La gestion du personnel au Crédit lyonnais de 1863 à 1939
Une fonction en devenir (genèse, maturation et rationalisation)©2007 Monographs -
René Kalisky, une poétique de la répétition
©2007 Monographs -
Black Women’s Narratives of NHS Work-Based Learning: An Ethnodrama
The Difference between Rhetoric and Lived Experience©2019 Monographs -
Ten Dollars in My Pocket
The American Education of a Holocaust Survivor- A Memoir in Documents©2006 Monographs -
Pathways to Paul Celan
A History of Critical Responses as a Chorus of Discordant Voices©1995 Monographs -
Experience in the Early Thought of George Tyrrell
Human, Religious, Christian, Catholic©2022 Monographs -
Miron Białoszewski: Radical Quest Beyond Dualisms
©2012 Thesis -
John Updike’s Human Comedy
Comic Morality in "The Centaur</I> and the "Rabbit</I> Novels©2005 Monographs -
Patristic Studies
This is a series of monographs designed to provide access to research at the cutting-edge of current Patristic Studies. Particular attention will be given to the development of Christian theology during the first five centuries of the Church and to the different types of Biblical interpretation which the Fathers used. Each study will engage with modern discussion of the theme being treated, but will also break new ground in original textual research. In exceptional cases, a volume may consist of the critical edition of a text, with notes and references, as well as a translation. Revised doctoral dissertations may also be published, though the main focus of the series will be on more mature research and reflection. This is a series of monographs designed to provide access to research at the cutting-edge of current Patristic Studies. Particular attention will be given to the development of Christian theology during the first five centuries of the Church and to the different types of Biblical interpretation which the Fathers used. Each study will engage with modern discussion of the theme being treated, but will also break new ground in original textual research. In exceptional cases, a volume may consist of the critical edition of a text, with notes and references, as well as a translation. Revised doctoral dissertations may also be published, though the main focus of the series will be on more mature research and reflection. This is a series of monographs designed to provide access to research at the cutting-edge of current Patristic Studies. Particular attention will be given to the development of Christian theology during the first five centuries of the Church and to the different types of Biblical interpretation which the Fathers used. Each study will engage with modern discussion of the theme being treated, but will also break new ground in original textual research. In exceptional cases, a volume may consist of the critical edition of a text, with notes and references, as well as a translation. Revised doctoral dissertations may also be published, though the main focus of the series will be on more mature research and reflection.
8 publications
Protestantism as a worldwide renewal movement from 1945 until today
Panoramic survey©2022 Monographs -
Child Second Language Development in Immersion Education
A Study on Generic Determiner Phrases in L2 German and L2 French©2022 Thesis -
Aspects of David Adams Richards’ Fictional World
©2022 Monographs -
Freedom Freed by Hope
A Conversation with Johann B. Metz and William F. Lynch on the ‘Identity Crisis’ in the West©2021 Monographs -
CALL for Background
©2021 Edited Collection -
Death in children's literature and cinema, and its translation
©2020 Edited Collection -
Security Dilemmas and Challenges in 21st Century Asia
©2020 Edited Collection