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  • Beyond Humanism: Trans- and Posthumanism / Jenseits des Humanismus: Trans- und Posthumanismus

    Humanism, which is characterized by the special status of human beings within the world, i.e. human beings do not differ gradually but categorically from other natural beings, is in a crisis. It gets attacked from various directions. Basically, it is possible to distinguish two main movements which try to transcend Humanism: Trans- and Posthumanism. In the book series Beyond Humanism: Trans- and Posthumanism / Jenseits des Humanismus: Trans- und Posthumanismus, monographs and essay collections will be published which discuss aspects of this range of topics historically or systematically. Editor Dr. Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, Institut für Geschichte und Ethik der Medizin, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Editor’s Homepage: www.sorgner.de. From 1st January 2016 employed as an associate professor of philosophy at the John Cabot University in Rome. Editorial Board Members: Prof. Dr. H. James Birx, Anthropology, Canisus College, SUNY Geneseo, USA Prof. Dr. Irina Deretic, Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia Dr. James J. Hughes, Sociology, Executive Director, Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies Lecturer, Public Policy Studies, Trinity College, Associate Editor, Journal of Evolution and Technology, USA Prof. Dr. Andy Miah, Ethics and Emerging Technologies, University of the West of Scotland, a Fellow of FACT, the Foundation for Art and Creative Technology (Liverpool), and a Fellow of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (USA) Prof. Dr. Domna Pastourmatzi, American Literature, University of Thessaloniki, Greece Prof. Dr. Evi Sampanikou, Art History, University of the Aegean, Greece Der Humanismus, der durch die Sonderstellung des Menschen in der Welt gekennzeichnet ist, d.h. der Mensch unterscheidet sich nicht graduell, sondern kategorisch von anderen natürlichen Wesen, befindet sich in einer Krise. Er wird aus verschiedenen Richtungen attackiert. Grundsätzlich kann man zwei Hauptströmungen feststellen, die sich darum bemühen, den Humanismus zu überwinden, den Trans- und den Posthumanismus. Im Rahmen der Buchreihe Beyond Humanism: Trans- and Posthumanism / Jenseits des Humanismus: Trans- und Posthumanismus sollen Monographien und Sammelbände erscheinen, die Aspekte dieses Themenspektrums entweder historisch oder systematisch erörtern. Editor Dr. Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, Institut für Geschichte und Ethik der Medizin, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Homepage des Herausgebers: www.sorgner.de. Ab 1. Januar 2016 als Associate Professor für Philosophie an der John Cabot University in Rom angestellt. Editorial Board Mitglieder: Prof. Dr. H. James Birx, Anthropology, Canisus College, SUNY Geneseo, USA Prof. Dr. Irina Deretic, Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia Dr. James J. Hughes, Sociology, Executive Director, Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies Lecturer, Public Policy Studies, Trinity College, Associate Editor, Journal of Evolution and Technology, USA Prof. Dr. Andy Miah, Ethics and Emerging Technologies, University of the West of Scotland, a Fellow of FACT, the Foundation for Art and Creative Technology (Liverpool), and a Fellow of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (USA) Prof. Dr. Domna Pastourmatzi, American Literature, University of Thessaloniki, Greece Prof. Dr. Evi Sampanikou, Art History, University of the Aegean, Greece

    9 publications

  • Praktische Philosophie Kontrovers / Practical Philosophy controversial / Philosophie pratique en controverse

    The series “Practical Philosophy controversial” publishes studies from the disciplines of political philosophy, theoretical ethics, and applied ethics. It is a philosophical forum which seeks to make a contribution to contemporary controversies and debates surrounding societal challenges. Books are invited to explore the problematic tensions in ethical decision-making and acting in the context of new possibilities opening up in the wake of developments especially resulting from the intertwinement of medicine, technology, and biology, and the global context of responsibility. Book proposals are welcome and may be submitted to the editor Prof. Dr. Christina Schües. Editor’s website: Prof. Dr. Christina Schües Prior to publication, the quality of the work published in this series is reviewed by the editor. La collection « Philosophie pratique en controverse » propose des études de philosophie politique, de théorie éthique et d'éthique appliquée. Elle s'entend comme un forum dont le but est la participation aux débats d'idées et aux controverses de notre temps et la discussion de défis sociétaux dans des perspectives philosophiques. Les controverses en question résultent de situations critiques de décision et d'action notamment par rapport à certaines possibilités médicales, technologiques et biologiques et dans le contexte de rapports globaux de responsabilité. Les manuscrits peuvent être adressés à la directrice de la collection, Prof. Dr. Christina Schües. Le site Internet de la directice de collection est le suivant: Prof. Dr. Christina Schües La qualité des travaux à paraître dans la collection est examinée avant la publication par la directrice de collection. In der Reihe „Praktische Philosophie kontrovers“ werden Studien aus der politischen Philosophie, der theoretischen Ethik und den Bereichsethiken publiziert. Sie versteht sich als Forum zur Teilnahme an kontroversen Gegenwartsdebatten und zur Diskussion gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen aus philosophischen Perspektiven. Kontroversen ergeben sich aus spannungsreichen Entscheidungs- und Handlungskonstellationen im Zusammenhang u.a. medizinischer, technologischer und biologischer Möglichkeiten sowie im Kontext globaler Verantwortungszusammenhänge. Manuskriptvorschläge können an die Herausgeberin Prof. Dr. Christina Schües gerichtet werden. Homepage der Herausgeberin: Prof. Dr. Christina Schües Die Qualität der in dieser Reihe erscheinenden Arbeiten wird vor der Publikation durch die Herausgeberin der Reihe geprüft.

    7 publications

  • Studies on Culture, Technology and Education

    ISSN: 2196-5129

    Studies on Culture, Technology and Education explores intersections and entanglements of the cultural studies, science and technology studies, contemporary philosophy and the studies on education. The series aims to promote new reflexive and critical approaches in contemporary humanities and social sciences. New concepts, new perspectives and accounts, and surprising theoretical events, they all are important aspects of the series. The series presents contemporary research in the interdisciplinary perspective in form of monographs and collected volumes. The publication language of the series is English and German. The series was formerly known as Comparative Studies on Education, Culture and Technology / Vergleichende Studien zur Bildung, Kultur und Technik and was edited by Tomasz Stępień. From vol. 8 onwards, it continues as Studies on Culture, Technology and Education and is edited by Krzysztof Abriszewski.

    11 publications

  • Dresden Philosophy of Technology Studies / Dresdner Studien zur Philosophie der Technologie

    In der interdisziplinären Schriftenreihe “Dresden Philosophy of Technology Studies / Dresdner Studien zur Philosophie der Technologie“ werden aktuelle Diskussionen aus dem Bereich der Philosophie und Geschichtswissenschaft publiziert. Dabei liegt das Interesse auf der Bedeutung des technischen Fortschritts für die kulturelle Identität einer Gesellschaft und der Auseinandersetzung mit Mensch und Technologie aus einer philosophischen Perspektive. Der Reihenherausgeber Bernhard Irrgang ist Professor für Technikphilosophie. In der interdisziplinären Schriftenreihe “Dresden Philosophy of Technology Studies / Dresdner Studien zur Philosophie der Technologie“ werden aktuelle Diskussionen aus dem Bereich der Philosophie und Geschichtswissenschaft publiziert. Dabei liegt das Interesse auf der Bedeutung des technischen Fortschritts für die kulturelle Identität einer Gesellschaft und der Auseinandersetzung mit Mensch und Technologie aus einer philosophischen Perspektive. Der Reihenherausgeber Bernhard Irrgang ist Professor für Technikphilosophie. In der interdisziplinären Schriftenreihe “Dresden Philosophy of Technology Studies / Dresdner Studien zur Philosophie der Technologie“ werden aktuelle Diskussionen aus dem Bereich der Philosophie und Geschichtswissenschaft publiziert. Dabei liegt das Interesse auf der Bedeutung des technischen Fortschritts für die kulturelle Identität einer Gesellschaft und der Auseinandersetzung mit Mensch und Technologie aus einer philosophischen Perspektive. Der Reihenherausgeber Bernhard Irrgang ist Professor für Technikphilosophie.

    5 publications

  • Australian Studies: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

    This interdisciplinary book series showcases dynamic, innovative research on contemporary and historical Australian culture. It aims to foster interventions in established debates on Australia as well as opening up new areas of enquiry that reflect the diversity of interests in the scholarly community. The series includes research in a range of fields across the humanities and social sciences, such as history, literature, media, philosophy, cultural studies, gender studies and politics. Proposals are encouraged in areas such as Indigenous studies, critical race and whiteness studies, women'Â’s studies, studies in colonialism and coloniality, multiculturalism, the experimental humanities and ecocriticism. Of particular interest is research that promotes the study of Australia in cross-cultural, transnational and comparative contexts. Cross-disciplinarity and new methodologies are welcomed. The series will feature the work of leading authors but also invites proposals from emerging scholars. Proposals for monographs, biographies and high-quality edited volumes are welcomed. Proposals and manuscripts considered for the series will be subject to rigorous peer review and editorial attention. The series is affiliated with the International Australian Studies Association (www.inasa.org). Please see their website for information about applying to the ECR Publication Subsidy Scheme. Editorial Board: Dr Victoria Herche (University of Cologne), Dr Sukhmani Khorana (Western Sydney University), Associate Professor Shino Konishi (Australian Catholic University), Associate Professor Jeanine Leane (University of Melbourne), Associate Professor Alana Lentin (Western Sydney University), Professor Martin Nakata (James Cook University), Dr BJ Newton (University of New South Wales, Australia), Associate Professor Marguerite Nolan (Australian Catholic University), Dr Andonis Piperoglou (Griffith University), Associate Professor Emily Potter (Deakin University), Professor Noah Riseman (Australian Catholic University), Dr Jessa Rogers (Queensland University of Technology), Dr Liza-Mare Syron (University of New South Wales), Dr Anthea Taylor (University of Sydney), Dr Daniella Trimboli (Deakin University), Dr Daozhi Xu (Macquarie University).

    8 publications

  • Post-Anthropocentric Inquiry

    In recent years, critical researchers, educators, and activists have become aware of the problems and limitations that have resulted by placing the ‘human’ at the center of all societal conceptualizations, concerns, and practices. Across fields, ranging from medical research laboratory practices—to the construction of the humanities—to the social sciences—to environmental studies (just to name a few), this anthropocentric focus is being called to question. The goal of this book series is to provide scholars and readers with critical opportunities to contest this anthropocentrism, (1) by creating a textual field of Post-Anthropocentric Inquiry that generates critical spaces for (re)thinking philosophies, knowledges, and ways of being/living and performing, as well as methodologies and inquiries, that decenter the human, (2) while at the same time attempting always/already to actively transform inequities and injustices performed by human privilege on nonhuman others, traditionally disqualified human others, and the natural world more broadly. This Post-Anthropocentric Inquiry can represent difference and the multiple, while at the same time exploring and welcoming notions of indistinction. Work that further develops and expands current notions of becoming (animal, earth), new feminist materialisms, critical posthuman sensibilities, hybrid existences (past and present) are example locations from which an intersectional, non-anthropocentric politics may emerge. Additionally, post-anthropocentric inquiry and activism will always include the unthought, not-yet-considered modes of living, thinking, research while critically acknowledging that alternatives can create new dualisms, new forms of human privilege, and are not always liberatory for those labeled not human or for those human beings who have traditionally been marginalized. Further, post-anthropocentric scholarship acknowledges, and attempts to (1) transform, the current post-anthropocentric predicament that facilitates neoliberal capitalism as all forms of life, matter, and relations have been/are constructed to serve market economies, and (2) examine the unprecedented human/nonhuman interaction with the increasingly intrusive and intimate technological order. Post-anthropocentric inquiry is necessary as related to these contemporary aggressive, and all-encompassing post-human conditions. Single or multiple authored manuscripts are encouraged that facilitate the development of Post-Anthropocentric Inquiry by addressing one issue, multiple issues, research purposes, methodologies, and/or forms of activism. Over a wide range of volumes that cross disciplines, the series will address broad issues, as mentioned above, and questions like the following: What is post-anthropocentric inquiry? What is made possible, enabled by post-anthropocentric approaches and research methodologies? How is post-anthropocentric research conducted without (re)privileging the human? How does the work in fields that would decenter the human, like critical animal studies, intersect with professional content and practices in fields like education or medicine? How can coalitions be formed (and actions taken) that decenter the human and increase possibilities for all forms of justice, while countering capitalist and technological orders that devalue all forms of life? Interested authors should contact Gaile S. Cannella, gaile.cannella@gmail.com

    2 publications

  • Contextualising Literature and Media

    ISSN: 2627-0684

    The series was founded and edited by prof. Dorota Filipczak (1963–2021) until the publication of volume 2. The aim of the series is to introduce new, incisive analyses of literature and media in different cultural contexts. The series will focus on the phenomena that are inderdisciplinary and dissolve the boundary between literature and media such as film, music video, computer games etc. The idea behind the series is to show how our traditional understanding of literature can be transformed by the cultural, social and technological contexts. The successive studies will be informed by the scholarly background of contemporary literary theory and media studies, while seeking to relate literature and media to the challenges of contemporary world. The books published in the series will bridge the gap between diverse discourses and involve different fields of study, e.g. philosophy, gender studies, cultural studies etc.

    4 publications

  • San Francisco State University Series in Philosophy

    ISSN: 1067-0017

    This series is designed to encourage philosophers to explore new directions of research in philosophy. The underlying premise of the series is that contemporary philosophical research is impeded by an understanding of the intellectual division of labor according to which philosophy is conceived of as separate from the natural and social sciences, the arts and humanistic disciplines. Science is impoverished by the neglect of immediate attention to the metaphysical and moral questions posed by scientific developments. The arts and humanistic disciplines are also impoverished by a lack of sufficient attention to the philosophical implication of innovation in each of these areas. Philosophy for its part is in danger of grinding away on outdated problems posed by the scientific and artistic developments of past centuries. The usual remedy for this situation, inter-disciplinary work, typically falls far short of the needed re-integration of philosophy, the sciences, the arts and humanistic disciplines. The pressing problems of contemporary civilization, particularly the problems that concern the relationship between science, technology and ethical and political values, we believe, can only be adequately explored by a re-integration of philosophy with other fields. This series seeks to call attention to itself by meeting high standards of scholarship and producing work of unquestionable merit. Works in this series should contribute to the re-integration of philosophy with the natural and social sciences, technology, the arts or humanities by challenging philosophical preconceptions that block the re-integration of philosophy with other disciplines. This series is designed to encourage philosophers to explore new directions of research in philosophy. The underlying premise of the series is that contemporary philosophical research is impeded by an understanding of the intellectual division of labor according to which philosophy is conceived of as separate from the natural and social sciences, the arts and humanistic disciplines. Science is impoverished by the neglect of immediate attention to the metaphysical and moral questions posed by scientific developments. The arts and humanistic disciplines are also impoverished by a lack of sufficient attention to the philosophical implication of innovation in each of these areas. Philosophy for its part is in danger of grinding away on outdated problems posed by the scientific and artistic developments of past centuries. The usual remedy for this situation, inter-disciplinary work, typically falls far short of the needed re-integration of philosophy, the sciences, the arts and humanistic disciplines. The pressing problems of contemporary civilization, particularly the problems that concern the relationship between science, technology and ethical and political values, we believe, can only be adequately explored by a re-integration of philosophy with other fields. This series seeks to call attention to itself by meeting high standards of scholarship and producing work of unquestionable merit. Works in this series should contribute to the re-integration of philosophy with the natural and social sciences, technology, the arts or humanities by challenging philosophical preconceptions that block the re-integration of philosophy with other disciplines. This series is designed to encourage philosophers to explore new directions of research in philosophy. The underlying premise of the series is that contemporary philosophical research is impeded by an understanding of the intellectual division of labor according to which philosophy is conceived of as separate from the natural and social sciences, the arts and humanistic disciplines. Science is impoverished by the neglect of immediate attention to the metaphysical and moral questions posed by scientific developments. The arts and humanistic disciplines are also impoverished by a lack of sufficient attention to the philosophical implication of innovation in each of these areas. Philosophy for its part is in danger of grinding away on outdated problems posed by the scientific and artistic developments of past centuries. The usual remedy for this situation, inter-disciplinary work, typically falls far short of the needed re-integration of philosophy, the sciences, the arts and humanistic disciplines. The pressing problems of contemporary civilization, particularly the problems that concern the relationship between science, technology and ethical and political values, we believe, can only be adequately explored by a re-integration of philosophy with other fields. This series seeks to call attention to itself by meeting high standards of scholarship and producing work of unquestionable merit. Works in this series should contribute to the re-integration of philosophy with the natural and social sciences, technology, the arts or humanities by challenging philosophical preconceptions that block the re-integration of philosophy with other disciplines.

    9 publications

  • Eruptions: New Feminism Across the Disciplines

    ISSN: 1091-8590

    This is a series of red-hot women's writing after the "isms." lt focuses on new cultural assemblages that are emerging from the deformation, breakout, ebullience, and discomfort of postmodern feminism. The series brings together a post-foundational generation of women's writing that, while still respectful of the idea of situated knowledge, does not rely on neat disciplinary distinctions and stable political coalitions. This writing transcends some of the more awkward textual performances of a first generation of "ferninism-meets-postmodernism" scholarship. lt has come to terms with its own body of knowledge as shifty, inflammatory, and ungovernable, The aim of the series is to make this cutting edge thinking more readily available to undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers and new academics, and professional bodies and practitioners. Thus, we seek contributions from writers whose unruly scholastic projects are expressed in texts that are accessible and seductive to a wider academic readership. Proposals and/or manuscripts are invited from the domains of: "post" humanities, human movement studies, sexualities, media studies, literary criticism, information technologies, history of ideas, performing arts, gay and lesbian studies, cultural studies, post-colonial studies, pedagogics, social psychology, and the philosophy of science. We are particularly interested in publishing research and scholarship with international appeal from Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. This is a series of red-hot women's writing after the "isms." lt focuses on new cultural assemblages that are emerging from the deformation, breakout, ebullience, and discomfort of postmodern feminism. The series brings together a post-foundational generation of women's writing that, while still respectful of the idea of situated knowledge, does not rely on neat disciplinary distinctions and stable political coalitions. This writing transcends some of the more awkward textual performances of a first generation of "ferninism-meets-postmodernism" scholarship. lt has come to terms with its own body of knowledge as shifty, inflammatory, and ungovernable, The aim of the series is to make this cutting edge thinking more readily available to undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers and new academics, and professional bodies and practitioners. Thus, we seek contributions from writers whose unruly scholastic projects are expressed in texts that are accessible and seductive to a wider academic readership. Proposals and/or manuscripts are invited from the domains of: "post" humanities, human movement studies, sexualities, media studies, literary criticism, information technologies, history of ideas, performing arts, gay and lesbian studies, cultural studies, post-colonial studies, pedagogics, social psychology, and the philosophy of science. We are particularly interested in publishing research and scholarship with international appeal from Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. This is a series of red-hot women's writing after the "isms." lt focuses on new cultural assemblages that are emerging from the deformation, breakout, ebullience, and discomfort of postmodern feminism. The series brings together a post-foundational generation of women's writing that, while still respectful of the idea of situated knowledge, does not rely on neat disciplinary distinctions and stable political coalitions. This writing transcends some of the more awkward textual performances of a first generation of "ferninism-meets-postmodernism" scholarship. lt has come to terms with its own body of knowledge as shifty, inflammatory, and ungovernable. The aim of the series is to make this cutting edge thinking more readily available to undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers and new academics, and professional bodies and practitioners. Thus, we seek contributions from writers whose unruly scholastic projects are expressed in texts that are accessible and seductive to a wider academic readership. Proposals and/or manuscripts are invited from the domains of: "post" humanities, human movement studies, sexualities, media studies, literary criticism, information technologies, history of ideas, performing arts, gay and lesbian studies, cultural studies, post-colonial studies, pedagogics, social psychology, and the philosophy of science. We are particularly interested in publishing research and scholarship with international appeal from Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom.

    16 publications

  • Management in Digital Times

    ISSN: 2699-3511

    All of us are exposed to endangering environmental threats, socio-demographic, and exponential technological changes. The last financial crises of 2008 coupled with rising calls for a more just distribution of wealth undermine dominating for ages neoliberal models of the economy. In most parts of the world, the managers are the ones who have to find their answers on how to cope with these challenges. The current book series is meant especially for students of management, MBA programs, and proactive managers who are looking for evidence-based knowledge delivered in intangible form. Authors of diversified professional backgrounds and geographical perspectives are invited to enrich the series with their reflective insights. Therefore the wide range of underlying scientific disciplines is to be represented, from the economy, management through social sciences to philosophy.

    3 publications

  • Vampire Studies: New Perspectives on the Undead

    ISSN: 2977-0718

    Vampires are everywhere. Appearing on streaming services, in book series and on multimedia platforms, vampires and the undead are an integral part of popular culture in the twenty-first century. But vampires have a long and varied history across cultures from at least the early eighteenth century onwards. Nina Auerbach once commented on their cultural ubiquity: ‘Every age embraces the vampire it needs, and gets the vampire it deserves’. The inherently transformative properties of vampires have made them uniquely able to reflect the age in which they appear. As a result, they provide original and multiple perspectives, not just on culture, but on established and emerging areas of study. Vampires and the undead serve as a useful lens for exploring Indigeneity, environmental studies and the ecogothic; identity, ethnicity and gender politics; material culture, spectatorship and fan cultures; hybridity, post-humanism and futurities; disability, mental health and ageing studies; and theology, philosophy and politics. These new territories and methodologies of vampire studies also retroactively shift the ways we view and understand earlier iterations of the undead and the different cultures they materialized from. In this first book series dedicated to vampire studies, authors will explore the ongoing evolution of vampires and the undead in the broadest sense – including the supernatural, super-human and non-human, and across cultures, histories and media – and will use new theoretical frameworks to offer original and innovative readings of established and more recent texts. This original series aims to provide a focused hub for the diverse and often dispersed body of study that sees the vampire and the undead not as a subgenre of other categories such as the Gothic or horror, but as a genre in its own right that intersects with others. An important dimension of the series is diversity and the inclusion of multiple cultural and minority perspectives, including LGBTQ+, disability, Indigeneity, and any approaches that encourage new ways of viewing the cultural impact of vampires and the undead and widen our understanding of an ever-expanding genre. Proposals for monographs and edited collections are warmly invited. All projects undergo rigorous peer review. Please contact the series editor, Simon Bacon (baconetti@googlemail.com), or editorial@peterlang.com for more information. Editorial Board: Stacey Abbott (Birkbeck, University of London), Katarzyna Ancuta (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand), Uzoamaka Melissa Anyiwo (University of Scranton, USA), John Edgar Browning (Savannah College of Art and Design, USA), S. Brooke Cameron (Queen's University, Canada), Sir Christopher Frayling, Tabish Khair (University of Aarhus, Denmark), Lorna Piatti-Farnell (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand), Xavier Aldana Reyes (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK), Cristina Santos (Brock University, Canada), Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock (Central Michigan University, USA), Laura Westengard (City University of New York).

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