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Open Access
  • Title: Integration und Differenz der Geschlechter

    Integration und Differenz der Geschlechter

    Ihre Entdeckung in didaktischer Absicht zu Beginn des Zeitalters der Aufklärung- Rekonstruktion an Samuel Richardsons Erziehungsroman "Pamela</I>
    by Nicole Lippki (Author)
    ©2003 Thesis
  • Title: Autonomous Voices

    Autonomous Voices

    An Exploration of Polyphony in the Novels of Samuel Richardson
    by Alex Townsend (Author)
    ©2003 Monographs
  • Title: Pamela im Wandel

    Pamela im Wandel

    Carlo Goldonis Bearbeitungen des Romans "Pamela: Or, Virtue Rewarded" von Samuel Richardson
    by Elisabeth Steindl (Author)
    ©2002 Thesis
  • Title: Revision der Empfindsamkeit

    Revision der Empfindsamkeit

    Samuel Richardsons Fortschreibungen von "Pamela" (1739-1761)
    by Svenja Weidinger (Author)
    ©2002 Thesis
  • Title: «How art produces art»

    «How art produces art»

    Samuel Richardsons «Clarissa» im Spiegel ihrer deutschen Übersetzungen
    by Astrid Krake (Author) Universität Münster (Author)
    ©2000 Thesis
  • Title: The Metamorphoses of Lucretia

    The Metamorphoses of Lucretia

    Three Eighteenth-Century Reinterpretations of the Myth: Carlo Goldoni, Samuel Richardson and Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
    by Anna Livia Frassetto (Author) 2017
    ©2016 Monographs
  • Title: Arrest Decisions

    Arrest Decisions

    What Works for the Officer?
    by Edith Linn (Author)
    ©2009 Textbook
  • Title: A Class Apart

    A Class Apart

    The Military Man in French and British Fiction, 1740–1789
    by Karen Lacey (Author) 2016
    ©2016 Monographs
  • Title: The Matrophobic Gothic and Its Legacy

    The Matrophobic Gothic and Its Legacy

    Sacrificing Mothers in the Novel and in Popular Culture
    by Deborah D. Rogers (Author)
    ©2007 Monographs
  • Title: Three Italian Epistolary Novels

    Three Italian Epistolary Novels

    Foscolo, De Meis, Piovene – Translations, Introductions, and Backgrounds
    by Vincenzo Traversa (Author)
    ©2006 Monographs
  • Title: Reading Eating Disorders

    Reading Eating Disorders

    Writings on Bulimia and Anorexia as Confessions of American Culture
    by Greta Olson (Author)
    ©2003 Thesis
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