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  • Intercultural Studies and Foreign Language Learning

    ISSN: 1663-5809

    Learning a foreign language facilitates the most intimate access one can get to the culture and society of another language community. The process of learning a foreign language always involves intercultural levels of engagement between the languages and cultures concerned. This process is also a long and arduous one which involves an enormous variety of factors. These factors are located on individual, socio-cultural and linguistic planes. They engage in a complex interplay between any elements of these more general planes and the concrete learning process of the learner. The series Intercultural Studies and Foreign Language Learning provides a forum for publishing research in this area. It publishes monographs, edited collections and volumes of primary material on any aspect of intercultural research. The series is not limited to the field of applied linguistics but also includes relevant research from linguistic anthropology, language learning pedagogy, translation studies and language philosophy.

    24 publications

  • Studies in Computer Assisted Language Learning

    ISSN: 2364-1339

    The series brings together contemporary research within the field of computer assisted language learning. The range of topics includes all areas pertaining to CALL methodology: corpora in language learning and teaching, computer mediated communication (CMC) in language pedagogy, intercultural language learning and teacher training, virtual language learning environments and management systems, digital course design, mobile learning and many others. Volumes in the series should be of interest to researchers within the fields of applied linguistics and communication studies. The series Studies in Computer Assisted Language Learning will publish monographs (including also outstanding dissertations) and thematic collective volumes by scholars from Poland and abroad. The language of the series is English.

    4 publications

  • LaCuLi. Language Culture Literacy

    In the LaCuLi. Language Culture Literacy series, studies in foreign language research and intercultural communication will be published, as well as studies in foreign-language didactics. Research on the processes of language acquisition and language teaching, with a special focus on language awareness, cultural awareness and learner perspectives, is central to the series. It focuses on empirical research in intercultural foreign didactics as well as on cultural aspects of the workplace. Multi-perspective, multi-language and multi-cultural comparative approaches are highlighted. Fields of application are comparative analyses of political speeches, news, ads and business communication in an international context, as well as in learner texts in multi-language and multi-cultural learning environments. In der Reihe LaCuLi. Language Culture Literacy erscheinen Studien zur Fremdsprachenlehr- und -lernforschung und Interkulturellen Kommunikation sowie zur Fremdsprachendidaktik. Im Zentrum stehen Forschungsergebnisse im Bereich von Spracherwerbs- und -vermittlungsprozessen mit den Schwerpunkten Language und Cultural Awareness und Lernerperspektivität, ebenso empirische Untersuchungen zur interkulturellen Fremdsprachendidaktik sowie zu kulturellen Aspekten des Arbeitsplatzes. Im Fokus stehen mehrperspektivisch, mehrsprachig und mehrkulturell vergleichende Herangehensweisen. Anwendungsfelder sind vergleichende Analysen von politischen Reden, Nachrichten, Werbetexten und Businesskommunikation im internationalen Kontext sowie von Lernertexten in mehrsprachigen und multikulturellen Lernumgebungen.

    20 publications

  • Nordeuropäische Arbeiten zur Literatur, Sprache und Kultur / Northern European Studies in Literature, Language and Culture

    ISSN: 2196-9760

    The object of these interdisciplinary series is above all studies from the Nordic countries which deal with questions in the field of literary, linguistic and cultural studies. Special emphasis is placed on phenomena of interculturality and transculturality respectively as well as on aspects of the teaching and learning of other languages. Against this background these series at the same time aim to close a gap between theory and practical use. Gegenstand der interdisziplinär angelegten Reihe sind Arbeiten vor allem aus den nordischen Ländern, die sich mit literatur-, sprach- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen beschäftigen. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt auf Phänomenen der Inter- bzw. Transkulturalität sowie auf Aspekten des Lehrens und Lernens anderer Sprachen. Vor diesem Hintergrund versteht die Reihe sich zugleich als Brückenschlag zwischen Theorie und Praxis.

    22 publications

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