History (IISH). The new series INTERNATIONAL AND
COMPARATIVE SOCIAL HISTORY, published by Peter Lang AG, is
designed as an outlet for this IISH-policy The series will contain collections
of essays and monographs.

Since the second half of the 1980s attention for international comparative
aspects of social and labour history has been a central element in the
research and publication policy of the Amsterdam-based International Institute
of Social History (IISH). The new series INTERNATIONAL AND
COMPARATIVE SOCIAL HISTORY, published by Peter Lang AG, is
designed as an outlet for this IISH-policy The series will contain collections
of essays and monographs.


  • Title: Child Labour’s Global Past, 1650-2000

    Child Labour’s Global Past, 1650-2000

    Volume 13
    by Kristoffel Lieten (Volume editor) Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk (Volume editor) 2011
    ©2011 Edited Collection 716 Pages
  • Title: ILO Histories

    ILO Histories

    Essays on the International Labour Organization and Its Impact on the World During the Twentieth Century
    Volume 12
    by Jasmien Van Daele (Volume editor) Magaly Rodriguez Garcia (Volume editor) Geert van Goethem (Volume editor) 2011
    ©2011 Edited Collection 540 Pages
  • Title: A Dream Deferred

    A Dream Deferred

    New Studies in Russian and Soviet Labour History
    Volume 11
    by Donald Filtzer (Volume editor) Wendy Z. Goldman (Volume editor) Gijs Kessler (Volume editor) Simon Pirani (Volume editor) 2011
    ©2009 Edited Collection 512 Pages
  • Title: Global Labour History

    Global Labour History

    A State of the Art
    Volume 9
    by Jan Lucassen (Volume editor)
    ©2006 Edited Collection 790 Pages
  • Title: Between Cross and Class

    Between Cross and Class

    Comparative Histories of Christian Labour in Europe 1840-2000
    Volume 8
    by Lex Heerma van Voss (Volume editor) Patrick Pasture (Volume editor) Jan De Maeyer (Volume editor)
    ©2005 Edited Collection 402 Pages
  • Title: Free and Unfree Labour

    Free and Unfree Labour

    The Debate Continues
    Volume 5
    by Tom Brass (Volume editor) Marcel van der Linden (Volume editor)
    ©1997 Edited Collection 604 Pages
  • Title: Migration, Migration History, History

    Migration, Migration History, History

    Old Paradigms and New Perspectives
    Volume 4
    by Jan Lucassen (Volume editor) Leo Lucassen (Volume editor)
    ©2005 Edited Collection 456 Pages