Printing History and Culture
This series unites the allied fields of global, national and local printing history and print culture, and is therefore concerned not only with the design, production and distribution of printed material but also its consumption, reception, and impact. It includes the histories of the machinery and equipment, of the industry and its personnel, of the printing processes, the design of its artefacts (books, newspapers, journals, fine prints, and ephemera) and with the related arts and crafts, including calligraphy, type-founding, typography and global scripts, papermaking, bookbinding, illustration, and publishing. It also covers the cultural context and environment in which print was produced and consumed.
It is with great regret that we announce the death of Dr John Hinks (1946–2024), Series Editor of Printing History and Culture at Peter Lang. John had been ill for a while and was admitted for surgery at the start of April from which he did not recover. John was a sympathetic and conscientious editor as well as an erudite scholar in his own right with a wide-ranging interest in print culture in the eighteenth century, about which he published widely. He was also a popular figure amongst students to whom he was a compassionate and knowledgeable advisor. John possessed that rare skill of wearing his wisdom lightly and sharing it with generosity. More than that he was a kind friend and mentor who provoked affection and will be greatly missed.
Transient Print
Essays on the History of Printed EphemeraVolume 5©2023 Edited Collection 264 Pages -
Women in Print 2
Production, Distribution and ConsumptionVolume 3©2022 Edited Collection 284 Pages