5 results
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  • Title: Interdisciplinarity and Languages

    Interdisciplinarity and Languages

    Current Issues in Research, Teaching, Professional Applications and ICT
    by Francisca Antonia Suau Jiménez (Volume editor) Barry Pennock Speck (Volume editor) 2011
    ©2011 Edited Collection
  • Title: Advanced E-Business Research

    Advanced E-Business Research

    International Trends & Issues
    by Stephan Böhm (Volume editor) Werner Quint (Volume editor) Peter Winzer (Volume editor) 2017
    ©2017 Edited Collection
  • Title: Controlling im E-Business

    Controlling im E-Business

    Rückkehr zur Rationalität
    by Wolfgang Berens (Volume editor) Walter Schmitting (Volume editor) 2018
    ©2004 Edited Collection
  • Title: Informatics and Management

    Informatics and Management

    Selected Topics
    by Joze Florjancic (Volume editor) Karl Pütz (Volume editor)
    ©2004 Edited Collection
  • Title: Development by Free Trade? Développement à travers le libre-échange?

    Development by Free Trade? Développement à travers le libre-échange?

    The Impact of the European Unions’ Neoliberal Agenda on the North African Countries Les enjeux de l’agenda néolibéral de l’Union européenne pour les pays de l’Afrique du Nord
    by Gisela Baumgratz (Volume editor) Khaled Chaabane (Volume editor) Werner Ruf (Volume editor) Wilfried Telkämper (Volume editor) 2017
    ©2017 Edited Collection
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