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Open Access
  • Global Literary Modernisms

    ISSN: 2504-1533

    The Global Literary Modernisms series provides a platform for literary scholarship on modernism across genres and geographies. The concept of the global today carries with it new ideas about time and historical development, as well as new theories about national literary traditions and new models of social belonging that extend beyond national borders. Without sacrificing our interest in national traditions, we invite studies that link those traditions to more extensive global and transnational contexts. The series also invites studies that reconsider the temporalities and formal and aesthetic praxes of modernism—not only its historical development, but the peculiar rhythms and pacing of its narratives, its dramatic literatures, its poetry, its song. While respecting the contemporary elasticity of the term, this series understands modernism not simply as a synonym for the ‘modern’ but as a movement that responds to the modern wherever it finds it. We invite English-language submissions on all aspects of literary modernism. Proposals are invited for monographs and edited volumes that engage transnational and postcolonial, canonical and marginal modernisms, and the legacies of modernism. We welcome single- and multiple-author studies from a variety of approaches and frameworks, literary-historical and/or theoretical.

    1 publications

  • Bible in the Christian Orthodox Tradition

    This series aims at exploring and evaluating the various aspects of biblical traditions as studied, understood, taught, and lived in the Christian communities that spoke and wrote – and some continue speaking and writing – in the Aramaic, Arabic, Armenian, Coptic, Georgian, Romanian, Syriac, and other languages of the Orthodox family of churches. A particular focus of this series is the incorporation of the various methodologies and hermeneutics used for centuries in these Christian communities, into the contemporary critical approaches, in order to shed light on understanding the message of the Bible. Each monograph in the series will engage in critical examination of issues raised by contemporary biblical research. Scholars in the fields of biblical text, manuscripts, canon, hermeneutics, theology, lectionary, Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha will have an enormous opportunity to share their academic findings with a worldwide audience. Manuscripts and dissertations, incorporating a variety of approaches and methodologies to studying the Bible in the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox traditions – including, but not limited to, theological, historiographic, philological and literary – are welcome. This series aims at exploring and evaluating the various aspects of biblical traditions as studied, understood, taught, and lived in the Christian communities that spoke and wrote – and some continue speaking and writing – in the Aramaic, Arabic, Armenian, Coptic, Georgian, Romanian, Syriac, and other languages of the Orthodox family of churches. A particular focus of this series is the incorporation of the various methodologies and hermeneutics used for centuries in these Christian communities, into the contemporary critical approaches, in order to shed light on understanding the message of the Bible. Each monograph in the series will engage in critical examination of issues raised by contemporary biblical research. Scholars in the fields of biblical text, manuscripts, canon, hermeneutics, theology, lectionary, Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha will have an enormous opportunity to share their academic findings with a worldwide audience. Manuscripts and dissertations, incorporating a variety of approaches and methodologies to studying the Bible in the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox traditions – including, but not limited to, theological, historiographic, philological and literary – are welcome. This series aims at exploring and evaluating the various aspects of biblical traditions as studied, understood, taught, and lived in the Christian communities that spoke and wrote – and some continue speaking and writing – in the Aramaic, Arabic, Armenian, Coptic, Georgian, Romanian, Syriac, and other languages of the Orthodox family of churches. A particular focus of this series is the incorporation of the various methodologies and hermeneutics used for centuries in these Christian communities, into the contemporary critical approaches, in order to shed light on understanding the message of the Bible. Each monograph in the series will engage in critical examination of issues raised by contemporary biblical research. Scholars in the fields of biblical text, manuscripts, canon, hermeneutics, theology, lectionary, Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha will have an enormous opportunity to share their academic findings with a worldwide audience. Manuscripts and dissertations, incorporating a variety of approaches and methodologies to studying the Bible in the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox traditions – including, but not limited to, theological, historiographic, philological and literary – are welcome.

    6 publications

  • Contemporary Studies in Descriptive Linguistics: Literary and Cultural Stylistics

    This series provides an outlet for academic monographs which offer a recent and original contribution to linguistics and which are within the descriptive tradition. While the monographs demonstrate their debt to contemporary linguistic thought, the series does not impose limitations in terms of methodology or genre, and does not support a particular linguistic school. Rather the series welcomes new and innovative research that contributes to furthering the understanding of the description of language. The topics of the monographs are scholarly and represent the cutting edge for their particular fields, but are also accessible to researchers outside the specific disciplines. Contemporary Studies in Descriptive Linguistics is based at the Department of English, University of Buckingham. The Literary and Cultural Stylistics subseries aims to explore the intersection of descriptive linguistics with the disciplines of literature and culture. The techniques of stylistic analysis offer a way of approaching texts both literary and non-literary as well as all forms of cultural communication. The subseries offers a home for this research, where literary criticism meets linguistics and where cultural studies meets communication. It welcomes a wide range of data sets and methodologies, with the intention that every book in the subseries makes a new contribution to the disciplines that support them.

    0 publications

  • Literary and Cultural Theory

    The objective of the Literary and Cultural Theory series is to publish works, collections of articles, and conference proceedings which aim at transgressing boundaries of single disciplines and at creating common space within which themes and methodologies of those single disciplines merge and contribute to the production of a novel approach to culture, literature, and philosophy. Within thus conceived area of the humanities we place particular emphasis on: first, interdisciplinarity (both in terms of topics and methodology) and, secondly, on theoretical (or theorizing) approach, i.e., an approach which not only aims at describing cultural and literary phenomena, but also at revealing their mechanisms and multiple interrelationships, visible sometimes only when boundaries of disciplines are transgressed, and when areas of overlap are identified. Those priorities do not exclude publication of volumes within what has traditionally been considered the realm of literary studies, as long as the critical and theorizing attitude is maintained. Editors Homepage : Prof. Dr. Wojciech Kalaga

    62 publications

  • Reconfiguring Identities in the Portuguese-Speaking World

    The series publishes studies across the entire spectrum of Lusophone literature, culture and intellectual history, from the Middle Ages to the present day, with particular emphasis on figurations and reconfigurations of identity, broadly understood. It is especially interested in work which interrogates national identity and cultural memory, or which offers fresh insights into Portuguese-speaking cultural and literary traditions, in diverse historical contexts and geographical locations. It is open to a wide variety of approaches and methodologies as well as to interdisciplinary fields: from literary criticism and comparative literature to cultural and gender studies, to film and media studies. It also seeks to encourage critical dialogue among scholarship originating from different continents. Proposals are welcome for either single-author monographs or edited collections (in English and/or Portuguese). Those interested in contributing to the series should send a detailed project outline to oxford@peterlang.com. The series publishes studies across the entire spectrum of Lusophone literature, culture and intellectual history, from the Middle Ages to the present day, with particular emphasis on figurations and reconfigurations of identity, broadly understood. It is especially interested in work which interrogates national identity and cultural memory, or which offers fresh insights into Portuguese-speaking cultural and literary traditions, in diverse historical contexts and geographical locations. It is open to a wide variety of approaches and methodologies as well as to interdisciplinary fields: from literary criticism and comparative literature to cultural and gender studies, to film and media studies. It also seeks to encourage critical dialogue among scholarship originating from different continents. Proposals are welcome for either single-author monographs or edited collections (in English and/or Portuguese). Those interested in contributing to the series should send a detailed project outline to oxford@peterlang.com. The series publishes studies across the entire spectrum of Lusophone literature, culture and intellectual history, from the Middle Ages to the present day, with particular emphasis on figurations and reconfigurations of identity, broadly understood. It is especially interested in work which interrogates national identity and cultural memory, or which offers fresh insights into Portuguese-speaking cultural and literary traditions, in diverse historical contexts and geographical locations. It is open to a wide variety of approaches and methodologies as well as to interdisciplinary fields: from literary criticism and comparative literature to cultural and gender studies, to film and media studies. It also seeks to encourage critical dialogue among scholarship originating from different continents. Proposals are welcome for either single-author monographs or edited collections (in English and/or Portuguese). Those interested in contributing to the series should send a detailed project outline to oxford@peterlang.com.

    21 publications

  • Münsteraner Monographien zur englischen Literatur / Münster Monographs on English Literature

    The series “Münster Monographs on English Literature” comprises monographs on English Literature from its beginnings to the present day. Contributions in the field of literary theory, analyses of individual works, studies on literary tradition, on the interrelationship between literature and literary criticism, on the history of ideas and the history of science are all welcome. Monographs with a comparative and interdisciplinary approach would also fit in well with the spectrum of the series. The series lends itself to the publication in German or English. For the formal conventions of the text, we refer to the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 2nd ed. (New York, 1984). A special style sheet can also be provided upon request. We will be glad to answer any future queries. Editor’s Homepage: Prof. em. Dr. Bernfried Nugel Prof. em. Dr. Hermann Josef Real Die „Münsteraner Monographien zur englischen Literatur / Münster Monographs on English Literature“ umfassen Arbeiten zur englischen Literatur von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. Willkommen sind uns auch Untersuchungen zur Literaturtheorie, Werkanalysen, Arbeiten zur literarischen Tradition, zu den Zusammenhängen von Literatur und Literaturbetrachtung, zur Ideengeschichte und zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Ebenso gehören Arbeiten mit komparatistischem und interdisziplinärem Ansatz in unser Programm. Die Reihe bietet sich an für die Veröffentlichung in deutscher oder englischer Sprache. Für die formale Gestaltung verweisen wir auf das MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 2nd ed. (New York 1984). Auf Wunsch wird ein besonderes Style Sheet zugesandt. Zu allen weiteren Fragen geben wir gern Auskunft. Homepage der Herausgeber: Prof. em. Dr. Bernfried Nugel Prof. em. Dr. Hermann Josef Real

    42 publications

  • Russian Transformations: Literature, Culture and Ideas

    ISSN: 1662-2545

    Russian Transformations publishes studies across the entire extent of Russian literature, thought and culture from the medieval period to the present. The series gives special emphasis to the kinds of transformation that characterise Russian, Soviet and post-Soviet writing. Transformation has often been under the stimulus of (and resistance to) foreign traditions. Acts of cross-cultural and cross-literary reception mark Russia's sense of creative development and national identity. Transformation has often been the result of the on-going dialogues between writers working within the Russian literary tradition through polemic and subtle use of intertextuality. Similarly, the stunning political and social changes that have been characteristic of Russian history generated radical transformation in the institutions of literature and in forms of literature from Modernism to post-Perestroika as writers react to official policy on freedom of expression.

    7 publications

  • Studies on Themes and Motifs in Literature

    The series is designed to advance the publication of research pertaining to themes and motifs in literature. The studies cover cross-cultural patterns as well as the entire range of national literatures. They trace the development and use of themes and motifs over extended periods, elucidate the significance of specific themes or motifs for the formation of period styles, and analyze the unique structural function of themes and motifs. By examining themes or motifs in the work of an author or period, the studies point to the impulses authors received from literary tradition, the choices made, and the creative transformation of the cultural heritage. The series will include publications of colloquia and theoretical studies that contribute to a greater understanding of literature.

    130 publications

  • Studies in Nineteenth-Century British Literature

    "Books in this series examine the poetry and prose produced by British writers from the time of the French Revolution to the death of Queen Victoria. Historical events – rather than traditional literary categories or dates – define the scope of the series because they better convey a sense of the social consciousness that animates literary undertakings during this age. While the series includes a wide range of approaches to nineteenth-century British works, its special focus is on studies that relate this literature to its cultural context(s). Manuscripts addressing their subjects’ social, political, or historical situations, ideals, influences, or receptions are especially welcome; manuscripts analyzing the implications of classifying this literature as “Romantic” or “Victorian” or of separating it into genres are also encouraged. Authors should write in English, though they may appropriately compare British works with those in other languages." "Books in this series examine the poetry and prose produced by British writers from the time of the French Revolution to the death of Queen Victoria. Historical events – rather than traditional literary categories or dates – define the scope of the series because they better convey a sense of the social consciousness that animates literary undertakings during this age. While the series includes a wide range of approaches to nineteenth-century British works, its special focus is on studies that relate this literature to its cultural context(s). Manuscripts addressing their subjects’ social, political, or historical situations, ideals, influences, or receptions are especially welcome; manuscripts analyzing the implications of classifying this literature as “Romantic” or “Victorian” or of separating it into genres are also encouraged. Authors should write in English, though they may appropriately compare British works with those in other languages." "Books in this series examine the poetry and prose produced by British writers from the time of the French Revolution to the death of Queen Victoria. Historical events – rather than traditional literary categories or dates – define the scope of the series because they better convey a sense of the social consciousness that animates literary undertakings during this age. While the series includes a wide range of approaches to nineteenth-century British works, its special focus is on studies that relate this literature to its cultural context(s). Manuscripts addressing their subjects’ social, political, or historical situations, ideals, influences, or receptions are especially welcome; manuscripts analyzing the implications of classifying this literature as “Romantic” or “Victorian” or of separating it into genres are also encouraged. Authors should write in English, though they may appropriately compare British works with those in other languages."

    25 publications

  • Wiener Slawistischer Almanach

    ISSN: 0258-6819

    Herausgegeben von Tilmann Reuther, Ilja Kukuj, Riccardo Nicolosi, Brigitte Obermayr Begründet und bis Band 85 (2020) herausgegeben von Aage A. Hansen-Löve und Tilmann Reuther. Der Wiener Slawistische Almanach publiziert Originalbeiträge aus allen Teildisziplinen der Slawistik und legt Wert darauf, ein breites Spektrum aktueller literatur-, kultur- und sprachwissenschaftlicher Diskussionen aufzunehmen, die über die gängigen philologischen Fachgrenzen hinausweisen. Die zwei Mal im Jahr erscheinende Zeitschrift bietet darüber hinaus ein Publikationsforum für unveröffentlichte literarische Texte und Archivmaterialien. Die nicht selten auch umfangreicheren Beiträge auf Deutsch, Englisch, Russisch und in weiteren slawischen Sprachen gruppieren sich ggf. um Schwerpunktthemen. In der Reihe „Wiener Slawistischer Almanach: Sonderbände" erscheinen vorwiegend Monographien. Alle eingereichten Beiträge werden extern begutachtet (double-blind peer-review). Founded and co-edited (until Vol. 85, 2020) by Aage A. Hansen-Löve and Tilmann Reuther. Starting in 2021 the journal is co-edited by Ilja Kukuj, Riccardo Nicolosi, Brigitte Obermayr and Tilmann Reuther. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach publishes original research in all areas of Slavic Studies and provides a forum for a wide spectrum of literary, cultural, and linguistic discussions that push the boundaries of traditional scholarly disciplines and philological approaches. The biannual journal also accepts submissions of previously unpublished literary texts and archival materials, as well as proposals for thematic clusters of articles. The languages of publication include German, English, Russian, and other Slavic languages. The special Series „Wiener Slawistischer Almanach: Sonderbände" is primarily dedicated to publishing monographs. The Wiener Slawistischer Almanach is a peer-reviewed periodical (all articles go though the double-blind peer-review). Herausgegeben von Tilmann Reuther, Ilja Kukuj, Riccardo Nicolosi, Brigitte Obermayr Begründet und bis Band 85 (2020) herausgegeben von Aage A. Hansen-Löve und Tilmann Reuther. Der Wiener Slawistische Almanach publiziert Originalbeiträge aus allen Teildisziplinen der Slawistik und legt Wert darauf, ein breites Spektrum aktueller literatur-, kultur- und sprachwissenschaftlicher Diskussionen aufzunehmen, die über die gängigen philologischen Fachgrenzen hinausweisen. Die zwei Mal im Jahr erscheinende Zeitschrift bietet darüber hinaus ein Publikationsforum für unveröffentlichte literarische Texte und Archivmaterialien. Die nicht selten auch umfangreicheren Beiträge auf Deutsch, Englisch, Russisch und in weiteren slawischen Sprachen gruppieren sich ggf. um Schwerpunktthemen. In der Reihe „Wiener Slawistischer Almanach: Sonderbände" erscheinen vorwiegend Monographien. Alle eingereichten Beiträge werden extern begutachtet (double-blind peer-review). Founded and co-edited (until Vol. 85, 2020) by Aage A. Hansen-Löve and Tilmann Reuther. Starting in 2021 the journal is co-edited by Ilja Kukuj, Riccardo Nicolosi, Brigitte Obermayr and Tilmann Reuther. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach publishes original research in all areas of Slavic Studies and provides a forum for a wide spectrum of literary, cultural, and linguistic discussions that push the boundaries of traditional scholarly disciplines and philological approaches. The biannual journal also accepts submissions of previously unpublished literary texts and archival materials, as well as proposals for thematic clusters of articles. The languages of publication include German, English, Russian, and other Slavic languages. The special Series „Wiener Slawistischer Almanach: Sonderbände" is primarily dedicated to publishing monographs. The Wiener Slawistischer Almanach is a peer-reviewed periodical (all articles go though the double-blind peer-review). Herausgegeben von Tilmann Reuther, Ilja Kukuj, Riccardo Nicolosi, Brigitte Obermayr Begründet und bis Band 85 (2020) herausgegeben von Aage A. Hansen-Löve und Tilmann Reuther. Der Wiener Slawistische Almanach publiziert Originalbeiträge aus allen Teildisziplinen der Slawistik und legt Wert darauf, ein breites Spektrum aktueller literatur-, kultur- und sprachwissenschaftlicher Diskussionen aufzunehmen, die über die gängigen philologischen Fachgrenzen hinausweisen. Die zwei Mal im Jahr erscheinende Zeitschrift bietet darüber hinaus ein Publikationsforum für unveröffentlichte literarische Texte und Archivmaterialien. Die nicht selten auch umfangreicheren Beiträge auf Deutsch, Englisch, Russisch und in weiteren slawischen Sprachen gruppieren sich ggf. um Schwerpunktthemen. In der Reihe „Wiener Slawistischer Almanach: Sonderbände" erscheinen vorwiegend Monographien. Alle eingereichten Beiträge werden extern begutachtet (double-blind peer-review). Founded and co-edited (until Vol. 85, 2020) by Aage A. Hansen-Löve and Tilmann Reuther. Starting in 2021 the journal is co-edited by Ilja Kukuj, Riccardo Nicolosi, Brigitte Obermayr and Tilmann Reuther. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach publishes original research in all areas of Slavic Studies and provides a forum for a wide spectrum of literary, cultural, and linguistic discussions that push the boundaries of traditional scholarly disciplines and philological approaches. The biannual journal also accepts submissions of previously unpublished literary texts and archival materials, as well as proposals for thematic clusters of articles. The languages of publication include German, English, Russian, and other Slavic languages. The special Series „Wiener Slawistischer Almanach: Sonderbände" is primarily dedicated to publishing monographs. The Wiener Slawistischer Almanach is a peer-reviewed periodical (all articles go though the double-blind peer-review).

    30 publications

  • Lingue e Culture / Languages and Cultures / Langues et Cultures

    ISSN: 2235-6363

    This series, edited by the Department of Language Sciences and Foreign Literatures of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, intends to publish scholarly reflections on the languages and literatures taught within this Languages and Literatures Faculty. The series is rooted in a tradition of studies which are both philologico-literary and linguistic - a combination of approaches designed to be both rigorous and complemen-tary. The themes of the series will focus on linguistic, stylistic and literary studies re-lated to both European and extra-European cultures. The series will include mostly mo-nographs and doctoral thesis. Questa collana del Dipartimento di Scienze Linguistiche e Letterature Straniere dell'Università Cattolica di Milano intende offrire una riflessione scientifica organica sulle lingue e le letterature europee ed extraeuropee, di cui si professa linsegnamento nella Facoltà di Scienze Linguistiche e Letterature Straniere della medesima Università. La collana fonda le radici in una tradizione di studi caratterizzata da due filoni - uno filologico-letterario, l'altro linguistico - colti nella loro reciprocità. I temi della collana si incentrano su studi linguistici, stilistici e letterari relativi alle culture europee ed extra-europee. La collana accoglierà principalmente studi monografici e tesi di dottorato. La collection du Département de Sciences Linguistiques et Littératures Etrangères de lUniversité Catholique de Milan vise à offrir une réflexion scientifique organique sur les langues et les littératures européennes et extra-européennes. La collection se fonde sur une tradition détudes caractérisée par deux approches - lune philologique et littéraire, lautre linguistique - prises en compte dans leur réci-procité. Les sujets de la collection se concentrent sur des études linguistiques, stylis-tiques et littéraires. La collection accueillera principalement des études monographiques et thèses de doctorat. Questa collana del Dipartimento di Scienze Linguistiche e Letterature Straniere dell'Università Cattolica di Milano intende offrire una riflessione scientifica organica sulle lingue e le letterature europee ed extraeuropee, di cui si professa linsegnamento nella Facoltà di Scienze Linguistiche e Letterature Straniere della medesima Università. La collana fonda le radici in una tradizione di studi caratterizzata da due filoni - uno filologico-letterario, l'altro linguistico - colti nella loro reciprocità. I temi della collana si incentrano su studi linguistici, stilistici e letterari relativi alle culture europee ed extra-europee. La collana accoglierà principalmente studi monografici e tesi di dottorato. This series, edited by the Department of Language Sciences and Foreign Literatures of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, intends to publish scholarly reflections on the languages and literatures taught within this Languages and Literatures Faculty. The series is rooted in a tradition of studies which are both philologico-literary and linguistic - a combination of approaches designed to be both rigorous and complemen-tary. The themes of the series will focus on linguistic, stylistic and literary studies re-lated to both European and extra-European cultures. The series will include mostly mo-nographs and doctoral thesis. Questa collana del Dipartimento di Scienze Linguistiche e Letterature Straniere dell'Università Cattolica di Milano intende offrire una riflessione scientifica organica sulle lingue e le letterature europee ed extraeuropee, di cui si professa linsegnamento nella Facoltà di Scienze Linguistiche e Letterature Straniere della medesima Università. La collana fonda le radici in una tradizione di studi caratterizzata da due filoni - uno filologico-letterario, l'altro linguistico - colti nella loro reciprocità. I temi della collana si incentrano su studi linguistici, stilistici e letterari relativi alle culture europee ed extra-europee. La collana accoglierà principalmente studi monografici e tesi di dottorato.

    6 publications

  • Gender, Sexuality, and Culture

    This new series is a forum for the investigation and analysis of the contested terrain between culture, gender, and sexuality. Titles in the series can include, but are not limited to, (re)theorizations of gender in relation to, or its constitution through, sexuality, race, dass, or culture, studies of sexuality and sexual identity that produce new understandings of gender, or new inquiries into culture, broadly defined, that raise competting implications for the ways in which we think about gender and sexuality in the contemporary social world. Of particular interest are manuscripts that cirtique and/or broaden traditional constructions of gender and take into account sexuality, race, dass, or the pressures of other constitutive categories, analyze nonwestern literary and cultural representations of gender and their relationship to sexuality, especially in postcolonial contexts, and theorize transgender from feminist, queer, postcolonial, or cultural studies frameworks. This new series is a forum for the investigation and analysis of the contested terrain between culture, gender, and sexuality. Titles in the series can include, but are not limited to, (re)theorizations of gender in relation to, or its constitution through, sexuality, race, dass, or culture, studies of sexuality and sexual identity that produce new understandings of gender, or new inquiries into culture, broadly defined, that raise competting implications for the ways in which we think about gender and sexuality in the contemporary social world. Of particular interest are manuscripts that cirtique and/or broaden traditional constructions of gender and take into account sexuality, race, dass, or the pressures of other constitutive categories, analyze nonwestern literary and cultural representations of gender and their relationship to sexuality, especially in postcolonial contexts, and theorize transgender from feminist, queer, postcolonial, or cultural studies frameworks. This new series is a forum for the investigation and analysis of the contested terrain between culture, gender, and sexuality. Titles in the series can include, but are not limited to, (re)theorizations of gender in relation to, or its constitution through, sexuality, race, dass, or culture, studies of sexuality and sexual identity that produce new understandings of gender, or new inquiries into culture, broadly defined, that raise competting implications for the ways in which we think about gender and sexuality in the contemporary social world. Of particular interest are manuscripts that cirtique and/or broaden traditional constructions of gender and take into account sexuality, race, dass, or the pressures of other constitutive categories, analyze nonwestern literary and cultural representations of gender and their relationship to sexuality, especially in postcolonial contexts, and theorize transgender from feminist, queer, postcolonial, or cultural studies frameworks.

    8 publications

  • The Age of Revolution and Romanticism

    Interdisciplinary Studies

    This series publishes and promotes significant works concerned with a crucial period in European cultural and literary history: from the Enlightenment to the post-revolutionary era. The emphasis is on studies that transcend traditional boundaries between disciplines and that focus on interactions of literature, art, philosophy and politics. This series publishes and promotes significant works concerned with a crucial period in European cultural and literary history: from the Enlightenment to the post-revolutionary era. The emphasis is on studies that transcend traditional boundaries between disciplines and that focus on interactions of literature, art, philosophy and politics. This series publishes and promotes significant works concerned with a crucial period in European cultural and literary history: from the Enlightenment to the post-revolutionary era. The emphasis is on studies that transcend traditional boundaries between disciplines and that focus on interactions of literature, art, philosophy and politics.

    32 publications

  • Occasional Papers in Swiss Studies

    ISSN: 1423-9825

    The Centre for Swiss Cultural Studies in the Department of Modem Languages at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow (GB) was set up in 1996, formalising a long tradition of publication, research and teaching irr Swiss studies there. As part of the expansion of activities in publishing and in creating outlets for scholarly work, it was decided to launch a series, Occasional Papers in Swiss Studies. lt is envisaged that each volume of the series, which will appear at intervals of about a year, will bring together approximately six essays relating to a single theme and written by scholars in the field of Swiss studies. lt is the aim of the editors to select themes which have a contemporary dimension and, whilst the majority of the essays will have a literary focus, each number will contain at least one essay by a scholar in a discipline such as history or cultural studies. lt is hoped that the series will both present aspects of Swiss culture and contribute to general debate on matters Swiss. The Centre for Swiss Cultural Studies in the Department of Modem Languages at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow (GB) was set up in 1996, formalising a long tradition of publication, research and teaching irr Swiss studies there. As part of the expansion of activities in publishing and in creating outlets for scholarly work, it was decided to launch a series, Occasional Papers in Swiss Studies. lt is envisaged that each volume of the series, which will appear at intervals of about a year, will bring together approximately six essays relating to a single theme and written by scholars in the field of Swiss studies. lt is the aim of the editors to select themes which have a contemporary dimension and, whilst the majority of the essays will have a literary focus, each number will contain at least one essay by a scholar in a discipline such as history or cultural studies. lt is hoped that the series will both present aspects of Swiss culture and contribute to general debate on matters Swiss. The Centre for Swiss Cultural Studies in the Department of Modem Languages at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow (GB) was set up in 1996, formalising a long tradition of publication, research and teaching irr Swiss studies there. As part of the expansion of activities in publishing and in creating outlets for scholarly work, it was decided to launch a series, Occasional Papers in Swiss Studies. lt is envisaged that each volume of the series, which will appear at intervals of about a year, will bring together approximately six essays relating to a single theme and written by scholars in the field of Swiss studies. lt is the aim of the editors to select themes which have a contemporary dimension and, whilst the majority of the essays will have a literary focus, each number will contain at least one essay by a scholar in a discipline such as history or cultural studies. lt is hoped that the series will both present aspects of Swiss culture and contribute to general debate on matters Swiss.

    5 publications

  • Criminal Humanities & Forensic Semiotics

    This series publishes monographs, anthologies, annotated literary editions, and comparative studies that critically engage the humanities as a locus for the study of criminal offending, criminal investigation, deviance, penology, and deterrence, as well as the epistemology of justice. We are especially interested in submissions with a strong interdisciplinary orientation and which lie at the crossroads of theory and practice. In other words, this series is foremost concerned with using artistic, literary, and multimedia texts, situations, and other products of the strictly non-investigative world as vehicles for exploring long-standing social and procedural issues of interest to both academia and the general public. By engaging a wide readership encompassing both scholars and practitioners, it is the intent of this series to breathe new life into the humanities and cultural studies, not to further alienate or obfuscate the scholarship done in these disciplines. For this reason, collaborations between authors representing academic institutions and those working in both private and public knowledge sectors, including government and specialized areas of law enforcement, are encouraged to collaborate with respect to this project. The series will publish studies and anthologies that explore the connection between fictional writing, movies, music, traditional electronic media, the Internet, and other domains of popular culture and how they have influenced the perception of crime and criminality. The synergy that exists between real crime (reality) and imagined criminality as manifesting itself through representations in writing and media is the primary focus of the series. We also welcome submissions that draw on any number of semiotic, linguistic, and comparative literature traditions, particularly those espousing new approaches to these fields and which allow key concepts to be unpacked within the framework of the criminal justice system, the forensic sciences, or other professions or institutions that serve the public interest.

    5 publications

  • Contemporary Studies in Descriptive Linguistics

    This series provides an outlet for academic monographs which offer a recent and original contribution to linguistics and which are within the descriptive tradition. While the monographs demonstrate their debt to contemporary linguistic thought, the series does not impose limitations in terms of methodology or genre, and does not support a particular linguistic school. Rather the series welcomes new and innovative research that contributes to furthering the understanding of the description of language. The topics of the monographs are scholarly and represent the cutting edge for their particular fields, but are also accessible to researchers outside the specific disciplines. Contemporary Studies in Descriptive Linguistics is based at the School of English, University of St Andrews. The Literary and Cultural Stylistics subseries aims to explore the intersection of descriptive linguistics with the disciplines of literature and culture. The techniques of stylistic analysis offer a way of approaching texts both literary and non-literary as well as all forms of cultural communication. The subseries offers a home for this research, where literary criticism meets linguistics and where cultural studies meets communication. It welcomes a wide range of data sets and methodologies, with the intention that every book in the subseries makes a new contribution to the disciplines that support them.

    63 publications

  • Modern Poetry

    ISSN: 1661-2744

    The Modern Poetry series brings together scholarly work on modern and contemporary poetry. As well as examining the sometimes neglected art of recent poetry, this series also sets modern poetry in the context of poetic history and in the context of other literary and artistic disciplines. Poetry has traditionally been considered the highest of the arts, but in our own time the scholarly tendency to treat literature as discourse or document sometimes threatens to obscure its specific vitalities. The Modern Poetry series aims to provide a platform for the full range of scholarly work on modern poetry, including work with an intercultural or interdisciplinary methodology. We invite submissions on all aspects of modern and contemporary poetry in English, and will also consider work on poetry in other language traditions. The series is non-dogmatic in its approach, and includes both mainstream and marginal topics. We are especially interested in work which brings new intellectual impetus to recognised areas (such as feminist poetry and linguistically innovative poetry) and also in work that makes a stimulating case for areas which are neglected.

    12 publications

  • Histories of Religious Pluralism

    ISSN: 2632-3257

    This new book series will show that a critical understanding of religious pluralism in the past is of vital significance to debates about identity, diversity, and co-existence in the present. Studies will focus on using a historical perspective to address one of three key themes in the period between 1500 and 2000 CE: intra-religious pluralism; inter-religious pluralism; or, religion, secularism, and the nation state. Within this frame of reference, constructive contrasts between a wide range of foci, approaches, and viewpoints will be keenly encouraged. The series will champion established lines of research in political, social, cultural, and gendered histories of religious pluralism – e.g. studies on liberty, persecution, and toleration – whilst also encouraging novel ways of transcending a scholarly discourse which is dominated by ideologies and methodologies derived from the social sciences – e.g. by studies on the theological and literary dimensions of conflict, cohesion, and community. The series will embrace scholarship on subjects from any part of the world. European and extra-European perspectives that complement traditional Anglo-American thinking are particularly welcome. As the ‘global turn’ continues to energize new types of enquiry, the series will also seek to advance studies of indigenous and displaced religious groups. With this scope there is a reflexive acknowledgement that the rationale for and defining concepts of the series are grounded in a ‘western’ intellectual tradition; however, this should serve as a challenge to prospective authors to pioneer new dialogues between ‘western’ and ‘non-western’ approaches and foci, or even surpass the dichotomy altogether. An emphasis will be given to promoting the best research of early career scholars from around the world, whilst also giving more established academics the opportunity to develop their multimedia policy-orientated work – e.g. podcasts, blogs, talks, press briefings, reports for thinktanks, governments, and public agencies etc. – into a book that would engage peers and students alike. In association with Cambridge Institute on Religion and International Studies

    3 publications

  • Ralahine Utopian Studies

    Ralahine Utopian Studies is the publishing project of the Ralahine Centre for Utopian Studies at the University of Limerick in association with the University of Bologna, the University of Cyprus, the University of Florida and the University of Maine. The series publishes high-quality scholarship that addresses the theory and practice of utopianism (including Anglophone, continental European and indigenous and postcolonial traditions, and contemporary and historical periods). Publications (in English and other European languages) include original monographs and essay collections (including theoretical, textual and ethnographic/institutional research), English-language translations of utopian scholarship in other national languages, reissues of classic scholarly works that are out of print and annotated editions of original utopian literary and other texts (including translations). While the series editors seek work that engages with the current scholarship and debates in the field of utopian studies, they will not privilege any particular critical or theoretical orientation. They welcome submissions by established or emerging scholars working within or outside the academy. Given the multilingual and interdisciplinary remit of the series, the editors especially welcome comparative studies in any disciplinary or transdisciplinary framework.

    39 publications

  • Studies in Classical Literature and Culture

    ISSN: 2196-9779

    The series explores a wide range of topics within classical studies concentrating on Greek and Latin language, ancient literature and culture as well as its reception. It includes monographs, collections of articles and critical editions presented by scholars from around the world and aims to bring together modern approaches like literary theory and cultural studies with traditional philology represented by textual criticism. Encouraging an interdisciplinary point of view it aims at giving a comprehensive picture of new trends and recent achievements in classics.

    21 publications

  • Studies in East Asian Literatures and Cultures

    Until the publication of volume 6, the series was edited by prof. Barbara Michalak-Pikulska, and the title of the series was "Studies in Oriental Culture and Literature". The series aims to present contemporary research in the fields of Literary and Culture Studies encompassing the Chinese, Korean, Japanese cultural spheres, and the geographic area of Mainland China and Taiwan, Korean Peninsula, and Japan. Topics of interest include classical and contemporary literature, languages and writing systems, research on historical and modern East Asian cultures, as well as cross-cultural and comparative studies of the region. Of special interest are topics transgressing the traditional boundaries of Sinology, Korean, and Japanese Studies, presenting original, interdisciplinary perspectives. The series welcomes monographs and thematic collective volumes by scholars from around the world. The language of the series is English.

    8 publications

  • MUSE: Munich Studies in English

    Münchener Schriften zur Englischen Philologie

    ISSN: 2364-088X

    Combining traditional strengths with an openness to innovation, this series offers monographs and essay collections ranging from studies in historical linguistics to analyses of Early Modern literature and beyond, as well as scholarly editions of medieval English and relevant Latin texts. Reflecting LMU Munich's strong track record in sound philological research, it is also open to literary and cultural studies – and to submissions from outside Munich. Its languages are English and German. The series was formerly known as Münchener Universitätsschriften. Die Reihe kombiniert traditionelle Stärken mit innovativer Öffnung: Sie bietet Monographien und Sammelbände, die thematisch von historischer Linguistik bis zur Literatur der frühen Neuzeit und darüberhinaus reichen, aber auch Editionen englischer mediävistischer oder einschlägiger lateinischer Texte. Der eingeführte Reihentitel stellt auf die anerkannte Stärke der Münchener anglistischen Philologie ab, doch ausdrücklich sind auch literatur- und kulturwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen willkommen – ebenso wie Arbeiten von außerhalb Münchens. Die Reihe erscheint in deutscher und englischer Sprache. Die Reihe wurde bisher unter dem Titel Münchener Universitätsschriften geführt.

    10 publications

  • Masculinity Studies

    Literary and Cultural Representations

    ISSN: 2161-2692

    In line with the latest trends within masculinity scholarship, the books in this series deal with representations of masculinities in culture, in general, and literature, in particular. The aim of this series is twofold. On the one hand, it focuses on studies that question traditionally normative representations of masculinities. On the other, it seeks to highlight new alternative representations of manhood, looking for more egalitarian models of manhood in and through literature and culture. Besides literary representations, the series is open to studies of masculinity in cinema, theatre, music, as well as all kinds of artistic and visual representations.

    11 publications

  • Studies in Modern Poetry

    This series brings together book-length works on particular modern poets and twentieth-century movements as well as comparative and theoretical studies. Works in the series seek to explore the contributions of twentieth-century poets beyond the well-known major figures of Modernism such as Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot, in the belief that modern poetry is characterized by its variety, richness and scope. The series focuses on books which compare poetic projects from different national and linguistic traditions or explore the interconnections between poetic expression and the other arts. Authors whose critical approaches utilize contemporary literary theory and/or multicultural perspectives are especially encouraged to consider this series. Languages of the poetry studied include, but are not limited to, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish, though the texts should be written in English and addressed to readers beyond strictly national or disciplinary boundaries.

    18 publications

  • Contextualising Literature and Media

    ISSN: 2627-0684

    The series was founded and edited by prof. Dorota Filipczak (1963–2021) until the publication of volume 2. The aim of the series is to introduce new, incisive analyses of literature and media in different cultural contexts. The series will focus on the phenomena that are inderdisciplinary and dissolve the boundary between literature and media such as film, music video, computer games etc. The idea behind the series is to show how our traditional understanding of literature can be transformed by the cultural, social and technological contexts. The successive studies will be informed by the scholarly background of contemporary literary theory and media studies, while seeking to relate literature and media to the challenges of contemporary world. The books published in the series will bridge the gap between diverse discourses and involve different fields of study, e.g. philosophy, gender studies, cultural studies etc.

    4 publications

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