26 results
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  • Title: Critical Education and Sociomaterial Practice

    Critical Education and Sociomaterial Practice

    Narration, Place, and the Social
    by Marcia McKenzie (Author) Andrew Bieler (Author) 2016
    ©2016 Textbook
  • Title: Climate Change in Africa

    Climate Change in Africa

    Social and Political Impacts, Conflicts, and Strategies
    by Bettina Engels (Volume editor) Kristina Dietz (Volume editor) 2018
    ©2018 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Leadership, Equity, and Social Justice in American Higher Education

    Leadership, Equity, and Social Justice in American Higher Education

    A Reader
    by C.P. Gause (Volume editor) 2017
    ©2017 Textbook
  • Title: Media and Transnational Climate Justice

    Media and Transnational Climate Justice

    Indigenous Activism and Climate Politics
    by Anna Roosvall (Author) Matthew Tegelberg (Author) 2018
    ©2018 Textbook
  • Title: Special Schools, Inclusion, and Justice

    Special Schools, Inclusion, and Justice

    by Trish McMenamin (Author) 2018
    ©2018 Monographs
  • Title: Environmental Activism and the Media

    Environmental Activism and the Media

    The Politics of Protest
    by Maxine Newlands (Author) 2018
    ©2018 Textbook
  • Title: Whole Language Teaching, Whole-Hearted Practice

    Whole Language Teaching, Whole-Hearted Practice

    Looking Back, Looking Forward
    by Monica Taylor (Volume editor)
    ©2007 Textbook
  • Title: Occupy Education

    Occupy Education

    Living and Learning Sustainability
    by Tina Lynn Evans (Author)
    ©2012 Textbook
  • Title: Éthique chrétienne et bien commun

    Éthique chrétienne et bien commun

    Vers une justice globale et un futur équitable face à l'impact du changement climatique
    by Alain Boubag (Author) 2019
    ©2019 Thesis
  • Title: Legal Actions for Future Generations

    Legal Actions for Future Generations

    by Emilie Gaillard (Volume editor) David M. Forman (Volume editor) 2020
    ©2020 Edited Collection
  • Title: Critical Education and Sociomaterial Practice

    Critical Education and Sociomaterial Practice

    Narration, Place, and the Social
    by Marcia McKenzie (Author) Andrew Bieler (Author)
    ©2016 Textbook
  • Title: Why Love Matters

    Why Love Matters

    Values in Governance
    by Scherto Gill (Volume editor) David Cadman (Volume editor) 2016
    ©2016 Textbook
  • Title: Anabaptist ReMix

    Anabaptist ReMix

    Varieties of Cultural Engagement in North America
    by Lauren Friesen (Volume editor) Dennis R. Koehn (Volume editor) 2022
    ©2022 Monographs
  • Title: At the Center of All Possibilities

    At the Center of All Possibilities

    Transforming Education for Our Children’s Future
    by Doug Selwyn (Volume editor) 2022
    ©2022 Textbook
  • Title: Climate Adaptation and Resilience: Challenges and Potential Solutions

    Climate Adaptation and Resilience: Challenges and Potential Solutions

    Anticipatory Governance, Planning and Dialogue
    by Pascaline Gaborit (Author) 2022
    ©2022 Edited Collection
  • Title: Critical Pedagogy and Emancipation

    Critical Pedagogy and Emancipation

    A Festschrift in Memory of Joyce Canaan
    by Stephen Cowden (Volume editor) Gordon Asher (Volume editor) Shirin Housee (Volume editor) Maisuria Alpesh (Volume editor) 2022
    ©2022 Edited Collection
  • Title: Postsecondary Leaders’ Thoughts on Diversity and Inclusion

    Postsecondary Leaders’ Thoughts on Diversity and Inclusion

    Now What?
    by Maroro Zinyemba (Author) 2023
    ©2023 Textbook
  • Title: Between Complicity and Integrity

    Between Complicity and Integrity

    Educators’ Stories in Tangled Times
    by Nora Timmerman (Author) 2023
    ©2023 Textbook
  • Title: For the Love of Nature

    For the Love of Nature

    Ecowriting the World
    by Jeff Share (Volume editor) 2024
    ©2024 Textbook
  • Title: Environmentality, Sustainability, and Chinese Storytelling
  • Title: Narratives of the Virocene: a visual ethnography with basis on the film

    Narratives of the Virocene: a visual ethnography with basis on the film

    by Weiwei YE (Author) Maximiliano E. KORSTANJE (Author)
  • Title: Die Effektivität der Durchsetzung im Völkerrecht

    Die Effektivität der Durchsetzung im Völkerrecht

    Eine Untersuchung anhand des Internationalen Gerichtshofs und der Erfüllungskontrolle im Rahmen des Paris Agreement
    by Annemarie Theobald (Author)
    ©2024 Thesis
  • Title: Die Effektivität der Durchsetzung im Völkerrecht

    Die Effektivität der Durchsetzung im Völkerrecht

    Eine Untersuchung anhand des Internationalen Gerichtshofs und der Erfüllungskontrolle im Rahmen des Paris Agreement
    by Annemarie Theobald (Author)
  • Title: Terrestrial Ecotopias

    Terrestrial Ecotopias

    Multispecies Flourishing in and Beyond the Capitalocene
    by Heather Alberro (Author) 2024
    ©2024 Monographs
  • Complicated Conversation

    A Book Series of Curriculum Studies

    ISSN: 1534-2816

    Reframing the curricular challenge educators face after a decade of school deform, the books published in Peter Lang's Complicated Conversation Series testify to the ethical demands of our time, our place, our profession. What does it mean for us to teach now, in an era structured by political polarization, economic destabilization, and the prospect of climate catastrophe? Each of the books in the Complicated Conversation Series provides provocative paths, theoretical and practical, to a very different future. In this resounding series of scholarly and pedagogical interventions into the nightmare that is the present, we hear once again the sound of silence breaking, supporting us to rearticulate our pedagogical convictions in this time of terrorism, reframing curriculum as committed to the complicated conversation that is intercultural communication, self-understanding, and global justice. Reframing the curricular challenge educators face after a decade of school deform, the books published in Peter Lang's Complicated Conversation Series testify to the ethical demands of our time, our place, our profession. What does it mean for us to teach now, in an era structured by political polarization, economic destabilization, and the prospect of climate catastrophe? Each of the books in the Complicated Conversation Series provides provocative paths, theoretical and practical, to a very different future. In this resounding series of scholarly and pedagogical interventions into the nightmare that is the present, we hear once again the sound of silence breaking, supporting us to rearticulate our pedagogical convictions in this time of terrorism, reframing curriculum as committed to the complicated conversation that is intercultural communication, self-understanding, and global justice. Reframing the curricular challenge educators face after a decade of school deform, the books published in Peter Lang's Complicated Conversation Series testify to the ethical demands of our time, our place, our profession. What does it mean for us to teach now, in an era structured by political polarization, economic destabilization, and the prospect of climate catastrophe? Each of the books in the Complicated Conversation Series provides provocative paths, theoretical and practical, to a very different future. In this resounding series of scholarly and pedagogical interventions into the nightmare that is the present, we hear once again the sound of silence breaking, supporting us to rearticulate our pedagogical convictions in this time of terrorism, reframing curriculum as committed to the complicated conversation that is intercultural communication, self-understanding, and global justice.

    88 publications

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