
The Autobiographical Demand of Place

Curriculum Inquiry in the American South

by Brian Casemore (Author)
©2008 Textbook XII, 146 Pages
Series: Complicated Conversation, Volume 21


Place is central to the study of the American South. The question of the meaning and power of place underpinned the earliest efforts to define and understand the region, and place remains a crucial concept in an ongoing process of regional identification and inquiry. This book examines Southern place autobiographically, historically, and theoretically in order to illuminate the subjective and social dimensions of place and to promote progressive conversation in the region. Using the interpretive tools of psychoanalysis to take account of the autobiographical roots of knowledge and society, Brian Casemore conceptualizes curriculum inquiry in the American South as a response to the complex role of place in self-formation. If we accept that place is ideological as well as physically dimensional – that it is created in the mind as well as the landscape – we have an opportunity to explore it as it emerges, laden with personal and public meaning.


XII, 146
ISBN (Softcover)
USA Autobiographie Regionale Identität Curriculumentwicklung Curriculum Theory Autobiography Psychoanalysis Regional identification Education Südstaaten Southern Study
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2008. XII, 146 pp.

Biographical notes

Brian Casemore (Author)

The Author: Brian Casemore is Assistant Professor of Secondary Education in the Graduate School of Education and Human Development at George Washington University. He received his Ph.D. in curriculum theory from Louisiana State University. His research focuses on Southern place, social psychoanalysis, and anti-racist education.


Title: The Autobiographical Demand of Place