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  • Regional Integration and Social Cohesion

    ISSN: 2030-8787

    «Regional Integration and Social Cohesion» (RISC) is an interdisciplinary and multilingual (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese) series that examines the human and environmental impacts of regional integration, defined legally/politically (supranationalism), economically (globalization), socially (identity), and geographically (borders). The series aims to link global analysis of issues associated with social cohesion, such as market shifts, immigration, environmental risk and the deterioration of natural resources, human rights, violence and security, etc., with national and subnational studies that focus on political decision-making, the non-governmental sector and social participation in public debates, economic transformations, social marginalization, identity, etc. Thus, the series aims to combine the international, national and subnational arenas of politics in thematically-oriented research. While proposed case studies are welcome, the works presented in this series from all social science disciplines, are predominantly based on the comparative method. Studies that compare across geographic regions, defined continentally, are of particular interest. In addition to the scientific focus described above, this series aims to connect theoretical analysis of questions related to social cohesion with policy-based research. In doing so, it examines the role of political actors at different levels of regional integration processes and it studies citizen responses to changing opportunity structures in the economic, social and political spheres. Thus, the series attempts to shed light on contemporary shifts in the uses and types of power in policy-making processes. The issue of changes in how policies are being made is linked to: «who affects policy-making?» and «what impact do policies have in social and economic arenas?» « Intégration régionale et cohésion sociale » (RISC) est une collection interdisciplinaire et multilingue qui étudie les impacts humains et environnementaux qu’exerce l’intégration régionale, telle que définie légalement/politiquement (supranationalisme), économiquement (mondialisation), socialement (identité) et géographiquement (frontières). La collection cherche à mettre en relation d’une part l’analyse globale de problématiques associées à la cohésion sociale – les mouvements des marchés économiques, l’immigration, les enjeux écologiques, la préservation des ressources naturelles, les droits de l’homme, la violence et la sécurité, etc. – et d’autre part les études nationales et régionales/locales qui se centrent sur la prise de décision politique, le secteur non gouvernemental, la participation dans les débats publics, les transformations économiques, la marginalisation sociale, l’identité, etc. La collection cherche dès lors à combiner international, national et régional/local dans une perspective thématique. Si les études de cas y sont les bienvenues, on tentera cependant de privilégier les analyses comparatistes, dans le champ des sciences humaines, toutes disciplines confondues. Une attention toute particulière sera accordée aux études établissant des comparaisons entre continents. En outre, la collection souhaite relier l’analyse théorique de questions liées à la cohésion sociale à une recherche de type politique. Elle examine ainsi le rôle des acteurs politiques aux différents niveaux de l’intégration régionale et elle étudie la réaction des citoyens face aux mutations des structures économiques, sociales et politiques. RISC met dès lors en lumière les tendances contemporaines des usages et des types de pouvoir à l’œuvre dans les processus de prise de décision. La question de savoir comment les politiques sont élaborées est liée aux questions suivantes : « Qui peut influencer les politiques ? » et « quel est l’impact des politiques sur la scène politique et économique ? ».

    20 publications

  • Économie sociale et Économie publique / Social Economy and Public Economy

    ISSN: 2030-3408

    This «Social Economy & Public Economy» series brings together books and monographs with a common focus: the analysis of the economic activities of formal and informal organisations that aim to serve the «public/general interest» or broad «common welfare» of their societies. Diverse initiatives and a wide variety of organisational forms are concerned: public or private nonprofit organisations and services, social services, public utilities, regulatory rules and actions, public enterprises, local community and regional economic development bodies, cooperatives, mutualist enterprises, etc. The series aims to promote a more scientific, and in-depth international and comparative understanding of this type of research that has been rapidly expanding in recent years. The series will reflect about these developments and through its dissemination, it will also support the increasing inter-disciplinarity and multi-disciplinarity of much of this recent research (e.g. economics, sociology, political science, law, policy evaluation and policy analysis, etc.) Editorial responsibility for the series resides with CIRIEC, an international scientific organisation that promotes, supports and disseminates research on the public economy, the social economy, and cooperatives. One of CIRIEC’s key goals and activities is the promotion, support, and expansion of a large international network of researchers who specialise in these issues. This series will allow the publication of work by members of this network as well as providing an outlet for any related research work by other people outside the existing CIRIEC network. La collection « Économie sociale & Économie publique » rassemble des ouvrages proposant, dans une perspective de comparaison internationale, des analyses des organisations et des activités économiques orientées vers l’intérêt général et l’intérêt collectif : services sociaux, services publics, régulation, entreprises publiques, action économique des entités territoriales (régions, autorités locales), coopératives, mutuelles, associations, ... Dans un contexte de « grande transformation », l’activité scientifique dans ce domaine s’y est fortement développée et la collection se veut un nouveau vecteur de diffusion et de valorisation de cette activité dans une approche pluridisciplinaire (économie, sciences sociales, droit, sciences politiques, ...). La collection est placée sous la responsabilité éditoriale du CIRIEC. Organisation internationale à but scientifique, le CIRIEC a pour objet la réalisation et la diffusion de la recherche sur l’économie publique et l’économie sociale et coopérative. Une de ses principales activités est l’animation d’un vaste réseau international de chercheurs dans ces domaines. La collection permet de publier des ouvrages réalisés par les membres de ce réseau, mais est aussi ouverte à des personnes extérieures à ce réseau.

    7 publications

  • Social Justice Across Contexts in Education

    ISSN: 2372-6849

    Social Justice Across Contexts in Education addresses how teaching for social justice, broadly defined, mediates and disrupts systemic and structural inequities across early childhood, K-12 and postsecondary disciplinary, interdisciplinary and/or transdisciplinary educational contexts. This series includes books exploring how theory informs sustainable pedagogies for social justice curriculum and instruction, and how research, methodology, and assessment can inform equitable and responsive teaching. The series constructs, advances, and supports socially just policies and practices for all individuals and groups across the spectrum of our society’s education system. The series provides sustainable models for generating theories, research, practices, and tools for social justice across contexts as a means to leverage the psychological, emotional, and cognitive growth for learners and professionals. It positions social justice as a fundamental aspect of schooling, and prepares readers to advocate for and prevent social justice from becoming marginalized by reform movements in favor of the corporatization and de-professionalization of education. The over-arching aim is to establish a true field of Social Justice Education that offers theory, knowledge, and resources for those who seek to help all learners succeed. It speaks for, about, and to classroom teachers, administrators, teacher educators, education researchers, students, and other key constituents who are committed to transforming the landscape of schools and communities.

    22 publications

  • Frontiers of Business Ethics

    This series is dedicated to alternative approaches that go beyond the literature of conventional business ethics and corporate social responsibility. It aims to promote a new ethical model for transforming business into humanistic, sustainable and peaceful forms. The series publishes monographs and edited volumes with fresh ideas and breakthrough conceptions relevant for scholars and practitioners alike.

    16 publications

  • Human Right Studies

    Among the broad structural transformation processes at the global level, the international legal recognition of human rights occupies an exceptionally prominent position. The dimensions of this process include standard setting, the functioning of sophisticated machineries for the promotion and protection of human rights, the development of a specific international case-law as well as new priorities of the political agenda. The human rights paradigm is at the heart of a new set of interrelated principles, which are equally valid at both the domestic and the international levels – such as the rule of law, democratic principles and the responsibility to protect – and of great strategic visions, as human development and human security. New functions, such as human rights monitoring, election observation, fact-finding and inquiry have already been admitted to international practice. This series intends to foster the publication of volumes that investigate the multiple facets of a strongly evolving reality, and stimulate the production of new and innovative ideas. It offers to highlight how the human rights paradigm is at times used and at times disregarded or exploited in cases and situations that regard among others those belonging to vulnerable groups (immigrants, asylum seekers, persons with disabilities), NGOs and human rights defenders’ advocacy, intercultural dialogue, governance of world economy, bio-technologies and peace operations. Those studies which adopt inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches, in accordance with the fundamental principle of interdependence and indivisibility of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, will be favored. Among the broad structural transformation processes at the global level, the international legal recognition of human rights occupies an exceptionally prominent position. The dimensions of this process include standard setting, the functioning of sophisticated machineries for the promotion and protection of human rights, the development of a specific international case-law as well as new priorities of the political agenda. The human rights paradigm is at the heart of a new set of interrelated principles, which are equally valid at both the domestic and the international levels – such as the rule of law, democratic principles and the responsibility to protect – and of great strategic visions, as human development and human security. New functions, such as human rights monitoring, election observation, fact-finding and inquiry have already been admitted to international practice. This series intends to foster the publication of volumes that investigate the multiple facets of a strongly evolving reality, and stimulate the production of new and innovative ideas. It offers to highlight how the human rights paradigm is at times used and at times disregarded or exploited in cases and situations that regard among others those belonging to vulnerable groups (immigrants, asylum seekers, persons with disabilities), NGOs and human rights defenders’ advocacy, intercultural dialogue, governance of world economy, bio-technologies and peace operations. Those studies which adopt inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches, in accordance with the fundamental principle of interdependence and indivisibility of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, will be favored. Among the broad structural transformation processes at the global level, the international legal recognition of human rights occupies an exceptionally prominent position. The dimensions of this process include standard setting, the functioning of sophisticated machineries for the promotion and protection of human rights, the development of a specific international case-law as well as new priorities of the political agenda. The human rights paradigm is at the heart of a new set of interrelated principles, which are equally valid at both the domestic and the international levels – such as the rule of law, democratic principles and the responsibility to protect – and of great strategic visions, as human development and human security. New functions, such as human rights monitoring, election observation, fact-finding and inquiry have already been admitted to international practice. This series intends to foster the publication of volumes that investigate the multiple facets of a strongly evolving reality, and stimulate the production of new and innovative ideas. It offers to highlight how the human rights paradigm is at times used and at times disregarded or exploited in cases and situations that regard among others those belonging to vulnerable groups (immigrants, asylum seekers, persons with disabilities), NGOs and human rights defenders’ advocacy, intercultural dialogue, governance of world economy, bio-technologies and peace operations. Those studies which adopt inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches, in accordance with the fundamental principle of interdependence and indivisibility of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, will be favored.

    4 publications

  • Phenomenology and Literature

    ISSN: 1524-0193

    The focus of this series is on studies using the tenets of phenomenology and its various (dogmatic and skeptical) evolutions to elucidate and interpret primarily literary works of art in the contexts of aesthetics, ontology, epistemology, axiology, hermeneutics, communication, reader response, reception, cultural and social theory. Studies of a comparative nature which straddle and/or combine the disciplines of philosophical and literary studies are distinctive features of this monograph series. Emphasis is on subjects that may advance the state of the art, set trends, generate and continue discussion, expand horizons beyond present perspectives, and/or redefine previously held notions. Approaches may center on individual works, authors, schools of phenomelogical thought, and/or abstract notions, including issues of a comparative nature spanning the cultures, languages, and literatures of several nations from the perspectives of world literature and philosophy. The focus of this series is on studies using the tenets of phenomenology and its various (dogmatic and skeptical) evolutions to elucidate and interpret primarily literary works of art in the contexts of aesthetics, ontology, epistemology, axiology, hermeneutics, communication, reader response, reception, cultural and social theory. Studies of a comparative nature which straddle and/or combine the disciplines of philosophical and literary studies are distinctive features of this monograph series. Emphasis is on subjects that may advance the state of the art, set trends, generate and continue discussion, expand horizons beyond present perspectives, and/or redefine previously held notions. Approaches may center on individual works, authors, schools of phenomelogical thought, and/or abstract notions, including issues of a comparative nature spanning the cultures, languages, and literatures of several nations from the perspectives of world literature and philosophy. The focus of this series is on studies using the tenets of phenomenology and its various (dogmatic and skeptical) evolutions to elucidate and interpret primarily literary works of art in the contexts of aesthetics, ontology, epistemology, axiology, hermeneutics, communication, reader response, reception, cultural and social theory. Studies of a comparative nature which straddle and/or combine the disciplines of philosophical and literary studies are distinctive features of this monograph series. Emphasis is on subjects that may advance the state of the art, set trends, generate and continue discussion, expand horizons beyond present perspectives, and/or redefine previously held notions. Approaches may center on individual works, authors, schools of phenomelogical thought, and/or abstract notions, including issues of a comparative nature spanning the cultures, languages, and literatures of several nations from the perspectives of world literature and philosophy.

    5 publications

  • Critical Education and Ethics

    ISSN: 2166-1359

    The Critical Education and Ethics series intends to systematically analyze the pitfalls of social structures such as race, class, and gender as they relate to edu-cational issues. Books in the series contain theoretical work grounded in prag-matic, society-changing practices. The series places value on ethical responses, as prophetic commitments to change the conditions under which education takes place. The series aims to (1) Further the ethical understanding linking broader social issues to education by exploring the environmental, health-related, and faith/spiritual responses to our educational times and policy, and (2) Ground these works in the everyday world of the classroom, viewing how schools are impacted by what critical researchers do. Both theoretically and practically, the series aims to identify itself as an agent for community change. The Critical Education and Ethics series welcomes work from emerging scholars as well as those already established in the field.

    18 publications

  • Teaching Critical Themes in American History

    ISSN: 2576-0718

    In the United States, the Common Core Standards, the C3 Frame-work for Social Studies Standards (NCSS), and the 10 themes of the National Curriculum Standards (NCS/NCSS) each pose challenges for teachers preparing to teach skills, content, and critical issues of American history. The problem for many middle and secondary teachers is that textbooks do not contain sufficient primary source documents and varied secondary literature linked to these stand-ards. The volumes in the Teaching Critical Themes in American His-tory fill this need by providing teachers with history content, peda-gogical strategies, and teaching resources. The series is organized around key problems/issues in American history so that teachers can select which critical topics upon which they might want to con-centrate. Middle and Secondary pre-and in-service educators will find the books in this series essential for developing and implementing American history and social studies curriculum in diverse and com-plex classrooms. Teachers will find the books in this series valuable as they search for methodologies and material that will help them address the Common Core Standards in the social sciences and his-tory. Community College history instructors can also find the books in this series helpful as supplementary texts in their U.S. history survey courses. The practical—not to mention exciting—implementation of perspectives offered in each title is a key fea-ture of this series. This series will address topics such as the formation of the Ameri-can Republic, the problem of slavery in America, causes of the Civil War, emancipation and reconstruction, America’s response to in-dustrialization, the New Deal, the fight for Civil Rights, and more. The Series Editors invite proposals for edited volumes in American history and social studies, along with articles and lesson plans for both the topics above, and other topics of the series.

    9 publications

  • Diversitas

    ISSN: 2031-0331

    The aim of this series is to study diversity by privileging an interdisciplinary approach, through political, legal, cultural and social frameworks. The proposed method of inquiry will be to appeal, at once, to the fields of political philosophy, law, political science, history and sociology. In a period characterized by the increasing diversity of contemporary societies, the authors published in this series will explore avenues for the accommodation and management of pluralism and identity. Such studies will not be limited to assessments of federal states, but will include states that are on the path to federalization as well as non-federal states. Serious efforts will be undertaken to enrich our comprehension of so-called ‘nations without states’, most notably Catalonia, Scotland, Flanders and Quebec. A point of emphasis will also be placed on extracting lessons from experiences with civil law relative to those cases marked by the common law tradition. Monist and competing models will be compared in order to assess the relative capacity of each model to provide responses to the question of political instability, while pursuing the quest for justice in minority societies. The series also addresses the place of cities in the management of diversity, as well as the question of migration more generally and the issue of communities characterized by overlapping and hybrid identities. A profound sensitivity to historical narratives is also expected to enrich the proposed scientific approach. Finally, the works published in this series will reveal a common aspiration to advance social and political debates without privileging any particular school of thought. Cette collection cherche à étudier la diversité sous les angles politique, juridique, culturel et social en privilégiant le prisme de l’interdisciplinarité. La démarche scientifique proposée fait appel à la fois à la philosophie politique, au droit, à la science politique, à l’histoire, de même qu’à la sociologie. Au moment où les sociétés sont de plus en plus traversées par la diversité, les auteurs publiés dans cette collection exploreront des avenues en vue de gérer le pluralisme communautaire et identitaire. Sont mis à l’étude tout aussi bien les pays fédéraux et les pays en voie de fédéralisation que les pays non fédéraux. Des efforts importants seront consentis afin d’enrichir notre compréhension des nations dites « sans État » – pensons à la Catalogne, à l’Écosse, à la Flandre, au Pays basque et au Québec. Une volonté affirmée de mettre en parallèle les enseignements tirés des expériences civilistes et de celles propres au droit coutumier sera au rendez-vous. Les modèles monistes et concurrents seront mis dos à dos afin de saisir la capacité propre à chacun de fournir des réponses à l’instabilité politique tout en poursuivant la quête de justice pour les sociétés minoritaires. La place des métropoles au chapitre de la gestion de la diversité retiendra notre attention de même que les questions de migration des populations et du métissage communautaire. Une sensibilité à la trame historique viendra enrichir la démarche scientifique proposée. Les ouvrages publiés dans cette collection auront en commun leur volonté de faire avancer les débats de société sans privilégier aucune école de pensée. Directeur de la collection : Alain-G. Gagnon, titulaire, Chaire de recherche du Canada en études québécoises et canadiennes et directeur d'axe au Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur la diversité et la démocratie (CRIDAQ). Comité scientifique : Alain Dieckhoff, Institut d’Études Politiques, Paris Hugues Dumont, Facultés Saint-Louis, Bruxelles Avigail Eisenberg, University of Victoria, Victoria Montserrat Guibernau, University of London, Londres Will Kymlicka, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada Guy Laforest, Université Laval, Québec Ramon Máiz, University of Santiago de Compostela, Saint-Jacques de Compostelle Marco Martiniello, Université de Liège, Liège Ferran Requejo, Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelone José Maria Sauca Cano, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid Michel Seymour, Université de Montréal, Montréal James Tully, University of Victoria, Victoria Stephen Tierney, University of Edinburgh, Édimbourg Melissa Williams, University of Toronto, Toronto

    39 publications

  • Childhood Studies

    ISSN: 2379-934X

    "For many years, the field of Childhood Studies has crossed disciplinary boundaries that include, but are not limited to, anthropology, art, education, history, humanities, and sociology by addressing diverse histories, cultures, forms of representation, and conceptualizations of «childhood». The publications in the Rethinking Childhood Series have supported this work by challenging the universalization of childhood and introducing reconceptualized, critical spaces from which increased social justice and possibilities are generated for those who are younger. This newly named Childhood Studies Series in the global 21st century is created to continue this focus on social justice for those who are younger, but also to broaden and further explore conceptualizations of privilege, justice, possibility, responsibility and activism. Authors are encouraged to consider «childhood» from within a context that would decenter human privilege and acknowledge environmental justice and the more-than-human Other, while continuing to research, act upon, and transform beliefs, public policy, societal institutions, and possibilities for ways of living/being in the world for all of us. Boundary crossings are of greater importance than ever as we live unprecedented technological change, violence against living beings that are not labeled human (through experimentation, industrialization, and medicine), plundering of the earth, and gaps between the privileged and the marginalized (whether rich/poor, human/nonhuman). Along with continued concerns related to social justice, equity, poverty, and diversity, some authors in the Childhood Studies Series will choose to think about, and ask questions like: What does it mean to be a younger human being within such a world? What are the values, education, and forms of care provided within this context; and can/how should these dispositions and practices be transformed? Can childhood studies, and the diverse forms of representation and practice associated with it, conceptualize and practice a more just world broadly, while avoiding utopian determinisms and continuing to remain critical and multiple? "

    13 publications

  • Savoirs sportifs / Sports knowledge

    ISSN: 2235-753X

    A modern phenomenon of the highest importance, sport raises a multitude of scientific questions. The collection Sports knowledge publishes original works in French and English across the spectrum of law, economics and social sciences. These subject areas correspond to the sectors of specialisation of the International Centre for Sports Studies (CIES), to which the collection belongs. The collection is directed by Denis Oswald, Doctor of Law, CIES Director and Honorary Professor at the University of Neuchâtel, and Raffaele Poli, Doctor of Geography, head of the CIES Sports Observatory. Phénomène moderne de la plus haute importance, le sport soulève des enjeux scientifi ques pluriels. La collection Savoirs sportifs publie des contributions originales en français et en anglais dans les champs des sciences juridiques, économiques et sociales du sport. Ces axes correspondent aux domaines de spécialisation du Centre International d’Etude du Sport (CIES) auquel la collection est rattachée. La collection est dirigée par Denis Oswald, docteur en droit, directeur du CIES et professeur honoraire à l’Université de Neuchâtel, ainsi que par Raffaele Poli, docteur en géographie, responsable de l’Observatoire au sein du CIES.

    11 publications

  • Studies in the History of Healthcare

    ISSN: 2631-522X

    Studies in the History of Healthcare provides an outlet for academic monographs (sole- or multi-authored) devoted to both the social and the intellectual dimensions of the history of medicine, with a special emphasis on public health, health care and health services. The focus of the series is on the nineteenth and/or twentieth centuries, and is international in scope. The series encourages investigations into public health including environmental health, preventive medicine, responses to lifestyle diseases, and maternal and child health. It also embraces studies of health policy, health systems and state medicine, including in colonial and postcolonial settings. While studies may focus on general medicine, they would also give appropriate weight to healthcare as it relates to sectors such as indigenous peoples, older people, mentally ill and/or other vulnerable social groups. Unless they are placed in a broad context and address significant historical questions the series does not include biographies or histories of individual institutions and organisations. The monographs included in this series reflect the cutting edge of research in the now well-established and still expanding field of medical history. Studies in the History of Healthcare is a successor to Studies in the History of Medicine, formerly edited by Charles Webster.

    1 publications

  • [Re]thinking Environmental Education

    "The [Re]thinking Environmental Education book series is a response to the international recognition that environmental issues have taken center stage in political and social discourse. Resolution and/or re-evaluation of the many contemporary environmental issues will require a thoughtful, informed, and well-educated citizenry. Quality environmental education does not come easily; it must be grounded in mindful practice and research excellence. This series reflects the highest quality of contemporary scholarship and, as such, is positioned at the leading edge not only of the field of environmental education, but of education generally. There are many approaches to environmental education research and delivery, each grounded in particular contexts and epistemological, ontological and axiological positions, and this series reflects that diversity."

    23 publications

  • Visual Communication

    ISSN: 2153-277X

    "Visual communication is the process through which individuals in relationships, organizations, and cultures interpret and create visual messages in response to their environment, one another, and social structures. This series seeks to enhance our understanding of visual communication and it explores the role of visual communication in culture. Topics of interest include visual perception and cognition; signs and symbols; typography and image; research on graph ic design, use of visual imagery in education. On a cultural level, research on visual media analysis and critical methods that examine the larger cultural messages imbedded in visual images is welcome. By providing a variety of approaches to the analysis of visual media and messages, this book series is designed to explore issues relating to visual literacy, visual communication, visual rhetoric, visual culture, and any unique method for examining visual communication. "

    16 publications

  • Culture, Society and Political Economy in Turkey

    ISSN: 2832-1367

    The series provides a publishing platform for pioneering research on understudied aspects of culture, society, and political economy in Turkey, including minorities, local politics, social movements, gender, popular culture, political parties, religion, and related fields. This series captures critical perspectives in response to the authoritarian context that may pose obstacles to rigorous research. As such, the series welcomes work on the methodological challenges of studying Turkey as the country is going through a process of accelerated societal, political, and economic change, generating clashes between competing interests and projects. The series aims to fully address these contentions by expanding knowledge on these areas. Both established and emerging scholars are invited to publish their research, either as monographs or as edited volumes. With such an approach, the ultimate purpose of the series is to decisively shape the field of studies on Turkey and became a reference for scholars working in the field.

    2 publications

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