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  • Russian and East European Studies in Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Culture

    This series treats such issues as art es a social phenomenon, categories of aesthetic analysis, social origins of taste, mathematical aspects of aesthetic analysis, and the material basis of cultural change. Contributors include distinguished scholars from Russia and other East European countries. This series treats such issues as art es a social phenomenon, categories of aesthetic analysis, social origins of taste, mathematical aspects of aesthetic analysis, and the material basis of cultural change. Contributors include distinguished scholars from Russia and other East European countries. This series treats such issues as art es a social phenomenon, categories of aesthetic analysis, social origins of taste, mathematical aspects of aesthetic analysis, and the material basis of cultural change. Contributors include distinguished scholars from Russia and other East European countries.

    3 publications

  • Title: Sankirtos- Studies in Russian and Eastern European Literature, Society and Culture

    Sankirtos- Studies in Russian and Eastern European Literature, Society and Culture

    In Honor of Tomas Venclova
    by Robert Bird (Volume editor) Lazar Fleishman (Volume editor) Fedor B. Poljakov (Volume editor)
    ©2008 Others
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