
Official Bilingualism and Linguistic Communication in Cameroon- Bilinguisme officiel et communication linguistique au Cameroun

Bilinguisme officiel et communication linguistique au Cameroun

by George Echu (Volume editor) Allan W. Grundstrom (Volume editor)
©1999 Monographs XX, 218 Pages


This book contains fourteen articles on current problems in maintaining two official languages, French and English, in a country where people speak 248 different indigenous languages. After an introduction describing the evolution of official bilingualism in Cameroon, six articles focus upon the challenges of teaching the official languages, especially in English-speaking areas. In Part II six articles describe linguistic interference between the two languages, especially the influence of French upon English in Cameroon. The concluding article suggests ways to promote French and English bilingualism in the country.
The book contains contributions in English and French.


XX, 218
ISBN (Softcover)
Official language Linguistic interference Bilingualism Francophone culture
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt/M., Wien, 1999. XX, 218 pp.

Biographical notes

George Echu (Volume editor) Allan W. Grundstrom (Volume editor)

The Editors: George Echu studied at the University of Yaoundé I (Cameroon) before proceeding to France where he took degrees in International Studies and Language. In 1991 he defended a doctoral dissertation entitled «La rhétorique dans le discours diplomatique» at the University of Grenoble III (France). Since then Dr. Echu has been actively involved in teaching and research. He is presently lecturer in French and Linguistics at the University of Yaoundé I. In the area of research, his interest is principally in the teaching of French as a foreign language as well as official bilingualism and language contact in Cameroon. Allan W. Grundstrom received his Ph.D. in Romance Linguistics from the University of Michigan in 1966; since then he has been Professor of French and Linguistics at Bucknell University. He is coeditor of Interrogation et intonation. Studia Phonetica 8 (1973) and author of L'Analyse du français (1983). He was cochair of the AATF National Commission on Cultural Competence (1992-1995) and has been the Director of Bucknell en France since 1987. He has been awarded the Lindback Award for distinguished teaching, the Sears Foundation Teaching Excellence and Campus Leadership Award, and the Ruth Everett Sierzega Chair in Linguistics. In 1991 he was named Educator of the Year by the Pennsylvania State Modern Language Association.


Title: Official Bilingualism and Linguistic Communication in Cameroon- Bilinguisme officiel et communication linguistique au Cameroun