374 results
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  • Title: The End of Suharto’s New Order in Indonesia

    The End of Suharto’s New Order in Indonesia

    by Resy Canonica-Walangitang (Author)
    ©2003 Thesis
  • Title: Sustainability Creates New Prosperity

    Sustainability Creates New Prosperity

    Basis for a New World Order, New Economics and Environmental Protection- Review by Members of The Club of Rome and International Experts
    by Karin Feiler (Volume editor)
    ©2004 Others
  • Title: Joining New Congregations – Motives, Ways and Consequences

    Joining New Congregations – Motives, Ways and Consequences

    A Comparative Study of New Congregations in a Norwegian Folk Church Context and a Thai Minority Context
    by Morten Sandland (Author) 2014
    ©2014 Thesis
  • Title: À la recherche d’un nouvel ordre monétaire mondial / In Search of a New World Monetary Order

    À la recherche d’un nouvel ordre monétaire mondial / In Search of a New World Monetary Order

    Actes du colloque du centenaire de Robert Triffin (1911-1993) / Proceedings of a conference to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Robert Triffin (1911-1993)
    by Jean-Claude Koeune (Volume editor) Alexandre Lamfalussy (Volume editor) 2012
    ©2013 Conference proceedings
  • New International Insights/Nouveaux Regards sur l’International

    ISSN: 1780-5414

    In tribute to the late founder of the collection, Eric Remacle, the editors have proposed to call this book series New International Insights. The novelty thus pursued consists of inviting prospective authors also to view the situations, case-studies and dynamics they analyse and conceptualise as innovative in an increasingly multipolar world order, more than as a mere continuation of past evolutions and theories. This is the approach characterising the editors' own research. Over a quarter of a century after the end of the cold war, Eurasian as well as Transatlantic, African, Asian-Pacific and pan-American constant innovations question most analytical conclusions almost as soon as they are reached. Yet, there is a need for theory. Examples would exceed the scope of this short presentation but a worthwhile illustration can be suggested: the turning point whereby an already innovative, sino-postsoviet Asia has proven capable, while still in its affirmative stage, to engage South Asia and construct a China-Russia-India triangle that offsets or even jeopardises most existing visions of Asia, notably neo-realist ones. Traditional visions thus yield to contemporary uncertainties. While non-State actors are still causing States to wither, withdraw or falter, new transnational and even transcontinental constructions are bringing States back in, however much around different objectives: logistical and commercial, while military cooperation appears a dated and questionable form of security enforcement. New International Insights aims at balancing book publications among authors of all intellectual origins, western as well as eastern, northern as well as southern. Only in this manner can it hope to take the vision of its early founders one step further. A post-modern world needs post-western epistemology in order to wield its new meaning. Manuscripts in political science and social sciences are encouraged for submission, preferably in English, not exceeding 650 000 signs. En hommage au fondateur de l’ancienne collection Regards sur l’international, Eric REMACLE, les éditeurs ont proposé de le renommer New International Insights. Leur objectif consiste à inviter les auteurs potentiels à considérer les situations, les études de cas et les dynamiques qu'ils souhaitent analyser et conceptualiser comme innovantes dans un ordre mondial de plus en plus multipolaire, plus que comme une simple continuation des évolutions et des théories passées. C'est l'approche qui caractérise les propres recherches des éditeurs. Plus d'un quart de siècle après la fin de la guerre froide, les innovations constantes eurasiennes, transatlantiques, africaines, asiatiques-pacifiques et panaméricaines remettent en question les conclusions les plus analytiques presque aussitôt qu'elles ont été formulées. Pourtant, il y a un besoin de théorie. Les exemples dépasseraient le cadre de cette brève présentation, mais une illustration valable peut être suggérée: le tournant par lequel une Asie sino-post-soviétique déjà innovante s'est révélée capable, tout en étant au stade de sa première affirmation, d’engager l'Asie du Sud et de construire une relation triangulaire Chine-Russie-India qui bouscule, voire remet en question la plupart des visions existantes de l’Asie, notamment les visions néoréalistes. Les visions traditionnelles cèdent ainsi aux incertitudes contemporaines. Alors que les acteurs non-étatiques provoquent toujours le recul, le retrait ou le trébuchement des États, de nouvelles constructions trans-nationales et même trans-continentales, font « revenir » les États, même si c’est autour d’objectifs différents: logistiques et commerciaux, tandis que la coopération militaire apparaît comme une forme datée et remise en question de mise en œuvre de la sécurité . New International Insights vise à équilibrer les publications de livres d'auteurs de toutes origines intellectuelles, occidentales et orientales, d’auteurs du Nord et du Sud. Ce n’est qu’ainsi que l’on pourra espérer faire avancer la vision de ses premiers fondateurs. Un monde post-moderne a besoin d’une épistémologie post-occidentale pour dévoiler sa nouvelle signification. Les manuscrits en science politique et en sciences sociales sont invités à être soumis, de préférence en anglais, n'excédant pas 650 000 signes, notes et annexes comprises. In tribute to the late founder of the collection, Eric Remacle, the editors have proposed to call this book series New International Insights. The novelty thus pursued consists of inviting prospective authors also to view the situations, case-studies and dynamics they analyse and conceptualise as innovative in an increasingly multipolar world order, more than as a mere continuation of past evolutions and theories. This is the approach characterising the editors' own research. Over a quarter of a century after the end of the cold war, Eurasian as well as Transatlantic, African, Asian-Pacific and pan-American constant innovations question most analytical conclusions almost as soon as they are reached. Yet, there is a need for theory. Examples would exceed the scope of this short presentation but a worthwhile illustration can be suggested: the turning point whereby an already innovative, sino-postsoviet Asia has proven capable, while still in its affirmative stage, to engage South Asia and construct a China-Russia-India triangle that offsets or even jeopardises most existing visions of Asia, notably neo-realist ones. Traditional visions thus yield to contemporary uncertainties. While non-State actors are still causing States to wither, withdraw or falter, new transnational and even transcontinental constructions are bringing States back in, however much around different objectives: logistical and commercial, while military cooperation appears a dated and questionable form of security enforcement. New International Insights aims at balancing book publications among authors of all intellectual origins, western as well as eastern, northern as well as southern. Only in this manner can it hope to take the vision of its early founders one step further. A post-modern world needs post-western epistemology in order to wield its new meaning. Manuscripts in political science and social sciences are encouraged for submission, preferably in English, not exceeding 650 000 signs.

    19 publications

  • Title: Restored Order

    Restored Order

    Subordination and Freedom in 1 Peter
    by Steve Carter (Author) 2021
    ©2021 Monographs
  • Title: New Literacies, New Agencies?

    New Literacies, New Agencies?

    A Brazilian Perspective on Mindsets, Digital Practices and Tools for Social Action In and Out of School
    by Eduardo S. Junqueira (Volume editor) Marcelo E.K. Buzato (Volume editor) 2013
    ©2014 Monographs
  • Title: Security Challenges at the Dawn of a New International Order

    Security Challenges at the Dawn of a New International Order

    by Stanisław Sulowski (Volume editor) 2023
    ©2023 Edited Collection
  • Title: A Short Guide to the New Silk Road

    A Short Guide to the New Silk Road

    by Adam Nobis (Author) 2018
    ©2018 Monographs
  • Title: The Protection of Fundamental Rights in the Legal Order of the European Union

    The Protection of Fundamental Rights in the Legal Order of the European Union

    With Emphasis on the Institutional Protection of those Rights
    by Manfred A. Dauses (Author)
    ©2010 Others
  • Title: Competition, Coordination, Social Order

    Competition, Coordination, Social Order

    Responsible Business, Civil Society, and Government in an Open Society
    by Jacek Giedrojć (Author) 2017
    ©2017 Monographs
  • Title: Order Flow Analyses and Foreign Exchange Dealing

    Order Flow Analyses and Foreign Exchange Dealing

    by Alexander Mende (Author)
    ©2005 Thesis
  • Title: Emerging New Voices in Critical Animal Studies

    Emerging New Voices in Critical Animal Studies

    Vegan Studies for Total Liberation
    by Nathan Poirier (Volume editor) Anthony J. Nocella II (Volume editor) Annie Bernatchez (Volume editor) 2022
    ©2022 Textbook
  • Title: New Cartographies, Nomadic Methodologies

    New Cartographies, Nomadic Methodologies

    Contemporary Arts, Culture and Politics in Ireland
    by Anne Goarzin (Volume editor) Maria Parsons (Volume editor) 2020
    ©2020 Monographs
  • Title: Researching New Literacies

    Researching New Literacies

    Design, Theory, and Data in Sociocultural Investigation
    by Michele Knobel (Volume editor) Colin Lankshear (Volume editor) 2018
    ©2017 Textbook
  • Title: Translated Children’s Fiction in New Zealand

    Translated Children’s Fiction in New Zealand

    History, Conditions of Production, Case Studies
    by Anne Siebeck (Author) 2014
    ©2014 Thesis
  • Title: The New Television Ecosystem

    The New Television Ecosystem

    by Alberto Abruzzese (Volume editor) Nello Barile (Volume editor) Julian Gebhardt (Volume editor) Jane Vincent (Volume editor) 2012
    ©2013 Edited Collection
  • Title: Towards a Normal Stratification Order

    Towards a Normal Stratification Order

    Actual and Perceived Social Stratification in Post-Socialist Estonia
    by Ellu Saar (Volume editor) 2012
    ©2011 Edited Collection
  • Title: The Greek Imperative Mood in the New Testament

    The Greek Imperative Mood in the New Testament

    A Cognitive and Communicative Approach
    by Joseph D. Fantin (Author) 2011
    ©2010 Monographs
  • Title: Time, Space and Order

    Time, Space and Order

    The Making of Medieval Salisbury
    by Christian Frost (Author)
    ©2009 Monographs
  • Title: New Media Technology and Motion Pictures

    New Media Technology and Motion Pictures

    by Daniel S. Hunt (Volume editor) 2024
    ©2024 Textbook
  • Title: Innovation Ecosystems in the New Economic Era

    Innovation Ecosystems in the New Economic Era

    Digital Revolution and Ecological Transition
    by Laurent Adatto (Volume editor) Camille* AOUINAÏT (Volume editor) Son Thi Kim LE (Volume editor) Michelle Mongo (Volume editor) 2023
    ©2023 Edited Collection
  • Title: Old Paths and New Ways

    Old Paths and New Ways

    Negotiating Tradition and Relevance in Liturgy
    by Robert Lilleaasen (Author) 2018
    ©2018 Monographs
  • Title: The New Pension Mix in Europe

    The New Pension Mix in Europe

    Recent Reforms, Their Distributional Effects and Political Dynamics
    by David Natali (Volume editor) 2017
    ©2017 Edited Collection
  • Title: China’s New 21st-Century Realities

    China’s New 21st-Century Realities

    Social Equity in a Time of Change
    by Richard Greggory Johnson III (Volume editor) 2016
    ©2015 Textbook
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