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  • Studies in Philosophy of Language and Linguistics

    ISSN: 2363-7242

    The series brings together contemporary research within the fields of philosophy of language and linguistics. The range of topics includes philosophical and formal investigations into the nature of language, the influence of philosophy (especially, but not exclusively, analytic) upon linguistics and the philosophical background of semantic and pragmatic theories. Other topics of interest include the influence of modern linguistic research upon philosophy, issues in linguistic methodology, linguistic and philosophical aspects of argumentation, and the interrelations between philosophy of language, philosophy of literature, and philosophy of mind. Volumes in the series should be of interest to philosophers, linguists, and researchers within the fields of logic, argumentation theory, cognitive science and communication studies. The series Studies in Philosophy of Language and Linguistics will publish quality monographs and thematic collective volumes by scholars from Poland and abroad. The language of the series is English.

    24 publications

  • Lisbon Philosophical Studies – Uses of Languages in Interdisciplinary Fields

    ISSN: 2235-641X

    Lisbon Philosophical Studies – Uses of Language in Interdisciplinary Fields is the book series of the Institute of Philosophy of Language at the New University of Lisbon. Its aim is the publication of high-quality monographs, edited collections and conference proceedings in areas related to the philosophy of language, such as aesthetics, argumentation theory, epistemology, ethics, logic, philosophy of mind and political philosophy. The purpose of the series is to reflect the activities of the Institute as well as contemporary research in these areas, encouraging the interchange of arguments and ideas between philosophy and other disciplines.

    8 publications

  • Religionswissenschaft / Studies in Comparative Religion

    ISSN: 0931-122X

    The book series "Religionswissenschaft / Studies in Comparative Religion" publishes studies in Religions of Asia in history and the present, either as monographs or edited volumes. Topics to be dealt with in the series cover local traditions and developments both of "world religions" and minority religions, geographically focussing on South, Southeast and Western Asia. Also studies in theory and methods of religion are welcome. The book series publishes books in German, English or French. The series was discontinued in December 2022. Die Reihe "Religionswissenschaft / Studies in Comparative Religion" bietet innerhalb des Gebiets der Religionswissenschaft ein Forum für die Veröffentlichung von Studien zu Religionen Asiens. Die Monographien und Sammelbände der Reihe behandeln sowohl lokale Ausformungen von Buddhismus, Hinduismus, Islam, Zoroastrismus und Christentum als auch religiöse Minderheiten in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Ein gewisser geographischer Fokus liegt dabei auf Süd-, Südost- und Westasien. Genauso bietet die Reihe aktuellen Studien zu Religionstheorie, religionswissenschaftlicher Methodik und Religionsphilosophie im internationalen Vergleich passenden Raum. Die Reihe erscheint in deutscher, englischer und französischer Sprache. Die Reihe wurde im Dezember 2022 eingestellt.

    23 publications

  • Theaomai – Studien zu den performativen Künsten

    ISSN: 1436-1981

    The Old Greek verb theaomai – looking both with the mind’s eye and the actual eye – since the very beginning of European theatre suggests a close relation between theatre and theory. Within the act of perception the spectators, theates, relate the things they hear and see to the site of their memory and psyche. Of all the arts those who reflect the process of perception in the aesthetic form itself are performative arts. This series publishes interdisciplinary studies between theatre- and media studies as well as studies on the visual arts that analyse the social and subjective potential of the aesthetic process of looking, hearing, and reading. Das altgriechische Verb theaomai – «mit dem geistigen wie konkreten Auge schauen» – legt seit den Anfängen des europäischen Theaters eine enge Beziehung von Theater und Theorie nahe. Diese wird vom Zuschauer theates über den Akt seiner Wahrnehmung geknüpft: er verbindet konkretes Hören und Sehen mit dem Schauplatz seines Gedächtnisses und seiner Psyche. Künste, die diesen Prozess des Wahrnehmens in der ästhetischen Form selbst reflektieren, somit Denken und sinnliche Teilnahme des Rezipienten fordern, um die Sinnpotentialitäten des ästhetischen Gegenstands zu realisieren, sind performative Künste. Die Reihe veröffentlicht interdisziplinäre Studien im Übergang von Theater-, Kunst- und Medienwissenschaft, die das gesellschafts- und subjektkritische Potential des Prozesses ästhetischer Zuschauer-, Hörer- oder Leserwahrnehmung untersuchen.

    12 publications

  • Studies in Communication and Politics

    ISSN: 2197-1625

    Technological development and the emergence of new notions of media and media-like services (blogs, online gaming, social networks, wikis, virtual worlds etc.) have changed the nature of communication, making it more open, personalized, fragmented and interactive. At the same a shift in paradigms in relation to traditional concepts of democracy, political communication and public participation has been observed. All of this has an impact on the functioning of contemporary societies and offers a wide range of opportunities for reexamination and redefinition of several concepts in social science. In Studies in Communication and Politics the editors are particularly interested in changing approaches to democracy, communication, political participation and media. By publishing collaborative works and monographs they aim at supporting and promoting interdisciplinary research, offering comparative approach and/or examining national factors for communication and politics development. Hence, the emphasis here is being put on the changing approaches to democracy and its institutions, political actors, electoral campaigns, as well as citizens' participation in political processes, electoral behavior, and so on. Having in mind the changing media landscape and the rise of media ecologies we also aim at investigating emerging communication and media policies, evolution of journalism culture, changing patterns of users' behavior and media innovations in the digital and multiplatform scenario. All of this when taking into account interrelations between communication and as well as the role of media in contemporary politics. The editors believe that the topic presented here will stimulate international and interdisciplinary research changes and challenges facing communication and politics today. We also hope that the wide range of approaches presented in each collection will be of interest for researchers, academic experts as well as policy makers and media professionals who might be particularly interested in taking a part in the debate on emerging theories and practices.

    23 publications

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