
Comparative Evaluation of Long-term Care Policies for the Elderly in the EU

by Jürgen Holdenrieder (Author)
©2004 Thesis XIX, 298 Pages


A combination of demographic, social and macro-economic developments have put long-term care schemes in nearly all EU countries under severe pressures they were not intended to cope with. Adopting a cross-national comparative approach and combining existing literature with empirical findings, this exploratory study provides standardised information on the organisation and financing of long-term care for the elderly in the Union, and evaluates the respective merits of selected schemes – i.e. France, Germany and the UK – in meeting emerging pressures. It discusses the advantages and disadvantages of individual schemes using ‘equity’ and ‘efficiency’ criteria as an evaluation framework. Based on this evaluation, it offers reflections that may serve as a starting-point for policy strategies. In addition, it provides an analysis of the relationship between different long-term care arrangements and welfare state models.


XIX, 298
ISBN (Softcover)
Großbritannien Welfare States Deutschland Altenpflege Pflegeversicherung Frankreich Disabled Elderly People /Pflegebedürftige Case Studies EU-Countries International Comparison
Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2003. XIX, 298 pp., 9 fig., 24 tables

Biographical notes

Jürgen Holdenrieder (Author)

The Author: Jürgen Holdenrieder was born in 1969 in Ulm. He gained a degree in Business and Management at the University of Applied Sciences of Augsburg and a Ph.D. in Social Science at the University of Ulster. He presently works in the management of a national welfare institution. In addition to his main occupation, he carries out research and lectures in the field of European social (health) policy.


Title: Comparative Evaluation of Long-term Care Policies for the Elderly in the EU