
New Forms of Work Organisation and Industrial Relations in Southern Europe

by Francesco Garibaldo (Volume editor) Volker Telljohann (Volume editor)
©2007 Conference proceedings 352 Pages


The aim of interconnecting work organisation, innovation and employment provides a defining approach of the European Union to competitiveness. Although there is evidence of the social and economic benefits deriving from processes of organisational innovation and participation there seems to be a lack of dissemination of new forms of work organisation in Southern Europe. Internationally well-known scholars from France, Spain, Portugal, Greece and Italy try to explain what are the specific obstacles with regard to a broader dissemination of new forms of work organisation in these countries. By doing so they also try to respond to the following more specific questions: What is the role of public policies with regard to the dissemination of new forms of work organisation? How can industrial relations foster processes of organisational innovation? What is the relationship between restructuring processes and new forms of work organisation?


ISBN (Softcover)
Südeuropa Arbeitsbeziehungen Arbeitsorganisation Participation Corporate restructuring Action research Public policy
Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2007. 352 pp., num. fig., 15 tables

Biographical notes

Francesco Garibaldo (Volume editor) Volker Telljohann (Volume editor)

The Editors: Francesco Garibaldo is director of the Institute for Labour Foundation in Bologna. For several years active work in trade unions at high levels of responsibility. Volker Telljohann is project manager at the Institute for Labour Foundation in Bologna and secretary general of the international network «Regional and Local Development of Work and Labour» (RLDWL).


Title: New Forms of Work Organisation and Industrial Relations in Southern Europe