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Illustrated Latin-Language Histories of St. Stephen’s Kingdom (1488–1700)©2016 Monographs -
The Poetics of Sight
©2015 Monographs -
The Glass Veil: Seven Adventures in Wonderland
©2015 Monographs -
The Doppelgänger
©2016 Edited Collection -
Metaphoricity of Conventionalized Diegetic Images in Comics
A Study in Multimodal Cognitive Linguistics©2017 Monographs -
Time and Vision Machines in Thomas Pynchon’s Novels
©2019 Monographs -
Translation Today: Applied Translation Studies in Focus
©2019 Edited Collection -
Iain Sinclair, London and the Photographic
The Significance of the Visual Medium for the Writer’s Prose©2018 Monographs -
Visual Techniques Applied in Social Research
©2020 Edited Collection -
Texts, Images, Practices
Contemporary Perspectives on American, British and Polish Cultures©2021 Edited Collection -
Pirandello in un mondo globalizzato 2
Iconografie pirandelliane. Immagini e cultura visiva nell’opera di Luigi Pirandello©2020 Edited Collection -
Photoecological Conditions of Human Visual Attention in Transport
Theory and Research©2020 Monographs -
A.S. Byatt’s Art of Memory
©2020 Thesis -
In the Beginning was the Image: The Omnipresence of Pictures
Time, Truth, Tradition©2016 Edited Collection