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  • Euroclio

    Etudes et Documents / Studies and Documents

    ISSN: 0944-2294

    «Euroclio» is a scientific and editorial project, a network of research institutions and researchers, and an ideas forum. «Euroclio» as an editorial project consists of two aspects: the first concerns studies and documents, the second concerns tools. Both are aimed at making the results of research more accessible, and also at opening up paths through the history of European construction/integration/unification. The «Euroclio» series meets a dual objective: – to provide reference tools for research, – to provide a platform for this research in terms of the publication of results. The series thus consists of two sub-series that satisfy these requirements: the «Études et Documents» (Studies and Documents) series and the «Références» (References) series. These two series are aimed at general libraries and/or university history departments, teachers and researchers, and in certain cases, specific professional circles. The «Études et Documents» series consists of monographs, collections of articles, conference proceedings, and collections of texts with notes for teaching purposes. The «Références» series consists of bibliographies, guides and other tools. It thus contributes to the creation of a database making up a «Permanent catalogue of sources and bibliographies on European construction». « Euroclio » est un projet scientifique et éditorial, un réseau d’institutions de recherche et de chercheurs, un forum d’idées. « Euroclio », en tant que projet éditorial, comprend deux versants : le premier versant concerne les études et documents, le second versant les instruments de travail. L’un et l’autre visent à rendre accessibles les résultats de la recherche, mais également à ouvrir des pistes en matière d’histoire de la construction/intégration/unification européenne. La collection « Euroclio » répond à un double objectif : offrir des instruments de travail, de référence, à la recherche ; offrir une tribune à celle-ci en termes de publication des résultats. La collection comprend donc deux séries répondant à ces exigences : la série « Études et Documents » et la série « Références ». Ces deux séries s’adressent aux bibliothèques générales et/ou départements d’histoire des universités, aux enseignants et chercheurs, et dans certains cas, à des milieux professionnels bien spécifiques. La série « Études et Document s» comprend des monographies, des recueils d’articles, des actes de colloque et des recueils de textes commentés à destination de l’enseignement. La série « Références » comprend des bibliographies, guides et autres instruments de travail, participant ainsi à la création d'une base de données constituant un « Répertoire permanent des sources et de la bibliographie relatives à la construction européenne ». «Euroclio» is a scientific and editorial project, a network of research institutions and researchers, and an ideas forum. «Euroclio» as an editorial project consists of two aspects: the first concerns studies and documents, the second concerns tools. Both are aimed at making the results of research more accessible, and also at opening up paths through the history of European construction/integration/unification. The «Euroclio» series meets a dual objective: – to provide reference tools for research, – to provide a platform for this research in terms of the publication of results. The series thus consists of two sub-series that satisfy these requirements: the «Études et Documents» (Studies and Documents) series and the «Références» (References) series. These two series are aimed at general libraries and/or university history departments, teachers and researchers, and in certain cases, specific professional circles. The «Études et Documents» series consists of monographs, collections of articles, conference proceedings, and collections of texts with notes for teaching purposes. The «Références» series consists of bibliographies, guides and other tools. It thus contributes to the creation of a database making up a «Permanent catalogue of sources and bibliographies on European construction».

    110 publications

  • Studies in Old Germanic Languages and Literature

    This series deals with the Old Germanic languages and literatures. Linguistic monographs should be concerned with descriptive, historical, or comparative grammar, or with etymology. Literary studies should be limited to the period from the earliest documents to approximately the beginnings of the Early Middle Ages or Middle High (Low) German periods. This series deals with the Old Germanic languages and literatures. Linguistic monographs should be concerned with descriptive, historical, or comparative grammar, or with etymology. Literary studies should be limited to the period from the earliest documents to approximately the beginnings of the Early Middle Ages or Middle High (Low) German periods. This series deals with the Old Germanic languages and literatures. Linguistic monographs should be concerned with descriptive, historical, or comparative grammar, or with etymology. Literary studies should be limited to the period from the earliest documents to approximately the beginnings of the Early Middle Ages or Middle High (Low) German periods.

    8 publications

  • Studies in Italian Culture

    Literature in History

    This series welcomes well-documented studies of any aspect of Italian literature set in the historical context of relevant social and/or cultural conditions. Comparative explorations of interdisciplinary relationships contributing to a fuller interpretation of literary values and meanings within a national or international framework will be included. This series welcomes well-documented studies of any aspect of Italian literature set in the historical context of relevant social and/or cultural conditions. Comparative explorations of interdisciplinary relationships contributing to a fuller interpretation of literary values and meanings within a national or international framework will be included. This series welcomes well-documented studies of any aspect of Italian literature set in the historical context of relevant social and/or cultural conditions. Comparative explorations of interdisciplinary relationships contributing to a fuller interpretation of literary values and meanings within a national or international framework will be included.

    30 publications

  • Outre-Mers

    ISSN: 2034-8428

    Contrary to certain preconceptions concerning globalisation, the phenomenon is not a recent one. In the past, many regions around the world have been incorporated into a dominant social and economic system at varying rates and to varying degrees. Their history has also become the history of Europe for which these regions have become so many “Overseas”. This collection is open in part to works dedicated to these Overseas regions and in part to works on their relationships with Europe. The aim of the collection is to bring together works concentrating rather on cross-perspectives than readings based on radical, generally univocal confrontations. Alongside these monographs and collective research works, the collection also makes room for the publication of documents and work tools designed not only to contribute to changing these problems but also to make it easier to exploit as yet unknown or little known sources. Michel Dumoulin (Université Catholique de Louvain) and Patricia Van Schuylenbergh (Royal Museum for Central Africa and Université Catholique de Louvain) are managing the collection with the help of an editorial committee. Malgré certaines idées reçues au sujet de la globalisation, celle-ci ne constitue pas un phénomène récent. Au fil du temps, les différentes parties du monde ont été intégrées, selon des rythmes et une amplitude variant de l’une à l’autre, à un système économique et social dominant. L’histoire de ces régions est aussi devenue celle de l’Europe pour laquelle elles sont devenues autant d’Outre-Mers. C’est aux travaux consacrés à ces Outre-Mers, d’une part ; aux rapports qu’ils ont entretenus avec l’Europe, d’autre part, que cette collection est ouverte dans le souci d’accueillir des approches privilégiant les regards croisés plutôt que les lectures fondées sur des confrontations radicales le plus souvent univoques. Au côté de monographies et résultats de recherches collectives, la collection ménage une place aux éditions de documents et aux instruments de travail destinés à contribuer au renouvellement des problématiques mais aussi à faciliter l’exploitation de sources peu ou pas encore connues. La collection est placée sous la direction de Michel Dumoulin (Université catholique de Louvain) et Patricia Van Schuylenbergh (Musée royal de l’Afrique centrale et Université catholique de Louvain) secondés par un comité éditorial.

    10 publications

  • Canadiana

    Literaturen/Kulturen, Literatures/Cultures, Littératures/Cultures

    The collection will offer a platform for the presentation of research-works in Canadian Studies, a discipline of increasing interest. New developments in the Studies of Literature, Culture and Media shall be documented in the new collection. The specific character of Canadianess creates a major interest for intercultural, multicultural and transcultural aspects. This fact will have an impact not only on the basic research fields, but also on epistemological dimensions. In this collection, research works to Canadian issues will be published in German, English or French, with abstracts in the other two languages. Editors’ Homepage: Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Ertler Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Klooß La présente collection cherche à fournir une plate-forme aux travaux de recherche portant sur les Etudes canadiennes, dont l'importance ne cesse d'augmenter. Elle servira de documentation des nouveaux développements en recherches sur les littératures, les cultures et les médias. Par le caractère particulier de la canadianité, les aspects interculturels, multiculturels et transculturels y connaîtront une dimension particulière, ce qui aura des conséquences non seulement aux objets de la recherche, mais aussi aux questions épistémologiques. Dans notre collection, les recherches sur les sujets canadiens seront publiées en allemand, anglais ou français, avec des résumés dans les deux autres langues respectives. Page d'accueil des éditeurs: Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Ertler Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Klooß Die Reihe versteht sich als Plattform für Forschungsarbeiten aus dem Bereich der Kanada-Studien, deren Bedeutung in den letzten Jahren ständig zugenommen hat. Neuere Entwicklungen in den Literatur-, Kultur- und Medienwissenschaften sollen hier dokumentiert werden. Durch den spezifischen Charakter des Kanadischen kommt den interkulturellen, multikulturellen und transkulturellen Aspekten eine besondere Bedeutung zu, was sich nicht nur auf die untersuchten Zusammenhänge, sondern auch auf die epistemologische Dimension auswirkt. In dieser Reihe werden die Untersuchungen zu kanadischen Themen in deutscher, englischer oder französischer Sprache mit abstracts in den jeweils anderen Sprachen veröffentlicht. Homepage der Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Ertler Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Klooß

    21 publications

  • L’Allemagne dans les relations internationales / Deutschland in den internationalen Beziehungen

    ISSN: 2034-4929

    Située au cœur de l’Europe, l’Allemagne occupe une position clé sur la scène internationale et représente un enjeu majeur pour ses voisins. C’est pourquoi cette collection entend rassembler des études portant sur la ou les Allemagnes dans ses rapports aux Autres du début du XXe siècle à aujourd’hui. Collection d’histoire et de relations internationales ouvertes aux disciplines proches à démarche historique, elle rassemble des ouvrages analysant les évolutions inter- et transnationales entre les États et les sociétés. Elle est ouverte aux approches comparées, croisées, connectées et aux processus d’échanges dans les champs politique, culturel, économique, scientifique, sociétal ou mémoriel. La collection s’articule principalement autour de monographies et d’ouvrages collectifs, éventuellement de l’édition scientifique de documents. Une attention spéciale sera accordée aux travaux des jeunes chercheurs et aux projets menés dans le cadre de coopérations franco-allemandes ou multilatérales. Les ouvrages s’adressent aux enseignants, chercheurs et étudiants, mais aussi à toutes celles et ceux qui s’intéressent à l’Allemagne contemporaine. Im Herzen Europas nimmt Deutschland eine Schlüsselstellung auf der internationalen Bühne ein und stellt zugleich eine Herausforderung für seine Nachbarn dar. Aus diesem Grund sollen in dieser Buchreihe Studien zu den Beziehungen zwischen Deutschland bzw. den beiden deutschen Staaten und anderen Staaten von Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts bis heute herausgegeben werden. Diese Buchreihe konzentriert sich auf Themen aus dem Bereich Geschichte und internationale Beziehungen, ist jedoch auch offen für Nachbardisziplinen mit historischem Ansatz. Sie will Antworten auf Fragen nach inter- und transnationalen Beziehungen zwischen Staaten und Gesellschaften geben und fühlt sich den interaktionellen Ansätzen (Vergleich, Transfer, Verflechtung, Beziehung, Austausch) auf den Feldern Politik, Kultur, Wirtschaft, Politik, Wissenschaft, Gesellschaft und Erinnerung verpflichtet. Vorgesehen sind in dieser Reihe Monographien, Sammelbände und gegebenenfalls auch Quelleneditionen. Besondere Berücksichtigung finden Studien von Nachwuchsforschern und Arbeiten, die aus deutsch-französischen bzw. multilateralen Projekten hervorgegangen sind. Die Reihe richtet sich damit an Lehrende, Forscher und Studenten, aber vor allem an alle jene, die sich für das heutige Deutschland und seine Geschichte interessieren.

    19 publications

  • Federalism

    ISSN: 2294-6969

    The book series «Federalism», run by the Centro Studi sul Federalismo/Centre for Studies on Federalism (CSF), aims to disseminate knowledge in the field of studies on federalism, as well as to feed the academic and public debate and support the activity of decision-makers, confronted with demands for autonomy by local governments, along with forms of regional and world integration needed to govern global processes. The CSF is a think tank that carries out activities of interdisciplinary research, documentation, information regarding domestic and supra-national federalism, developments in the area of regional and continental integration first and foremost the European Union and problems related to the world order and the process of democratisation of the international system. The CSF has been founded under the auspices of the Compagnia di San Paolo and the Universities of Turin, Pavia and Milan.

    18 publications

  • Beiträge zur Pädagogischen und Rehabilitationspsychologie. Studies in Educational and Rehabilitation Psychology

    ISSN: 1865-083X

    The book series Contributions to Educational and Rehabilitation Psychology has been published since 2010 with the aim of documenting new scientific approaches and topical trends from the highly differentiated fields of educational and rehabilitative psychology. The previous main topics were related to basic phenomena of memory and learning, new learning methods which can be used in school lessons and rehabilitative training, learning and adjustment disorders as well as coping with traumatic experiences e.g., after severe natural disasters, such as the 2004 tsunami in South-East Asia. The monographs and anthologies are edited by certified psychologist, Prof. Dr. Evelin Witruk in German and English. Die Reihe Beiträge zur Pädagogischen und Rehabilitationspsychologie erscheint seit 2010 mit dem Ziel, neue wissenschaftliche Zugänge und aktuelle Trends aus den weit verzweigten Gebieten der Pädagogischen Psychologie und der Rehabilitationspsychologie zu dokumentieren. Schwerpunkte liegen auf Basisphänomenen von Gedächtnis und Lernen, neuen Lernmethoden, die in Unterricht und Rehabilitation Anwendung finden können, Lern- und Anpassungsstörungen sowie der Verarbeitung traumatischer Erlebnisse, z. B. nach schweren Naturkatastrophen wie dem Tsunami 2004 in Südostasien. Die Monographien und Sammelbände werden von Frau Diplompsychologin, Prof. Dr. Evelin Witruk in deutscher und englischer Sprache herausgegeben.

    10 publications

  • Global Studies in Education

    "Global Studies in Education is a book series that address the implications of the powerful dynamics associated with globalization for re-conceptualizing educational theory, policy and practice. The general orientation of the series is inter-disciplinary. It welcomes conceptual, empirical and critical studies that explore the dynamics of the rapidly changing global processes, connectivities and imagination, and how these are reshaping issues of knowledge creation and management and economic and political institutions, leading to new social identities and cultural formations associated with education. Scholars have sought to use the term “globalization” to summarize dynamic processes now being expressed in the intensification and movement of cultural and economic capital across national borders, the acceleration of mass migration, and the amplification and proliferation of images generated in the Internet and in electronic mediation generally. These processes are now fully articulated to the organization of knowledge in educational institutions and the social and cultural environments in which both school youth and educators now operate. However, there is no settlement or general agreement, nor is there a developed literature, about how globalization processes function in the institutional terrain of education and how they impact the integration of social subjects into contemporary institutions such as the school. This new series therefore aims to provide a venue for rigorous interdisciplinary research that seeks to describe, document, theorize, and intervene in the brave new educational world defined by globalization processes. We are particularly interested in manuscripts that offer: a) new theoretical, and methodological, approaches to the study of globalization and its impact on education; b) ethnographic case studies or textual/discourse based analyses that examine the cultural identity experiences of youth and educators inside and outside of educational institutions; c) studies of education policy processes that address the impact and operation of global agencies and networks; d) analyses of the nature and scope of transnational flows of capital, people and ideas and how these are affecting educational processes; e) studies of shifts in knowledge and media formations, and how these point to new conceptions of educational processes; f) exploration of global economic, social and educational inequalities and social movements promoting ethical renewal. "

    63 publications

  • Modern Poetry

    ISSN: 1661-2744

    The Modern Poetry series brings together scholarly work on modern and contemporary poetry. As well as examining the sometimes neglected art of recent poetry, this series also sets modern poetry in the context of poetic history and in the context of other literary and artistic disciplines. Poetry has traditionally been considered the highest of the arts, but in our own time the scholarly tendency to treat literature as discourse or document sometimes threatens to obscure its specific vitalities. The Modern Poetry series aims to provide a platform for the full range of scholarly work on modern poetry, including work with an intercultural or interdisciplinary methodology. We invite submissions on all aspects of modern and contemporary poetry in English, and will also consider work on poetry in other language traditions. The series is non-dogmatic in its approach, and includes both mainstream and marginal topics. We are especially interested in work which brings new intellectual impetus to recognised areas (such as feminist poetry and linguistically innovative poetry) and also in work that makes a stimulating case for areas which are neglected.

    12 publications

  • Teaching Critical Themes in American History

    ISSN: 2576-0718

    In the United States, the Common Core Standards, the C3 Frame-work for Social Studies Standards (NCSS), and the 10 themes of the National Curriculum Standards (NCS/NCSS) each pose challenges for teachers preparing to teach skills, content, and critical issues of American history. The problem for many middle and secondary teachers is that textbooks do not contain sufficient primary source documents and varied secondary literature linked to these stand-ards. The volumes in the Teaching Critical Themes in American His-tory fill this need by providing teachers with history content, peda-gogical strategies, and teaching resources. The series is organized around key problems/issues in American history so that teachers can select which critical topics upon which they might want to con-centrate. Middle and Secondary pre-and in-service educators will find the books in this series essential for developing and implementing American history and social studies curriculum in diverse and com-plex classrooms. Teachers will find the books in this series valuable as they search for methodologies and material that will help them address the Common Core Standards in the social sciences and his-tory. Community College history instructors can also find the books in this series helpful as supplementary texts in their U.S. history survey courses. The practical—not to mention exciting—implementation of perspectives offered in each title is a key fea-ture of this series. This series will address topics such as the formation of the Ameri-can Republic, the problem of slavery in America, causes of the Civil War, emancipation and reconstruction, America’s response to in-dustrialization, the New Deal, the fight for Civil Rights, and more. The Series Editors invite proposals for edited volumes in American history and social studies, along with articles and lesson plans for both the topics above, and other topics of the series.

    9 publications

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